Ranunculus Bulbosus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common name, Bulbous Crowfoot.


Ranunculus bulbosus, L. Natural order, Ranunculaceae.

Preparation, Tincture of the whole plant.


Fearfulness in the evening, she does not want to remain alone, she is afraid she may be haunted by ghosts. Vexed and inclining to be angry; quarrels and scolds when the slightest cause is offered (after two hours). Ill-humored, and disposed to quarrel and scold the first forenoon; in the evening he is desponding, apprehensive, sensitive, discontented; on the second day he again inclines to be provoked by the innocent jests of his friends, etc.; this continues for several days, and recurs frequently during the action of Ranunc. Extremely ill-humored, nothing was able to cheer him up (second and third days). Fretful when with a patient, in the afternoon (first day). (Dread of labor; he has to make a great effort to bring himself to note down the observations which he has gathered). (The objects of his feelings, for instance, chagrin, occupy his mind long after the occurrence took place; one sees that he is thinking of those things; he talks to himself, gesticulates in his anger, in the forenoon), (second day).

Vanishing of thought when reflecting; he stares at one point of r a long time (after one hour). Obtuseness of the senses, for weeks, as long as the herpes lasted; nothing made a strong impression upon him; even his painful herpes did not affect him as vividly as it ought to have done, and he finds it difficult to furnish an exact description of it from beginning to end.


Vertigo. Vertigo, as if he would fall, upon leaving the room and going into the air (after eight hours). Vertigo while walking (after ten hours). Sudden attack of vertigo in the occiput, when walking, as if he would fall, followed by violent tearing in the right temple (after five hours). Dizziness of the head and sensation as if the head would be enlarged and distended (immediately). Dizziness in the head, making it difficult to think (after half an hour). General Head. Heaviness of the head (after one hour and a half). The whole head feels distended (after one hour). Head and body feel quite weak, the whole forenoon (second day). Congestion of blood to the head, especially in the vertex, when walking in the open air (after three hours). Forehead. Transient feeling of dizziness in the forehead, followed immediately by transitory pressure in that part (after nine hours). Headache over in right eye, aggravated by lying down, relieved by walking and standing, with heat in the face and cold hands (after eight hours).

Headache over the right eye (frontal cavity?), thence pressing downward into the nose, with vertigo, as if he would fall forward, and beating in the right frontal eminence, the whole day until evening (first day), (in a female liable to similar attacks). Headache over the right eye, with disposition to weep and mental oppression, which seemed to emanate from the chest, in the evening (third day). The day after drinking a glass of wine he has headache in the forehead and constant nausea, pressure in the upper part of the chest, and stitches in the left side of the chest (seventh day). Pressure in both frontal eminences, when entering the room from the open air, early in the morning (second day). Pressing pain in the forehead, from within outward, in the afternoon (first day).

Pressing pain in the forehead and eyeballs, early in the morning, when in bed, abating after rising, whereas the pain in the chest increased (third day). Drawing pressure in the upper part of the frontal bone and in the front of the forehead, with sensation as if the hairs of the sinciput stood on end, shortly after supper (after thirteen hours). Sore pain of the hairy portion of the forehead, in the afternoon, per se, not when touched. Temple. Upon entering the room, when coming out of the open air, he experiences suddenly an aching pain in both temples and in the nape of the neck, with vertigo, apparently deep in the brain (evening), (after eleven hours). Pain in the region where the right malar and temporal bones unite, about noon (sixth day). Pain in the temples, drawing and pressure, in the evening, while walking, with feverish restlessness and difficulty of breathing, in the evening (eighth day). Aching pain in a small spot, where the left temporal bone unites with the parietal (before dinner), (after seven days). Violent tearing in the right temple, preceded by vertigo in the occiput (after eight hours). Acute stitches in the left temple, only superficial; after they had disappeared, stitches in the left ear, and tearing in the left side of the occiput (fifth day). Vertex. Pain in the vertex, as if the parts were pressed asunder, in the evening, when entering the room on coming out of the open air, accompanied with pressure in the eyeball, near the outer canthus (after fourteen hours). Pain in the sinciput, in the afternoon, as if filled with blood (thirteenth day). Tearing in the vertex, when writing, while standing, in the morning (second day). Occiput. Pain in the occiput after slight chagrin, in the morning (fourth day).

Drawing-sticking pain in the occiput (fourth day). Violent tearing in the evening, first in the left side of the occiput, as far as the nape of the neck, afterwards along the left lower jaw, from behind forward (fifth day). Transitory (beating?) pain, while sitting, in the right side of the occiput, with general debility (after nine hours). Occasional subdued, soft beats, not like pulsation, but at longer intervals, in t he left side of the occiput (after two hours). External Head. Crawling and creeping in the hairy scalp, in the evening, in bed (from the vapor while preparing the juice), (after eight hours). Burning prickings in the outer and right side of the hairy scalp, accompanied with a sensation as if the blood rushed into the brain (without any heat being felt on the outside), and incipient obtuseness of the head (vanishing of thought), (after two hours).


Pressure in the eyes, as if a hair had got in, going off by rubbing (after one hour). Smarting in the eyes, nose, and fauces; the eyes run and are very painful, so that he has to rest them for half an hour, because he is unable to see anything; the whites are slightly inflamed; the mucus runs in torrents from the nose; the fauces are painful, as if sore, during an inspiration, less during deglutition. Sore smarting within the right eye. Smarting in the eyes, as from smoke, in the evening (after fourteen hours). Itching of the eyes in the room, she had to rub them, with constant stretching and yawning, afterwards eructations, in the afternoon (first day).

Brow. Painful pressure in the region of the right eyebrow, while making a moderate mental effort, in the evening (second day). Lid. Swelling and redness of the left outer canthus, with painful soreness (fourteenth day). Sensation of burning soreness in the right lower eyelid (third and following days). Smarting and feeling of soreness in the outer canthus of the right eye (third day). Ball. Aching in the eyeballs, when moving them (eighth day). Pressure as with a dull point in the right eyeball, from above downward (after nine hours). Violent pressing pains in the eyeballs, at times in one, at times in the other (third and following days). Pressure in the eyeballs for several days). Pressure in the eyeballs, especially in the left (soon). Slight pressure upon and in both eyeballs, as if they were being pressed out, with slight sensation of vertigo in the forehead (after half an hour). Painfulness of the right eyeball (ninth day). Pupil. Immobility of the pupils (soon). Vision. Mist before the eyes (immediately).


Cramp feeling in the inner and outer left ear, in the evening (fourth day). Sticking in the right ear, in the region of the tympanum (after two hours). Stitches through the right ear, extending into the right parietal bone, in the evening (second day).


Profuse flow of tenacious mucus from the nose; from the vapor while preparing the juice. Sore nose; it was red and swollen externally, with tensive pain internally; a quantity of scurf forms in the nose, only on the right side, the nose is dry all the time, continuing five weeks (after fourth day). In the evening the nose becomes stopped up again, after having been free the whole day, with painful soreness extending high up in the nose (third day). Pressure in the region of the root of the nose (when seating himself), (after five hours). Tingling, pressing upward from the tip of the nose to the root and from the right eyebrow to the temple, internally (after seven hours).

Painful crawling in the region of the lower turbinated bone, in the nose, internally; another paroxysm of painful crawling in the nose, with a sort of pressure; she had to blow her nose frequently, during which she discharged some blood; after blowing the nose, the crawling sensation in the nose, with pressure, disappeared, and the right nostril became stopped up; became open again in the open air, and stopped again in the room (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.