Urinary Organs

Bladder and Urethra. He suffers from tenesmus of the bladder every other quarter of an hour for eight hours. Burning pain in the sphincter of the bladder. Cramp in the bladder preventing sleep at night. Effort to pass urine torment him for a whole hour, with violent burning-biting pains in the bladder and urethra. On attempting to pass urine he is seized with very severe burning pain in the urethra, so that he is obliged to bend up, yet not urine passes. Burning-biting pain in the urethra.

He dared not take hold of the urethra an account of pain, as from suppuration or ulceration. As the urine passes he is momentarily relieved of his pains, yet there remains a sticking in the glans penis, which causes a most frightful spasm of the urethra (ischuria urethralis), with tenesmus recti. Micturition and Urine. Obliged to make great pressure to urinate. Passes more urine in a more vigorous stream than usual. She was obliged to rise six or seven times at night to urinate, and each time passed half a vesselful; this was preceded by the opposite condition.

He is hurriedly impelled to pass urine, which, however, seems to pass forward into the glans penis, and then seems to return and cause the most violent pain in the urethra. Urine passes in a thready form, with pressure to stool. (The urine forms two streams, as if the urethra had two openings). The urine passes more easily than usual. Strangury. Urine biting and hot. Urine clear, light wine-yellow, depositing a sediment varying from white to sky-blue. Urine extremely scanty and brown.

Sexual Organs

Male. The prepuce is retracted from the glans, and the penis becomes small. An agreeable itching, immediately relieved by scratching, in the lower portion of the scrotum. Pain, as if pinched, on the left side of the scrotum. Female. Painful throbbing in the female genitals. A constant itching tickling in the region of the ovaries, so that she was constantly obliged to scratch, but was not relieved thereby. Leucorrhoea staining yellow and causing excoriation. She complained almost constantly of leucorrhoea, that made her weak. Some blood was discharged from the vagina daily for eight or ten weeks, which was more watery the longer the hemorrhage lasted. The menses recurred very profusely every fourteen days, and with much pain in the small of the back. The menses seem watery and thin.

Respiratory Organs

Trachea. Tickling in the trachea, provoking cough, on inspiration. Crawling in the upper part of the trachea, causing cough. Voice. Voice rough and hoarse. Cough. Whistling cough. Cough caused by an irritation, as if the trachea were tickled with a feather; cough renewed by holding the breath.

Respiration. Anxious, short respiration. Respiration tight and difficult, with anxiety about the heart. Shortness of breath, while walking; sighing, as if he were climbing a high and step mountain. The breath always seems to remain sticking in the pit of the stomach.


Heaviness and oppression of the chest. Heavy and anxious sensation in the lower portion of the chest, frequently compelling him to take a deep breath. The chest seems pressed inward; great painfulness internally, on breathing. Pain in the chest caused by talking, with a sensation as if she would become hoarse, and lose the power to talk, so that she was obliged to stop talking. The large pectoral muscles are painful when grasped, as if he had received a blow. Front and Sides. Pain beneath the sternum and an oppression of the chest, seeming to be caused by fullness in the pit of the stomach and distension of the abdomen. Sensation of heaviness in the left chest, frequently obliged him to take a deep breath. Tightness in the upper part of the left chest, for half a day. A pressive sticking pain in the middle of the right side of the chest, preventing inspiration, frequently coming and going. Pulling tensive pain in the left side of the chest, aggravated by inspiration. Dull sticking pain in the right lower posterior sides of the ribs on pressure; pains as from internal suppuration. Several successive stitches in the middle of the left side of the chest, not at all affected by inspiration. Pain on the lower portion of the left side of the chest externally, as if a sharp corner were pressed against it. Mammae. Sticking pain in the fleshy parts of the left mammary gland on deep inspiration, that extends to every side and even above the left shoulder; while walking and sitting.

