Quassia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common name, Quassia.


Quassia amara, L. Natural order, Simarubacae. Preparation, Tincture of the wood.


Awoke with great anxiety and solicitude, without cause, at 1 A.M.; was unable to sleep; felt wide awake, with manifold thoughts in his brain; on attempting to read, could only stare at the book on account of anxious thoughts running through his mind; about 3 o’clock he rose and dressed, and attempted to write, but was so absent-minded that he could not find words to express himself; the next day he was unable to perform any mental labor, not on account of disinclination to work, but from absence of thought. An anxious mood returned on going to sleep, but disappeared in the night (third day).


(A peculiar sensation in the head, as if the senses would vanish, followed by excessive weakness, great heat, copious hot perspiration, with great hunger, followed by coldness of the extremities, with a sensation of internal coldness; the whole attack lasted about two hours; when it was not possible to satisfy the hunger, the weakness increased, copious perspiration broke out over the whole body, followed after a long time by gradual relief). Constant dulness of the head (second day). (Pain and heaviness in the forehead, with at times dulness of the head). (Slight drawing in the left side of the head and face).


Great inclination to qualmishness. Drawing pain in the stomach, accompanied by a sensation as if the stomach were full of hot water.


Slight drawing pains in both hypochondria, with a sensation as if the abdomen were empty and retracted to the spinal column; pain somewhat aggravated by deep breathing; these symptoms recurred three times during the day, lasted from twenty to thirty minutes, and were accompanied by a sensation as though he would have a stool (first day). Very acute sticking in the hepatic region; the acute pain lasted only the first day, but for several days the pain was full, and only disappeared after twelve days.

Abdomen hard and distended (second day). Sticking pains in the abdomen, between the umbilicus and stomach, frequently recurring and lasting several days (soon). A peculiar beating through the abdomen, extending into the extremities, with general nervous troubles (second day).


Stools at first hard, with great effort, afterwards pasty, once very thin.

Urinary Organs

Secretion of urine increased, solid constituents diminished; sp.

gr. in the morning, 1007 and 1009; during the day 1001 and 1004.

Respiratory Organs

(Hoarseness, perhaps to be ascribed to a change in the weather).


Slight drawing pains in the cervical muscles (after 3 grains).

Inferior Extremities

Drawing pain in the calves (half an hour after 1 grain).


General discomfort (second day).


Sensation of coldness running over the back, with constant inclination to yawn and desire to stretch out the feet.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.