
Sensitiveness of the head, as after violent headache (after seventeen days). The head feels as if falling off, causing straining pains at back of neck, as though the head was hanging by a piece of skin at the nape. She feels a if water-pipes were bursting in the head. Roaring and shattering in the brain, when stepping hard or knocking the foot against anything. Pinching in the head, while walking. Compression of the brain (second day).(170) Pressure, tension, and pressing in the head, as if pressed or forced asunder. Pressive headache, with ill-humor and heaviness in all the limbs. Pressure in the head (sixth day).

Pressure and heaviness in the brain (eleventh day). Pressure in the head, with weakness of the body. Pressive pain in the head (eighth day). Pressive headache at night; she could not remember where she was; everything turned around, with throbbing at the heart (after seventeen days). Violent pressive headache, in the morning, extending into the eyes, associated with violent chill, in the afternoon with nausea and weakness, so that she thought she would faint; the eyes are painful on turning them side-ways or on closing them, and when closed are still more painful to touch (eleventh day). Tearing headache. Tearing and sticking in the head, in the afternoon.(180) Tearing in the head, extending from one eye to the other (sixteenth day ). Tearing in the whole of the head, starting from the occipital protuberances and extending upward and forward over both sides of the head (eight day). Painful jerking tearing in the head (fifth day). Sudden painful tearing in the head, in the evening in bed (third day).

Tearing pain as if the head would burst, with throbbing in it, commencing at the crown, as if internal and external at the same time, with chilliness; he was obliged to lie down and tossed about in bed for four hours; relieved by binding the head tight-ly Violent tearing in the head, as if the forehead would be torn asunder (twelfth day). Painless jerks and twitchings in the head.

Jerking in the head, followed by throbbing in the right ear, in the evening on falling asleep. Jerking through the head, ending with a stiffness in the occiput, in the evening in bed. Stitches through the head (second day).(190) Stitches from within outward in the brain. Confused stitches in the head, with great depression of spirits and much peevishness (after eleven days).

Dull stitches, sometimes like tearings in the whole head, most frequent in the right frontal eminence, at 11 A.M. (fifth day).

Pulsation in the head, throbbing of the heart, and shuddering through the whole body, in the evening on falling asleep, lasting several minutes. Tearing throbbing headache, with eructations.

Forehead. Rushes of blood to the forehead. Sensation of dullness in the forehead and nose, extending into the teeth of the upper jaw (first day). Dull pain in the forehead and temples, alternating with tearing pains in the head, especially in the forehead. Violent dull headache in the right side of the forehead (first day). Headache like a heaviness in the forehead, in the morning after rising and in the afternoon (ninth day).(200) Pains in the forehead. Pains in the forehead, at noon (second day). Pain in the middle of the forehead (sixth day).

Pains drawing back and forth over the whole forehead (twelfth day). The forehead seems numb and dead. Pain in the middle of the forehead (fourth day). Headache in the left side of the forehead (fifth day). Pain in the left side of the forehead (fourth day).

Violent headache above the eyes, so that he could scarcely open them, returning after each dose (fourth day). Violent headache, especially in the middle of the forehead, worse while sitting and walking, associated with vertigo (fourth day).(210) violent pains in the forehead, with tearing pains in the forepart of the head.

Headache, consisting of a bruised pain above the eyes, so that he could scarcely open the eyes; the headache first affected the left side of the forehead, it was a sticking extending towards the other side by the eye, pressive, aggravated by opening the eyes (fourth day). Boring headache in the forehead, for many days in succession. Headache; a pressive jerking in the middle of the forehead, renewed by suddenly turning around, stooping, or talking (after ten days). Pressive frontal headache from slight mental work (after three days). Pressive pain in the forehead in the morning, a while after rising, not aggravated by motion.

Pressure in the forehead, from morning till evening. Pressure as from a heavy weight in the forehead over the eyes. Pressive pain in the forehead and eyes, as before coryza. Pressure in the forepart of the head (eighteenth day).(220) A momentary pressive pain the forehead (thirty-third day). Tearing in the frontal region (sixteenth day). Violent tearing in the forehead. Tearing headache in the forehead, extending towards the parietal bone, all day, aggravated towards evening and by motion (after thirteen days). Tearing pains in the forehead, alternating with the tearing pains in the arms (first day). Tearing pain in the forehead and on the top of the head (second day). Tearing pains in the forehead, at times extending from the forehead to the vertex (fifth day ). Tingling tearing in the head over the forehead, extending to the crown and temples (first day).

Headache at one time sticking, at another pressive, in the frontal region, extending from one side to the other (fourth day). Jerking headache in the forehead, mostly at night,.(230) Some fine stitches in the right side of the forehead, while stooping, at 9 A.M. (second day ). Headache, commencing as a stitch in the left side of the forehead and extending to the right side, pressive and tensive (soon), (sixth day). Sticking in the forehead (fifth day). Acute sticking pain in the forehead (after a few hours). Sticking pains in the forepart of the head, from 8 to 11 P.M. (fifteenth day). Sticking pain in the whole of the forehead (fourth day). Sticking and throbbing in the forehead, in the morning. Throbbing frontal headache, in the afternoon, lasting an hour. Throbbing pain in the left side of the forehead (fourth day). Pains in the sinciput (twentieth day).

(240) Pressive pain and pressing in the sinciput, especially in the forehead, and upon the eyes, greatly aggravated by motion (second day). Arthritic tearing pains in the sinciput and right temple (seventeenth day). Tearing in the sinciput, from 4 to 7 P.M. Sticking tearing pain in the sinciput, afterwards in the right temple, and ten minutes afterwards in the left (sixteenth day). Temples. Rush of blood to the right temple. Fluttering feel in both temples, and aching pain in occiput. Pain in the temples extending across the forehead and towards the vertex (tenth day).

Pain in the left temple (fourth day). Headache, especially in the right temple, extending to the vertex, tearing described as a pulling up of the scalp (fifteenth day). Pressure in both temples (twenty-first day).(250) Pressure in the temples and over the right eye, after taking a slight cold. Pressure in the right temple after a soft stool, with pressure, followed by eructations of gas (after sixteen days). Pressure in the right temple, from noon till evening (after nineteen days). Pressive pain in the left temple (fifth day). Tearing pain through the temple (first day). Tearing pains in the right temple, with various kinds of headache; tearing in the head, especially in the parietal bones, transient, aggravated by stooping and on motion (twentieth day).

Tearing in the right temple, after half an hour, in the occiput (twentieth day). Stitches in the temples. Stitches in the temples with pains, as if the head were open (fifteenth day). Sharp sticking in the right temporal region (sixteenth day).(260) Stitches in the right temple, in the evening. Sticking pain in the right temple (second day). Stitches in the left temple.

Vertex. Bruised pain on the vertex. Drawing-pressive stitches in the vertex and over the eyebrows. When coming into the dark she feels a pressure on the vertex, as if a tremendous weight were falling on it. Pressure on the crown extending into the eyes, in the evening (after eighteen days). Hard jerks like pressure in the top of the head, extending deep into the brain, in paroxysms, lasting one or two minutes. Jerking sensation like electric sparks, in the vertex (tenth day). Sticking pain in the vertex (sixteenth day). Parietals.(270) Right-sided headache (third day). Pain in the right side of the head (second day). Pressive pain in the right parietal region (sixteenth day). Tearing in the right side of the head from the occiput, upward and forward (seventh day). Sticking pains in the right side of the head and in other parts of the body, especially in the right hand (seventh day). Sensation of paralysis in the right side, of the head after coition. Headache, especially on the left side, with sticking pain (fifth day). Sickening pain in left side of head, worse from pressure or the least movement. Sticking pain in the left side of the head, frequently extending into the forehead (tenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.