Mouth feels very rough, as though sand were under the mucous membrane, which is very red; the rough feeling in the mouth increases, with redness (fifth day). Saliva. Increase of saliva (eighth day). Slight accumulation of viscid mucus in the mouth.

Taste. Entire loss of taste (twelfth day). Salty, slimy taste.

Slimy taste in the mouth. Flat rough taste. Speech. Cannot speak distinctly; palate fallen, and feeling as if there was something in the mouth impeding the speech, uncharged by hawking or clearing the throat (fourth day).


Soreness of the left side of the throat, the swelling extending downward. Throat feels sore and swollen (fifth day).

Some irritation or acridity about the throat and eyes. Tonsils very red and congested, with dull aching distress in them.

Redness of fauces (fifth day). Constant feeling of irritation of the fauces. Dryness of the fauces. Dryness, with burning in throat. The pharynx and oesophagus became so irritable that it was painful and difficult to swallow; food, in passing, caused pain and seemed to stop midway to the stomach; food, cold water produced the same feeling that very hot tea would, and the same aching pain that is often felt after drinking very cold ice- water, though the thirst was great (twelfth day). Frequent inclination to swallow, which increases the pain and distress in the tonsils. Difficult deglutition (fifth day).


Appetite and Thirst. Appetite good, more than usual, in all provings. Little appetite (sixth day). Poor appetite in morning (seventh day). Loss of appetite; (ninth morning). Want to drink a great deal. Thirst very great (twelfth day). Eructations.

Eructations (third day). Nausea. Nausea and loathing of food (twelfth day). Continual nausea. Nausea. Some nausea (sixth day).

Stomach. (Dyspeptic troubles, or belching after meals, very much better). (The operation of the poison seemed to have a considerable effect in relieving me from dyspeptic symptoms, with which I had been previously troubled). At 2 A.M., severe pains in the stomach and bowels came on, but being in a half-waking and half-sleeping state, I remained in bed about two hours, when I was suddenly forced from bed, and had a large watery stool (ninth day). The stomach is very much distressed after taking and medicine. Distress and pain in the cardiac portion of the stomach and upper left portion of the umbilicus. Distress in the stomach and umbilicus.


Distress in the umbilicus, with dry, lumpy, dark-colored stools.

Distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, with loud rumbling in the bowels, followed by soft mushy stools. Constant dull pains in the umbilicus, with rumbling in the bowels, and followed by a soft diarrhoeic stool. Severe cutting pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions for six days, with three and four very soft, diarrhoeic, black-colored stools a day.

Sharp cutting pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions before a stool; the stool relieves the pains, but does not stop them altogether; lasted two hours. Pain at umbilicus, with diarrhoea (third day). Colic quite severe in the umbilicus region (fifth day). Pain in the left side of the abdomen. Abdomen much bloated, very painful to the least pressure. Continued rumblings and gripings; the pains always being worse just before stool.

Rumbling of flatus in the bowels, with pain in the back, extending from lumbar region to the umbilicus. Abdomen sore to touch and pressure (third day). Colic and rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent eructations (soon, fourth day). Constant dull, aching distress in the abdomen, with occasional sharp cutting pains in the umbilicus. Pain in bowels, with diarrhoea (fourth day). Pain in the hypogastrium before every stool; have but little warning before each stool (fifth day).


Bleeding hemorrhoids (twenty first day). Hemorrhoids came on, and four small tumors appeared, which remained out for several weeks, with extreme itching and burning (tenth day); I had had nothing of the kind for more than two years. Discharge of blood from the rectum after a stool. Neuralgic pains in the anus.

Most intolerable itching and burning of the anus for several days. Anus itches terribly towards night (sixth day). Itching of anus (sixth and seventh days).


