Dribbling of urine after urinating, especially after a stool.

Frequent micturition, at night (first day). Urine very abundant, about six times the amount he drank, and frothy. The urine has a strong odor of violets (after six minutes). Red urine (Hong.).

Red, sandy, coarse-grained sediment in the urine (fourth day), (t.). Urine red, in the evening. Urine with brick dust sediment (fifteenth day). A very small quantity of dark urine once. Urine scanty and dark.

Sexual Organs

Male. Violent erection though without voluptuous sensation, immediately on waking in the morning (third day). Renewed erections, with much itching in the urethra. In the evening while lying by his wife no erections, but the next morning on lying awake in bed erections, without sexual desire or voluptuous sensation (third day). Erections incomplete. Weak erection during sexual excitement. Something behind the left testicle, thicker than natural and stony hard. Jerking pains in the right testicle, in the evening. Involuntary dribbling of semen during sleep.

Seminal discharge, with rheumatic pains (Hong.). Seminal emissions three times a week. The semen, both during coition and from emission, as also that which dribbles away unnoticed, is very thin and wholly without odor. Coition desired only mentally, not physically erection results very slowly and incompletely; finally too speedy emission, though with very slowly and incompletely; finally too speedy emission, though with very long- continued pleasurable sensation. Female. Menses delayed about eight days (t.).

Respiratory Organs

Increased hoarseness while singing, especially at the beginning.

Cough in the morning, that, though slight and weak, affects the whole chest, an lumps of mucus with blood are expectorated.

Cough, from low down in the chest, and expectoration of opaque mucus and blood. Frequent deep breathing, as when sighing.

Oppression of breath and stitches in the side, in the open air (fourth day), (t.).


Oppression of the chest, stoppage of the nose, dryness of the throat, constant alternations of heat and cold; thirst, cough, and sleeplessness (second day), (t.). Sensation of fullness in the chest and about the heart, like an oppression. At night, when lying down, pains in the chest as if raw, in the left side, and also here and there in the small of the back, oppressing the breathing. In the middle of the chest, pain on raising the arm and on external pressure. Violent stitches in the left side at night; the next day entirely well, but again in the evening stiffness of the neck and stitches in the sides, followed by quiet sleep; the next day stitches in the sides in the morning and evening, also when walking in the open air, oppression of breathing (t,). Blood in the breasts (Hong.).

Back and Neck

Cramp in the neck (Hong.). Transient tearing through the left side of the neck and down the posterior surface of the left leg.

(Drawing-sticking pressure in the left side of the nape of the neck, extending into the left eye with lachrymation, at intervals of half an hour), (second month). Pain in the glands in the left side of the neck above the carotid, especially on pressure, with at times tearing pains along the neck. A hard swelling on the back (Hong.). The small of the back feels lame, in the morning, without pain. Paralytic pain in the small of the back, relieved by lying on the abdomen; bending backward aggravates the pain.

Soreness in the tuberosities of the ischia in a lean person.


Stiffness of the limbs, especially in the wrists, as if beaten, in the morning. Stiffness and cramp in all the limbs (Kerner).

Pains in all the limbs as after taking cold. Pains in the joints (Hong.).

Upper Limbs

Increased cracking of the wrist when stretched. Tearing in the hands at night. Internal twitching in the left hand, on the side of the little finger.

Lower Limbs

Tearing extending down the posterior surface of the left thigh, through only half of the left leg. Cracking in the knee on moving it, while lying down. Cramp in the calves, heel, ankles, malleoli, in the flexor tendons of the great toe, in the evening while lying down. Pain in the calves and toes (Hong.). Swelling of the ankles (Hong.). Pain in the feet, with seminal emission (Hong.). Cramp in the soles at night and towards morning on motion, while lying down. Violent stitches in the corns.


Remarkable emaciation, especially of the face, hands, about the loins, and on the calves. Weakness, sleepiness, and yawning (twenty-seventh day). He became very weak. Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep; followed by aggravation of all the symptoms.

As long as the heat of the day lasted, he was obliged to lie down and remained half asleep; even his imagination was quite relaxed.

Obliged to stop suddenly while sitting and working and lie down, without feeling any other effects than that it is quite impossible to do the slightest thing. After eating exhausted, desire to lie down without being able to sleep, on account of a throbbing in the vessels through the whole body; the pulsation is especially felt in the abdomen. Very weak and irritable after coition. At first coryza, then fever, on the next evening headache, which he never had before; in the upper part of the middle of the forehead, extending towards the vertex, a pressing pain continued all the next day; the hat annoyed him, the painful parts was warmer than natural; the hand felt pleasant, it was the same in every position; in addition to the headache there were bruised feelings and heaviness in all the limbs, so that he could scarcely walk; during the headache he woke at night with cough (Gosh.). An attack; almost incessant vertigo, everything whirled about, so that he was obliged to keep his eyes closed most of the time, followed by nausea, with outbreak of anxious sweat over the whole body, and afterwards vomiting of all food, though he had relished the meal; after the vomiting of food there followed vomiting of water and mucus without taste, and at last of sour water; the paroxysms were most violent an hour after breakfast and dinner, and were followed by excessive weakness, with great thirst for cold water, which, however, was always vomiting; taste flat and insipid, though the tongue was not coated; stool large, soft, colored with bile; stitches in the forepart of the chest, as from incarcerated flatus; feeling of a board before the forehead; afterwards a feeling as if the head were pressed against the pillow by a warm hand on the forehead; with frequent hiccough and eructations, great stupefaction of the head, inability to collect his thoughts, and frequent lying in a doze; he was obliged to lie perfectly quiet, since on moving or rising up in bed the vertigo increased; urine red, scanty; emission of flatus relieved the symptoms. These attacks recurred every half to one hour for forty-eight hours, except that at night he was quiet for a long time. Ipecac., Coloc., Asarum, without effect; Arsenic seemed to relieved the nausea and vomiting, but its action did not last; the most helpful were spirits of Camphor and warm water, taken in spoonfuls alternately with black coffee, when he was obliged to hawk up much mucus (fourteenth day).

Jerking in the whole body, in the evening on falling asleep.

Tearing in the left side of the trunk and head, stiffness in the nape of the neck and in the cervical muscles, impeding turning of the head (second day), (t). The slightest draft of air is intolerable; he takes cold easily therefrom, and then has tearing in the limbs. All his symptoms are worse after sleep (to which he is very much inclined), especially on hot days. Feels worse after the sleep, to which he is very much inclined.


Objective. The skin of the face seems fatty. Small pimples behind the ear. Red itching rash in the hepatic region. Small itching pimples on the back. Rash on the forearms. Itching pimples on the hands. Itching and small pimples on the nates. A pimple on the left calf, which he is obliged to scratch till sore, the spot remains moist for a long time. A piece of skin separates from the sides of several nails until it becomes sore and painful. A lump in the skin to the inner side of the right tendo Achillis without itching or pain. Itching vesicles on the ulnar margin of the left hand. Flat pustules without pain on the left inner malleolus become ulcers. Itching blisters on the eyebrow. Blisters about the ankle, scratched sore, remain moist for several days and afterwards are very sensitive. Itching-smarting blisters between the thigh and scrotum. A blister has been rubbed off, in the morning, on the middle knuckle of the second left toe.

Ulcerations (Hong). Herpetic ulcers on the feet (Hong).

Subjective. Biting in all parts of the body, most on the palms (t). (Burning in the ulcers on the feet). Frequent crawling, as from dust, in small spots about the mouth, cheeks, and chin, compelling violent scratching, after which it disappears. Itching on the septum of the nose provokes rubbing, returning frequently.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.