Pressure and cramp like drawing deep in the pit of the stomach, an hour after dinner (second day). Contractive pressure in the pit of the stomach, with tightness of breathing; several evenings during a walk. Pressure at the stomach, after drinking cold water (eighth day). Pressure in the epigastrium, after dinner (third day). Pinching in the pit of the stomach.

Pinching pain, after supper, transversely across the epigastrium (sixth day). Cutting afterwards aching pain in the epigastrium, after a meal (after two hours). Pain in the stomach. Unpleasant creeping sensation in the region of the stomach (after one hour).


Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondria, as if wind became incarcerated in those parts. Sticking pain in the right hypochondrium, in the evening (after twelve hours). Seated pain in the left hypochondrium, with tension, when stooping (first and second days). Umbilicus and Sides. Pinching in the umbilical region, after a meal. Pinching pains in the right side of the abdomen (after one hour). Violent stitches in the left side, in the region of the spleen, arresting the breathing, in the evening, during rest. General Abdomen. Tense abdomen, as if distended by flatus, with emission of flatus, which produces transient relief. Painful distension of the abdomen. Copious flatus occasions various pains in the abdomen, now in one, now in another parts; they are relieved or removed entirely by emission of fetid flatus (first days). Incarceration of flatus, early in the morning, fasting (second an third days).

Rumbling in the abdomen after eating and drinking, followed by a painless diarrhoea. Constant rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen (after half an hour). Grumbling in the abdomen (soon). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Feeling of fullness, heaviness, and distension in the abdomen, especially early in the morning in bed and in the evening, with rumbling in the bowels, much empty eructation, and emission of fetid flatus, continuing for some time (after ten minutes).

The usual breakfast causes a disagreeable fullness in the abdomen, relieved by eructations (after half an hour). Sensation of fullness and bloatedness in the abdomen, without actual distension, relieved by rising of air and emission of flatus.

Pinching colic. Uncomfortable feeling after a meal. Weight and lassitude in the abdomen, not as from food. Slight digging sensation, with a feeling of fullness, in the abdomen (soon).

Occasional pinching in the abdomen, as of flatulence (third day). Stool is succeeded by a feeling of emptiness, followed by pinching in the abdomen (second day). Pinching in the abdomen, followed by loose stool (after half an hour). Drawing pain in the right abdominal ring, also in the left, but feebler, with tension in the ring, when walking (fifth day). The abdominal integuments are painful, as if he had received several blows upon them. Single piercing stitches in the abdomen. Intermittent stitching above the crest of the left ilium, from without inwards. Drawing from the left groin into the left thigh (first and second days).

Rectum and Anus

Spasmodic pain in the rectum, as if flatus had become incarcerated (after ten hours). Sticking pain in the rectum, extending as far as under the ribs (after ten hours). Violent drawing from the rectum to the genital organs (second day).

Crawling in the anus, as of ascarides. Biting pain in the anus, accompanied with oozing out of small quantity of liquid (fourth day). Beating pain in the anus (first day); (fifth day).

The erections are preceded by a creeping sensation from the perinaeum as far as the penis. Tenesmus, with papescent stool, for some days. Rather strong urging for stool; the evacuation hard and expelled with difficulty. Sudden desire for stool, but only some flatus is emitted after pressing (third and fourth days). Desire for stool, as if diarrhoea would set in, nevertheless the natural stool is passed with much pressing (first day). Frequent desire of stool, followed by a natural evacuation, accompanied with much pressing; it takes place in the evening instead of in the morning (third day). No evacuation, although he experiences a desire for stool several times though the day (fourth day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea (after thirty-six hours), etc. The disposition to diarrhoea returns in damp weather (third day).

Diarrhoea directly after a meal. Occasional feeling of looseness, as if diarrhoea would set in (after ten minutes).

Diarrhoea, as soon as he rises from bed, in the morning.