Neck and Back

A pressive pain in the nape of the neck, which involves the whole occiput, on stooping. All parts of the back and small of the back seem stiff, as if he had been injured. Dorsal. Dull sticking pain between the shoulders on deep breathing, that extends to the lumbar vertebrae and takes away his breath. Pain near the spine, two inches to the left of the left scapula, as if a plug were being forced inward, on stooping. Lumbar. Sensation as from suppuration in the lumbar vertebrae, very violent while lying down, relieved by gentle motion, but speedily aggravated by continued motion, when it extends to the hip-joint and causes a sensation as if the ligaments were too short, them he is unable to lie upon either side on account of pain in the hip. Pressive pain in the small of the back. Pains in the small of the back, while sitting. Stitches in rapid succession in the right lumbar region shooting towards the navel, which takes away his breath.

Violent dull sticking, piercing deep inward beneath the crest of the ilium, that takes away his breath, and is aggravated on lying backward.

Superior Extremities

Shoulder. Pressive pain in the top of the right shoulder, ending in the deltoid muscle, preventing him from raising the arm, lasting half an hour. Paralytic pain in the left shoulder- joint, extending across the chest. A pressive suppurating pain in the axillary glands. Sensation of swelling in the left axillary gland, although no swelling existed. Elbow. Pinching pain in the right elbow-joint, with pressive pain on motion. Paralytic pains in the left elbow-joint, extending to the wrist. Forearm. Pain as from stiffness, in the right forearm, while writing, so that he could scarcely hold a pen. Pain as if he had received a blow on the left forearm. Cramp like pressure, aggravated by grasping, on the outer side of the right forearm. Jerking pain in the left forearm that makes him start. Tensive pains in the muscles of the left forearm, impeding the motion of the arm. Pain as if burnt, on the outer side of the right forearm. Wrist. Wrenching pain in the right wrist during rest. Pain in the right wrist, as if a bursa would form. Hand and Fingers. Cramp like constrictive pain in the right hand, that extends to the tips of the fingers.

Bruised pain in the metacarpal joint of the left thumb (after three hours). Wrenching pain in the right thumb, while writing, so that he nearly dropped the pen. Pressive pain between the left thumb and index finger. Painful pulling in the left thumb extending from behind forward. Pain as from stiffness, in the right thumb. Spasmodic pain in the left thumb. Paralytic pain in the right thumb. Bruised pain in the ball of the little finger. Pain as if burned, on the outer side of the right little finger. Painful drawing in the right fourth finger. Constrictive pain in the two middle fingers of the right hand. Pulling pain extending from the fingers of the left hand through the arm into the pectoral muscles of the same side. Pinching tensive pains, first in the left, then in the right thumb, lasting several minutes.

Inferior Extremities

Constant uneasiness in the lower extremities, was obliged to move them here and there. A paralytic pain extending from below upward in the right lower extremity. Needle-like stitches in the lower extremities and nates, so transient and flitting, that he scratches in the lower extremities and nates, so transient and flitting, that he scratches here and there, which causes a sensation as of hot needles. Hip and Thigh. Sensation of weariness in the hip-joints. The pains in the hip are most violent before midnight, after midnight they are scarcely felt.

Pressive pain in the middle of the right thigh. Tearing pain in the middle of the right thigh externally. Tensive pain on the inner surface of the left thigh. Pinching high up on the inner side of the right thigh. Knee. No steadiness in the left knee, a sensation as if it would give way. Weakness in the knee-joints, while standing. Pain as from stiffness, on the inner side of the left knee, while walking. Pain as from a sprain, in the right knee, occurring during rest, continuing during motion. Sensation about the right knee, as from steam. Pressive pain in the margins of the bones of the left knee. Pinching pain in the hollow of the right knee. Wrenching pain in the right knee during rest. Twitching pain in the left knee. Leg and Ankle. Pain as if a plug were sharply pressed against the inner side of the left calf. Pain as if he had received a blow, in the middle of the left tibia. Pain as from a sprain in the left ankle. Pain in the tendo Achillis, as if it would be torn off. Pressive pain in the left tendo Achillis, that is frequently throbbing and pulsating.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.