Disgusting taste in mouth and throat, like old catarrhal mucus, especially on hawking. Bloody greasy taste in the mouth, the saliva reddish. The food milk, and coffee taste bitter. Bitter taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, after milk.


Frequent hawking of mucus, early in the morning, the mucus is loose, but does not come up; he feels that some mucus is all the time lodged in the throat, which causes hawking from time to time. Dryness in the throat with drawing pain. Heat and weight at stomach (after twenty minutes). Pressure in the throat when swallowing saliva. Sore pain in the throat during deglutition, in the afternoon. Choking pressive sensation in the left side of the throat, when not swallowing. Contractive and pricking pain through the throat, from before backward, when not swallowing.

Drawing pain in the throat externally. Sensation of swelling in the throat, as if he had to swallow over a foreign body. Crawling in the throat. Dull stitches in the throat during rest.


Appetite. Desire for milk. Desire for acid things, especially for lemonade. Appetite poor (second day). Loss of appetite; food has a natural taste, but he is immediately satiated. Eructations.

Eructations accompanied with nausea (immediately and afterwards).

Frequent eructations tasting of the medicine. Frequent empty eructations. Frequent empty eructations (immediately and continuing). Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and pain in umbilical region (after forty minutes). Several short attack of nausea and disposition to vomit (after a quarter of an hour).

Nausea, as when fasting. Nausea, with cough (after two hours).

Nausea and feeling of fullness. Nausea, and desire to vomit, accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Slight nausea and pain in bowels (after two hours and ten minutes). Nausea, after breakfast (second day). Nausea and vomiting, for a long time, after miscarriage. Nausea, and vomiting of food taken the taken the day before; the milk thrown up is curdled and tastes sour (after half an hour). Qualmishness, after eating. Acidity in the stomach after every meal; occasional hiccough, then heartburn (first day). Retching, immediately. Desire to vomit, early in the morning in bed, disappearing after rising. Vomiting; the vomited matter was of a yellowish-green color, and when examined with the microscope, showed the presence of a vegetable tissue, with recti lineal fibres and turpentine cells, it appeared identical with some powdered savin, which was compared with it. Frequent vomiting of large quantities of green matter looking like bile.

Vomiting of bile. Repeated violent vomiting. Incessant vomiting (the gall-bladder had burst). Stomach. The whole epigastric region is bloated and distended. Oppression feeling in the pit of the stomach, unaffected by inspirations and expiration. When sitting bent, sensation in the region of the stomach as if distended with air, which causes a distressing pressure, which is relieved for a short time by eructations of gas; when remaining in that position for a longer time, it becomes very painful, and descends lower down into the left side of the abdomen; it disappears entirely when sitting erect. Pain in stomach. Violent pain in stomach. Aching pain in the region of the stomach and liver. Sensation as if the stomach were too full, as if she had eaten too much, with rumbling in the abdomen. Pressure pain in the epigastric region; on pressure it is painful internally, as if beaten. Painful, anxious, oppressive sensation in the region of the pylorus, very sensitive to hard pressure, especially before a meal. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by stitches. Pinching with pressure in the right side near the pit of the stomach, in a small spot. Severe stitches from the pit of the stomach through to the back. Sticking tearing in the epigastric region. Feeling of warmth and burning in the stomach, in the cardiac region; desire to eructate, and eructations tasting of the drug; soon followed by frequent tasteless eructations; the burning in the stomach diminished after every eructation (after ten minutes). Heat in stomach (after ten minutes).


Writing and pinching in the abdomen, in the umbilical region; frequently recurring with increasing violence and a sensation as if vomiting would come on, without nausea (after one hour and three-quarters). Griping above the navel. Twisting-griping pain about the umbilicus in the right side of the abdomen, towards the genitals. Aching intermittent pains in the right renal region. A kind of bubbling by the border of the short ribs, in the angle beneath the pit of the stomach, as if the cartilages were bent outward, and as if cartilages and muscles were raised; he is made somewhat anxious and obliged to sit upright. Colic, as if he had taken cold, and would have diarrhoea; flatus was passed and the colic ceased. The colic, as from taking cold, returns several times a day. The abdominal parietes are very tense (after two hours). Excessive distension of the abdominal parietes, as if she would burst. Abdomen distended and painful. Flatulence (after five and ten minutes). Flatulence, with intense taste of Sabina (after one hour). Rumbling in the intestines (after five minutes). Rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening, so loud that the bystanders hear it, a very fine high tone. Rumbling in intestines (after one hour). Inflammation of the bowels. The abdominal muscles feel bruised, in the evening in bed. Griping in the abdomen, especially in the left side, in the morning in bed.

