Severe pain in the regions of the umbilicus, transverse and descending colon, all day long, almost unbearable (fifth day).

Pain in the umbilical region (after four hours, and third day).

Sharp cutting pain in the umbilicus (first day). Cutting pain in the umbilicus (third day). Stools preceded by sharp pain in the region of the umbilicus (fifth day). Sharp pain in the umbilical and hypogastric regions (after ten hours, sixth day). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels (third day). Loud borborygmus (first day). Dull aching distress in the whole abdomen, with loud borborygmus (third day). Great rumbling in the bowels (seventh day). Rumbling in bowels, as from fermentation (ninth day).

Emission of fetid flatulence, in the evening (fifth day). Much flatus in bowels, and feeling as if diarrhoea would set in (sixth day). Emission of flatus (ninth day). Burning pain in the region of the transverse colon (after six hours, and second day). Pain in the bowels (fourth day). Pain in the region of the transverse colon, and in the descending colon (third day). Bowels very painful to touch (fourth day). Pain in the bowels and stomach, almost unbearable (after four hours, fourth day). Sharp cutting pain in the bowels before stools (fifth day). Pain in the bowels (eight day). Dull aching pain in the bowels and stomach (ninth day). At 3 P.M., lacerating pains, here and there, throughout the abdomen, for about five minutes; the pains then became located in the hypogastric region, and continued one hour, with slight inclination to go to stool; the pains then became easier, though they had not entirely passed away at tea-time; felt again ten minutes after a stool, in the lower portion of the abdomen, extending to the right hypochondrium, at 9.40 P.M. Uneasiness of the bowels (first day). Slight aching uneasiness in the whole abdomen, with slight pain all night (second day). Continued pain over the whole abdomen (third day). Uneasiness in the abdomen, during the night (fourth day). Some uneasiness in bowels, from increased vermicular action (fourth and fifth days). Slight uneasiness, as if I would have a stool; this soon passed away (after one hour). