Pricking and crawling in the lower part of the chest (after half an hour), (St. from Seidel). Shifting twitching in various parts of the chest (ninth day). Twitching and crawling in the upper part of the chest, especially during rest (first day). Tingling in small part of the chest (rather superficially, as if in the pleura), (after four hours). Burning drawing deep in the chest (after one hour). Burning in the chest. Shooting stitches in the chest, during inspiration, during rest (after four hours). Dull stitches at first, afterwards violent oppression in the chest, with great debility in the lower extremities, sweat and nausea (almost fainting), when walking in the open air (seventh day).

Front and Sides. The front of the thorax is painful to touch and during inspiration; early in the morning (after twenty-four hours. Violent pressure in the middle of the chest, beneath the sternum, when sitting (second day); the pressure beneath the sternum, when sitting (second day); the pressure beneath the sternum increases and descends towards the precordial region (third day). Sensation of pressure below the sternum, returning several times a day. Violent pressing-aching pain in the middle of the chest, increased during rest (first day). When bending the bend forward he feels a violent pressure under the upper part of the sternum, gradually changing into a violent colic. Slight pressure below the sternum, when sitting erect (after one hour).

Slight pricking in the middle of the chest, relieved immediately by a deep inspiration (third day). Dull stitches in the middle of the chest, at intervals (sixth to ninth day). Burning sore pain under the sternum, especially during motion, and on very deep inspiration (first and second days). Burning sensation under the sternum, extending as far as the back (after three hours). Sudden violent pain in the chest, in a small spot of the right side, when walking (second day). Clawing pain in the upper part of the right half of the chest, with dull stitches. Oppressive sensation in the left side of the chest, increasing almost to an aching pain (after two hours). A somewhat aching-boring pain about the whole left chest, especially in the region of the heart (third day). Sore pain in the left side of the chest (third and fourth days). Sore pain and stitches in the left half of the chest, in a small spot; evening (third day). Clawing pain in the left half of the chest, increased by lying on the right side (first day).

Clawing pain and pulsation in the left half of the chest, in the afternoon (fifth day). Violent burning pain in the left half of the chest, when sitting, evening (sixth day). Violent burning pain in the left side of the chest, when lying on that side, evening (third day). Intense burning pain, accompanied with frequent stitches, in the upper part of the left half of the chest, increased during rest (seventh day); (second day). Burning pain in a small spot in the left half of the chest, with disagreeable mood; afternoon (ninth day). Burning pain, with dull stitches, in a small spot in the left half of the chest, during rest (frequently the first days), (after four hours) Burning pain in the left side of the chest, with great anxiety in the chest, evening (second day). Pricking in a small spot in the left half of the chest, with walking (third day). Dull stitches in the left half of the chest, especially when sitting or lying (eighteenth day). Dull stitches under the short ribs of the left side (second day). Severe stitches, deep-seated, in a small spot of the left half of the chest, increased by cough and various motions (third and fourth days). Some sharp stitches through the left half of the chest (after one hour). Dull stitches and burning pain in the left half of the chest, when lying on the right side, evening (first day).

Heart and Pulse

The aching boring pain in the chest has become seated in the seated in the region of the heart, whence it irradiates towards the left axilla (second day). Aching pain in the region of the heart during deep inspiration (seventh day). Slight boring-aching pain in the region of the heart, which seems to be more on the outside (after a quarter of an hour). Slight pressure in the region of the heart, with oppression and difficult breathing, when walking (after three hours and a half). Violent boring pain in the region of the heart (after five hours). Violent beating of the heart, shaking the whole chest (after three-quarters of an hour). The pulse is rather hard and accelerated (80 beats), (after half an hour). Hard frequent pulse (soon). Unequal soft pulse, 82. Pulse 65 (before the experiment); 65 (in five minutes); increased in fullness and 70 (in ten minutes); 72 (in fifteen minutes); 72 (in twenty minutes); 70 (in thirty and forty minutes); 69 (in five minutes); 66 (in sixty minutes); 64 (in seventy and eighty minutes ); 65 (in ninety minutes). Pulse 65 (before the experiment); 65 (in five minutes); 76 (in ten minutes); 80 (in fifteen minutes); 82 (in twenty minutes); 84 (in twenty-five minutes);90 (in thirty and forty minutes); 82 (in fifty minutes); 80 (sixty and seventy-five minutes); 86 (in ninety and one hundred and five minutes). Pulse 68 (before the experiment); 72 (in five and ten minutes); 76 (in fifteen minutes); 78 (in twenty minutes); 80 (in thirty and forty minutes); 78 (in sixty, seventy-five, and ninety minutes); 72 (in one hundred and five and one hundred and twenty minutes); 68 (in one hundred and fifty minutes). Pulse was increased in force as well as in frequency. Pulse 72 (before the experiment); 80 (in five minutes); 88, much increased in fullness, with some irregularity (in ten minutes); 80 (in fifteen minutes); 72 (in twenty minutes); 70 (in thirty minutes); 65 (in thirty-five, sixty, and eighty minutes). Pulse 76 (before the experiment); 88 (in five and ten minutes); 92, and much increased in fullness (in fifteen minutes); 92 (in twenty minutes); 88 (in twenty-five minutes); 80 (in thirty, thirty-five and forty minutes); 78 (in fifty minutes); 72 (in sixty and seventy-five minutes); 76 (in ninety minutes). Pulse 84 (before the experiment); 84 (in ten minutes); 76 (in fifteen minutes); 73 (in twenty minutes); 70 (in thirty minutes); 68 (in thirty-five minutes);73 (in forty minutes); 76 (in fifty, sixty, seventy, and eighty minutes).

Pulse 72 (before the experiment); 78 (in five minutes); 80 (in ten minutes); 82 (in twenty minutes); 82 (in twenty minutes); 76 (in thirty minutes); 74 (in forty and fifty minutes); 82 (in twenty minutes); 76 (in twenty minutes); 74 (in forty and fifty minutes); 76 (in sixty and seventy minutes).

Back and Neck

Drawing in the cervical glands (first day). Violent burning and itching under the skin of the whole surface of the back, but especially between the scapulae (third and sixth days). Pressing pain between the scapulae, especially when stepping hard, or on other movements which concuss the chest (eighth and ninth days).

Drawing-aching pain along the base of the left scapula (after ten hours). Aching painful feeling under the shoulder blade, at indefinite periods, but more frequently in the evening, and only when sitting; continuing some weeks (tenth day). Pain in the back (after two hours and a half); (first days). Slight pressure in the region of the os sacrum (after one hour and a half).


Tensive pain in the joints, especially in the knee and ankle- joints (after two hours and a half).

Upper Limbs

Anxious starting and jerking in the upper arm, during the siesta (first day). Paralytic drawing in the left arm, from above downward (after ten minutes). Paralytic pain and drawing from the elbow to the little finger (left side), as if one had hit it violently (after half an hour). Pain, as if sprained, in the right wrist-joint (third day). Sticking, crawling, and prickling in the palms of the hands (first days). Stitches in the palm of the left hand (after four hours). Sensitively painful drawing in the finger-joints. Sensitively painful drawing in the metacarpal bone of the left thumb.

Lower Limbs

Weariness of the lower limbs (after half an hour). When turning the thigh, while standing, pain in the hip-joint, as if sprained.

Painful sensation in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints, as after a long walk (after ten hours). Bruised pain in the gluteal muscles and the thighs (first day). Bruised pain in the muscles of the left thigh, with debility of the whole body, and mental indolence (third day). Violent pressure in the right ankle. Great weariness of the feet, especially in the forenoon (third day).


Great debility, with scratching of the limbs, confusion, heaviness, and beating in the head (after one hour and a half).

Feeling of debility, even to nausea (after one hour). General feeling of debility, especially of the lower limbs (after one hour). Bodily and mental debility (first day). Weariness and frequent yawning, (the first six days). Lassitude and slight trembling of the upper extremities (after one hour and a quarter). Faintness, when walking in the open air, afternoon (sixth and seventh days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.