Occasional diarrhoea. Fruit occasions diarrhoea and a feeling of weakness in the stomach; while walking he feels nauseated; he has to remain seated, in experiences a feeling of qualmishness at the stomach. Diarrhoea, a sort of lienteria; food passed undigested. Diarrhoea, which does not cause weakness. Food and drink cause diarrhoea, without colic. Diarrhoea; stool spurts out as if constantly accompanied with flatus. Two loose stools a day, evacuated with difficulty. Loose stool, but sluggish, evacuated only after pressing. Loose stool, expelled with pressing. Loose and yellowish stool, but sluggish, expelled with much pressing, and insufficient; sensation as if some faeces remained behind. Loose stool, with much pressing (third day).

The loose stool is passed with difficulty (second day). Stools always look fermented. Brown papescent stool. Several papescent stools in one day, the prover being generally costive (fourth day). Papescent stool at regular periods, the latter portion of the stool being somewhat loose and leaving a smarting sensation in the rectum. Frequent ineffectual desire for stool, succeeded by papescent stool (first and second days). Stool copious, black, fetid. The faeces are not very hard, but expelled with great difficulty, and with a sensation in the anus as its contractile power were diminished, for several days. Constipation. Great costiveness (fourth day).

Costiveness (third day). Retention of stool. Delaying stool (first day).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Short, but intense pain in the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Pain in the urethra, as if suppurated and engorged with blood. Burning in the urethra before and during micturition. A sudden intense prickling sensation in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening (second day). Some transient stitches in the urethra after micturition (first day).

Micturition and Urine. Desire to urinate, with drawing in the region of the bladder and the groins, in the forenoon (second day). Frequent desire to urinate. (A few drops dribble after urinating, occasioning a burning pain in the (A few drops dribble after urinating, occasioning a burning pain in he urethra and a shuddering through the whole body), (second day).

Both urine and stool are sometimes discharged in larger quantities. Copious urine. Increased secretion of urine (fourth to sixth day). The somewhat increased pale urine has an offensive acrid odor (second and third days). The secretion of urine too little. Brown-red urine, having an offensive smell (second day). The urine became cloudy after awhile. Hot urine.

The urine is clear, with a greenish tinge.

Sexual Organs

Male. Burning sore pain between the genital organs and thighs, especially when walking (the first days). Beating pain in the glans, in the evening (first day). Pinching-jerking pain in the glans both during rest and motion (after four hours).

Occasional twitching in the orifice of the urethra when not urinating Itching crawling behind the prepuce. The scrotum shrinks easily, especially when walking or standing, for many days. The scrotum shrinks when the air becomes in the least cool, for many days. The testes are somewhat drawn up, swollen, and painful, for many days. The swelling of the testicles, which had been painless heretofore, enlarged to the size of a hen’s egg, especially the left testicle, with stitching and tearing pains in both testicles, which were short but violent (a homeopathic aggravation), (second day). (The swelling of the testicles, which had existed for years, decreases more and more until the testes have acquired their natural size), (curative effect), (after fourteen days). The testes, especially the epididymis, are intensely painful to the touch, for many days. Contusive pain in the testes, with alternate drawing, worse now in one, now in the other testicle, for many days. Contusive pain in the testes, which are drawn up, when walking (first days). Violent sticking in the right testicle, as if it were contused violently, in the evening, while sitting; the pain disappeared when walking, but returned immediately upon sitting down. Sticking pain in the right testis. Violent painful drawing in the hard, somewhat swollen testes, extending as far as the abdomen and thigh, especially on the right side (fifth to eighth day). Drawing-sticking pain in right testicle and spermatic cord, disappearing by motion; sometimes the pain was pricking, commencing in the right testicles an spreading in a zigzag manner along the perineum towards the anus, lasting some seconds, and so violent that it arrested breathing (sixth day). Crawling pain in testes, continuing (after four days). Increase of the sexual desire, the erections coming on very easily (later action). Aversion to coition and want of erection (first days). Want of the usual morning erections, continuing for many days. After coition he had lascivious dreams, with an emission had long- continued erections (fourteenth day). Emission while in a sound sleep, in the middle of the night, with subsequent erections (first night). Profuse emission, with amorous dreams (fifth night). Female. The menses occurred several days too early. The menses, which had been suppressed for six months, appear, accompanied with febrile excitement and continued headache (fourth night). The menses, which had been suppressed for six months, reappear again for two days, with intermissions (fourth and fifth days). The menses, which had ceased to days ago, reappear for a short time (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.