
Hypochondria. Dull pains in the right hypochondrium, lasting ten minutes at a time (third day). Dull pains in the right hypochondrium (eighth day). A good deal of dull pain in the left hypochondrium (ninth day). Umbilicus. Distress in the umbilicus (after five hours, second day). Severe pain in the umbilicus, at 6 A.M., with a desire for stool; dark-colored stool, covered slightly with mucus, pains in the umbilicus, followed by a natural stool, at 10 P.M. (third day). Slight pain in umbilical region (after ten minutes). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels (first day). After dinner, rumbling of wind in distended abdomen, moving from epigastrium to hypogastrium. Rumbling in abdomen, with colicky pain, much and frequent discharge of flatus. Slight distortion of abdomen, in the afternoon (fourth day). Constant dull pains in the whole abdomen (fourth day).

Aching pain in abdomen in one spot, increased by moving or changing position (after two hours, second day). Pain and slight looseness of the bowels, twice in the day; feeling as if diarrhoea would come on; pain in the bowels, with feeling like approaching diarrhoea, at 9 P.M. (sixth day). Slight colicky pains after eating a ripe pear, in the afternoon (second day).

Pain in bowels after eating, at 10 P.M. (third day): pain in bowels and diarrhoea (fifth day). Aching pain in left groin, quite severe just above the crest of the left ilium, on moving or bending (fifth day). Rheumatic pain above left crest of ilium, continues on moving and bending the body (sixth day).

Rectum & Anus

All the evening and afternoon, have had a feeling as if I must go to stool immediately, with constant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium and umbilicus (eighth day). Desire to go to stool, as if diarrhoea were coming; which, however, did not take place.


While riding on horseback, had a sudden attack of diarrhoea, obliging him to dismount (immediately); in the afternoon had two more dark-colored, thin, pap like discharges, with urgent desire (first day). Diarrhoea and pain in bowels (fifth day). Bowels operated on in about fifteen minutes, leaving them in a very loose condition, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach; during the day four watery discharges, of light-yellow color, without pain or wind; during the three following days, four or five discharges each day, thin and yellow. Slight looseness of the bowels, with pain (sixth day); looseness of bowels (seventh day). Bowels slightly relaxed (sixth day);passages more frequent and moist (seventh day). A loose, papescent stool, attended with some griping in the bowels and a good deal of chilliness; four similar stools occurred during the day (after three hours, second day). Mushy stool, with hard pains in the epigastrium, at 6 A.M.

(fifth day). Dark-colored stool, covered slightly with mucus, at 6 A.M.; hard, dry, lumpy stool, at 10 P.M. (eighth day); dry, lumpy stool, at 6 A.M.; natural one at 6 P.M. (tenth day). Small hard stool, at 9 A.M. (second day); small dry stools each morning (fourth and fifth days); rather large, dry, lumpy stool at usual time in the morning (sixth day); very hard, dry, lumpy stool eight hours later than usual (seventh day). Hard, lumpy stool (second day). No desire to go to stool, but a large evacuation of dry pieces on going at the usual time (second day). An insufficient stool in the evening (fourth day); no stool (fifth day). A natural stool, the first since I commenced the proving, after the sharp, cutting pains in the umbilicus, at 10 P.M.

