Sambucus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

      Common names: Elder; (G.), Flieder, Schwarzer Holunder; (Fr.), Sureau.


Sambucus nigra, Linn. Natural order: Caprifliaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the leaves and flowers.


Periodical delirium, saw frightful things on the wall. Constant fretfulness; everything produces a disagreeable impression.


Vertigo. Dizzy in the morning, on rising. Dizziness, obscuration of the head, lasting a few minutes (after one hour). Dizziness on moving the head, with a tensive sensation as if water were in it (after twenty-four hours). Very giddy on rising, in the morning; in the forenoon the giddiness increased so much that he staggered in walking, like a drunken man (second day). General Head.

Violent headache (first night). Pressure from within outward to all sides of the head. Pressive stupefying headache, as in catarrh. Pressive stupefying headache, as from intoxication (after twenty hours). Forehead. Pressive headache in the forehead and a sudden painful jerk through the pain, from one side to the other (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing pressive headache in the upper part of the forehead, with pains streaming down into the eye (after two days). Temples. Pressive tearing headache over the left temple, in the bone, on stooping. Pressure outwards in the temples (after one hour). Very transient intermittent tearing in the temples, more in the bone (after ten hour). Vertex and Occiput. Burrowing headache in the vertex (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing stitch through the left half of the occiput, frequently returning and lasting a long time, with a dull sensation in the same place, during the intervals (after half and hour). External Head. Itching on the forehead relieved by rubbing (after a quarter of an hour).


Pupils at first contracted, and after forty to forty-four hours greatly dilated.


Sharp stitches within the right ear, together with cramp like pain (after a quarter of an hour). Itching and crawling in the ears and throat; in the throat somewhat relieved by the tongue.


A pressing forward and a sensation of heaviness in the tip of the nose, as if it would bled (after two days).


Face flushed (third day). Sensation of warmth, like flushing, mounting into the face (after one hour and a half). Tensive pain, as from swelling of the cheek, with numbness (after eleven hours). Tension in the left cheek, with gnawing pressure upon the superior maxillary bone.


Tearing and stitches in the left upper and lower teeth, extending forward into the incisors (after two hours); the pain then extended to the eye, with a sensation as if the cheek were swollen, which was not the case. Great dryness of the palate, without thirst. Soreness of the mouth and throat (second day).


Thirst, though drink has not a pleasant taste. Occasional hiccough (third day). Hiccough, during and after eating.

Sensation of commencing nausea in and below the pit of the stomach. Vomiting occurred frequently in the course of the day, and towards evening was tinged with blood (third day). Feeling of dull pressure in the epigastric region (after four hours). Small stitches just below the stomach, aggravated by pressure (while sitting), (after a quarter of an hour).


Rumbling in the abdomen. Fine griping in the right abdominal muscles, below the short ribs (after one hour). Fine tearing in the left side of the abdomen (after one hour). Excessive tenderness over the whole belly (first day); the tenderness became so great that he could not allow it to be touched (second day); tense, much swelled, and exceedingly tender (third day).

Severe griping (first day); the Taormina recurred with violence every half hour (second day). Griping;in the abdomen, with emission of flatus, as after taking cold (after forty-eight hours). Griping pain in the abdomen, if it leans against a sharp corner. The abdomen is sore internally, the intestines feel bruised. Pressure in the abdomen, with nausea, as soon as it presses against anything (after ten hours and a half). Stitches in the left side of the abdominal muscles, descending obliquely, while sitting and standing (after four hours). Sticking in the left side of the lower abdomen, over the hip, rather dull and needle like stitches, rhythmical-like pulsations, lasting a quarter of an hour, increasing and decreasing. Spasmodic tearing in the abdominal muscles, especially on moving them, in the evening after lying down (after twelve hours).


Very thin slimy stool, with much flatus, followed immediately by renewed urging; distension of abdomen, with pressure in the stomach and umbilical region. A second stool later, but afterwards no further symptoms.

Urinary Organs

Itching in the orifice of the urethra (after one hour). The urine passes in a thin stream (after ten hours). Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge (after two and eighteen hours).

Frequent desire to urinate, with much discharge (after thirty- eight hours). Obliged to urinate at night. Frequent micturition of dark-yellow urine.

Sexual Organs

Emission after midnight.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness caused by much tenacious glutinous mucus in the larynx.


Oppression and pressure beneath the sternum, and pressure in the pit of the stomach and epigastric region, with nausea and sense of weakness (after five hours). Oppression and stitches in the left side of the chest, below the nipple (after five hours).

Cutting griping in the last false ribs, extending to the spine (after nine hours). Sharp intermittent cutting in front, on the third false rib, especially on moving the trunk (after three hours). Sudden internal clawing in both sides of the chest, about the fourth true rib (after half an hour).

Heart and Pulse

Pulse more rapid, somewhat above 70 (after two hours). The pulse becomes slower, and falls from 70 to 60 (after half an hour).

Pulse 10 beats slower, but fuller (after six hours). Pulse frequent and small (third day).

Back and Neck

Pressive heaviness in the nape of the neck, making it more difficult than usual to move the head (after half an hour).

Cutting stitches deep in the cervical muscles on both sides, especially on moving the neck (after half an hour). Pressive pain in the middle of the spine, not relieved by any motion, lasting a long time (after half an hour). Pulsating throbbing sticking beneath the right scapula, while sitting. Cutting stitches in the scapulae, during rest (after a quarter of an hour). Sharp stitches in the inner surface of the right scapula, extending from within outward, during rest. Drawing pressure in the small of the beck, extending forward into the ilium internally, in the muscles, while standing (after two hours). Cutting thrusts in the sacrum, most violent on bending forward, with pain like a tension (after nine hours).

Upper Limbs

Fine pinching in the axilla (after a quarter of hour). As soon as he supports himself on the upper arm it seems as though it would break (after three hours). Fine stitches in the middle of the inner side of the upper arm (after one hour). Paralytic heaviness in the elbow-joints (after half an hour). In both wrists cutting stitches rhythmical with the pulse, somewhat relieved by motion (after a quarter of an hour). Drawing pain in the bones of the wrist and along the radius, during rest. Sharp stitches in the outer condyle of the wrist (after half an hour). Trembling of the hands, while writing. Tearing in the finger-joints. Crawling in the fingers, that are very cold (after half an hour).

Lower Limbs

Tearing pain around above the hip-joint, only on walking (after three-quarters of an hour). Sticking itching on the inner sides of both thighs, that after rubbing changes to burning (after one hour). A drawing-sticking sensation through the anterior muscles of the upper part of the right thigh, during rest (after three hours and a half). Cramp like drawing on the posterior and upper portion of the thigh, at the insertion of the large gluteal muscle, while walking. The hamstrings are very tense and seem too short, so that standing is difficult (after four hours and a half). Sensation of weariness in the leg, with a feeling as if cold air were blowing upon them; both felt only while standing (after half an hour). Sensation of deadness, as if asleep, and coldness, in the middle of the right tibia, while standing (after four hours). Sharp deeply-piercing stitches on the inner side of the tibia, somewhat relieved by motion (after half an hour).

Tearing pain in the right external malleolus and in the muscles on the side of the leg, in the evening in the bed.


Dropsical swellings. Great tendency to start; he starts at things to which he is constantly accustomed. Orgasm of blood, in the evening, half an hour after lying down with a sensation of trembling. Most of the pains occur during rest and disappear during motion; only a few are caused by motion.


Red spots here and there on the cheeks, with a burning sensation (after one hour). A painless suppurating pimple, with red areola, on the left side of the lower lip (after thirty-seven hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.