Great pain in the track of the colon, with the free evacuation of the bowels (after one hour and a half). Pain as if the intestines were constricted. Pain in abdomen. Cutting in the bowels, with rumbling. Drawing pains in the abdomen, which is somewhat distended. Painful oppressive heaviness, low down in the abdomen, aggravated by external pressure, to which she is accustomed on the first day of the menses (second day). Drawing pressure in the hypogastrium towards the genitals, as if the menses would appear.

Violent stitches in the lower abdomen, as from without inward, while lying in bed in the evening. Severe stitches from without inwards, in the hypogastrium, in the evening in bed. Compressive pain in the left iliac region.


Hemorrhoidal tumors especially painful, in the morning. Discharge of bloody mucus from the anus. Transient pains in the rectum during stool (fourth day). Pressive-burning pain in the swollen periosteum. A pressive, almost paralytic pain in the sphincter only after a long time is he obliged to go to stool, the first part of the evacuation being quick and liquid, the second portion slow and hard. Creeping in the anus. Biting sore stinging in the anus at stool. Jerk like stitches in the anus, and in the forepart of the thighs, when walking.


Diarrhoea, with emission of much flatus. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling, for four days. Diarrhoea for a long time after miscarriage. Frequent bloody stools. Free evacuation of the bowels, with great pain in the track of the colon, and burning at the anus (after one hour and a half). Sometimes the stool intermits for a day; afterwards, after much pressing, he has several papescent evacuations, towards evening (eighth day).

Liquid, slimy, and frequent stools. The stool comes on eight hours too soon. Stool at first soft, then hard. The stools become harder and painful, followed by discharge of blood from the anus, which is painful to pressure (twelfth day). No evacuation of the bowels during the day (second day).

Urinary Organs

Transient burning pains in the vesical region (first days). The whole length of the urethra is inflamed and painful, with purulent gonorrhoea, from the fourteenth to twenty-first day (from introducing the powdered leaves into the urethra). Smarting in the urethra, during micturition. Violent desire to urinate, but little urine is passed; after which she feels as if she would pass more (after a quarter of an hour). Intermittent, almost painful desire to urinate (after four an hour). Intermittent desire to urinate. Frequent emission of much urine, for the first eight days, with very little thirst; even at night he wakes to urinate; the urine his turbid when passed. Urine passed in small quantities, but frequently high-colored, and highly charged with the odor of Sabina (after one hour and a half); passed frequently, but no strangury (after two hours and ten minutes).

Urine passed twice in an hour, slight increase in amount, and Sabina odor strong. Increased emission of dark-yellow urine.

Copious emission of urine. Retention of urine, with burning and dribbling discharge. Peculiar odor of drug in urine.

Sexual Organs

Male. Violent and frequent erections, day and night. Visible swelling on the dorsum of the penis, not far from the glans, the skin over which is movable; the swelling feels like a cartilage, is flat towards the median line, but with a swollen border externally, is painless even to pressure, becomes harder during an erection, more manifest, with a peculiar, dull, tensive sensation, for eight weeks. Dark redness of the glans. The frenum is swollen and to tense. Dull stitches, with pressure from the glans backwards through the whole penis. Violent stinging itching in the glans, early in the morning. Paroxysmal pain in the frenum. Burning sore pain of the fig warts and glans, worse when touched. The fig warts become painfully sensitive. Painfulness of the foreskin, he cannot draw it back. Intermittent drawing- pressive pain in the right spermatic cord. Contused pain in the right testicle. Tensive sensation, with pressure in the left testicle, frequently recurring. Immoderate irresistible sexual desire. Increased sexual desire, slight excitement brings on violent and continuous erections, with aversion to coition.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.