(third day); natural stool at 9 P.M. (fourth day); natural stool at 8 A.M. (fifth day). Bowels constipated (fourth day).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Pain in end of urethra on urinating, at 12 P.M. (third day). After retaining urine for several hours, marked pain on urinating; increasing pain during evening and until going to sleep (fourth day). Micturition and Urine. Nearly all day had frequent inclination to urinate, soon passing off without urination, but recurring frequently; actual urination was too frequent, however, about every three hours, an unusual thing, as she habitually urinated only three times daily; the urine had a natural appearance, but was rather above the usual quantity (second day). During afternoon, frequent desire to micturate, urine clear (second day); frequent and urgent desire to micturate, although no great quantity of urine passes (third day); frequent inclination to pass water towards evening; during evening, increased desire to micturate (fourth day); frequent desire to urinate (fifth day); frequent inclination to micturate (seventh day); towards evening, after drinking ale, had great desire to pass water), (eighth day); strong desire to urinate (fifteenth day). (Two successive days unusual desire to pass water, about 12 o’clock each day), (third day). In the afternoon and night, a frequent desire to urinate (third day). Very frequent urination; four times while walking, in the evening (second day); passed water more frequently than usual for five days. Had to rise in the night on account of urgent desire to urinate (first day); copious discharge of urine, light-colored (second day). Have to get up to urinate in the night (second night). Urinary organs normal for several days; specific gravity of urine, at 7 A.M., 1.018-20; at 10 P.M., 1.026-30. Amount voided daily, 30 to 36 ounces. At 2 A.M., woke with great urging to urinate (this was something unusual); voided 10 ounces of very light-colored urine; specific gravity 1.010 (after four hours); at 8 A.M., great urging to urinate; voided only 7 ounces, this was darker in color, but still not normal; specific gravity 1.0104 (after ten hours); some pain, or rather uneasiness, in the kidneys and bladder, 35 ounces of urine voided during the twenty- four hours; specific gravity of the last 1.030 (second day). At 7 A.M. great urging to urinate; voided 7 ounces of dark, yellow urine; specific gravity 1.027; with every evacuation of urine, some tenesmus and strangury; the uneasiness of the kidneys has been more marked to-day; specific gravity 1.031; voided, in the last twenty-four hours, 25 ounces of urine (third day). At 7 A.M., specific gravity 1.025; 10 P.M., tenesmus has been more marked, extending up the ureters, increasing the uneasiness of the kidneys; the amount of urine passed to-day was 23 ounces; specific gravity 1.030 (fourth day). At 7 A.M., urine quite light in color; specific gravity 1.014. 10 P.M. urine has been copious to-day; have but little of the tenesmus (fifth day). At 7 A.M.

specific gravity of urine 1.016, copious, light- colored; feel about all right; just a little uneasiness at the kidneys (sixth day). The urine was at first (second day) of a light straw-color; after standing some time (forty-eight hours), it began to smell putrid, owing to the destruction of the large amount of albumen in it, epithelium, serum, etc. While under the influence of the additional 3 drachms, my urine was of a dark-yellow color; the uriniferous odor was not so strong as in normal urine; after standing some time it would deposit a light cloudy precipitate.

The urine of the fifth and sixth days returned to the light straw-color, with but little smell, and soon threw down a light- colored, fleecy sediment. A careful analysis of the light-colored urine revealed the presence of albumen and the phosphates in excess; urine feebly acid; the dark-colored urine revealed an excess of uric acid and the phosphates; urine strongly acid. The light-colored urine voided on the second day, in the field of the microscope, six hundred diameters, revealed quite a number of epithelia, and after standing, a large amount of phosphates, earthy and triple; in the dark-colored urine was seen many crystals of uric acid, and especially of the phosphates. The light-colored urine, voided on the fifth and sixth days, showed a large amount of epithelia, renal casts of the tubuli uriniferi and mucus corpuscles. Copious discharge of pale, yellow urine, three times in the night (first night ); passed water more frequently and more copiously through the next day (second day).

Passed large quantity of urine, at 12 P.M. (third day). Urine clear (second day); urine has dark sediment, and bottom of vessel is thickly coated with light-brown urates of ammonia (third night); at 5 P.M., urine has a slight ammoniacal odor; at 12 P.M.

smells very strong, resembling smell of skunk. The odor is so strong that it fills the whole room (third day); slight ammoniacal smell (fourth day).

Sexual Organs

Male. Distressing erection, soon subsiding, at 4 A.M. (eighth day). On passing water, irritation in end of penis (fourth day).

Slight pressing-drawing pain in right side of penis, at 6 P.M., (fourth day). Pain in penis on waking, quite severe; increased when passing water; continues all day, and at 4 P.M. is pressing and drawing (fifth day); slight pain on passing water, decreases and disappears towards evening (sixth day); towards evening, slight pressing-drawing pain on right side of penis, with frequent inclination to micturate (seventh day); (towards evening, after drinking ale, and after retaining urine for several hours, slight return of pain in penis), (eight day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.