Diarrhoea, with pain at umbilicus (third day); with pain in bowels (fourth day). Every morning, from 2 to 5 o’clock, I was compelled to rise and go to stool, and a diarrhoea then continued more or less severe till about twelve o’clock. The color of the stools was uniformly light, or nearly white, varying in consistency, sometimes very thin, and sometimes very papescent. Large watery stool, passed with great force and attended with violent colicky pains, at 4 A.M.; during the next two hours had three more profuse stools of this character, and from that time the pain and stools ceased (ninth day). Stools lighter in color, and partly undigested (eighth day); black as pitch and hard; no unusual smell (thirty-fourth day); black as before, soft, and rather putrid; bowels move twice (thirty- six day). Stool at 2 A.M., loose, which is unusual; had a stool early in the morning, rather loose, with pain in the bowels before the discharge (third day); diarrhoea at 3 o’clock, a copious stool of a lighter color than that of the night previous; another stool at 7 A.M., not as copious, and again at 9 o’clock (fifth day); diarrhoea more severe and stools of a dark-brown color. (This was the only time they were of this color, although attended with the same pain in the hypogastrium, which accompanied the lighter-colored stools), (sixth day). Stools about natural consistence, but of a very dark color. Stools dark, and partly undigested (seventh day). Faeces dark, hard, and small in quantity. No movement of the bowels (tenth day).

Urinary Organs

Burning in the urethra. Desire to void urine often, but in small quantities. Augmentation of urine. There was no particular effect upon the urinary organs, excepting a slight increase of urine after I had ceased to take the remedy.

Sexual Organs

Male. Groins and penis were affected, in the morning. Glans penis is much swollen and very sore; cuticle of penis and scrotum peels off in the patches as large as a sixpence (sixth day).

Prepuce slightly swollen (second day). The prepuce is much swollen and very red (third day); same symptoms, with increased violence (fourth day). The scrotum is red, swollen, and much corrugated (third day); same symptoms, with increased violence (fourth day). Scrotum swollen as large as his two fists, could not walk. Female. The menses, which were near at hand, came on immediately, in very large clots, like pieces of meat.

Respiratory Organs

Dryness and pain in the larynx (thirteenth day). Hoarseness (thirteenth day). Harsh dry cough, continuing for more than two weeks (after thirteen days). Sense of oppression, as if the air was too heavy (first night).


Violent stitches in the left lung, causing anxiety, especially on breathing, as in inflammation of the lungs (twelfth day).

Violent stitches in the lungs (twenty-first day). Sudden violent stitches through the lungs (after ten minutes). Sudden sharp stitches through the lungs, waking from sleep. Stitches in the upper part of both lungs (fifteenth day). Stitches in the apices of the lungs (eleventh day). Rush of blood to the chest, with anxiety (twenty-first day). Stricture in the chest, continuing more than two weeks (after thirteen days). Pain over the sternum for more than two weeks (after thirteen days).

Transient, shooting pains in the sternum and chest (twelfth day). Slight lancinating pain in sternum and right leg (eighth day). Drawing pain in lower part of left side (sixth day).

Heart and Pulse

Stitches in the heart (second day). Palpitation, with stitches in the heart (seventh and twenty- first days). Palpitation (fourteenth day). During the first five days me pulses were increased from ten to twenty strokes in the minutes. Pulse 78, and regular (third day). Pulse 72, rather weak (fourth day); 82; when sitting, at 3 P.M., it was normal, 68 to 70 (sixth day).

Back and Neck

Constant dull pains in the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar regions.

Stiff neck, or crick in the neck. Back is very stiff. With the rumbling of flatus in the bowels, pain in the back, extending from the lumbar region to the umbilicus. Pain in the back. Sharp pain under the left scapula, extending through to the ribs.

Rheumatic pain between the shoulder-blades. Dull heavy pains in the lumbar region, aggravated by stooping down or walking. The small of the back feels paralyzed (ninth day).

Drawing in the lumbar muscles, extending into the hips (ninth day). Drawing in the left loin (tenth day). Dull, aching pain and weakness across the loins (third day). A little pain in sacrum (sixth day).


Trembling of all my limbs, with twitching of my muscles.

Trembling of my limbs. Hands, arms, legs, and face began to swell, accompanied by slight redness of the skin and thirst (after one hour); great swelling of the face, arms, and legs; some slight swelling and redness over the chest, but the trunk of the body is generally not much affected; swelling continued to increase till the evening (second day); the swelling took about twenty-eight hours to reach its height, was about ten hours stationary, and two days declining; the attack having lasted altogether four days, during which time his appetite was the same as in health, and he kept his bed only on account of the swelling, which rendered him unable to bend his knees or to move his legs. Violent drawing pains in the upper and lower extremities and in the head (twenty-first day). Drawing in the right ankle and wrist, extending to the knee and elbow (twelfth day). My wrists, ankles, and feet aced so severely I could not sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.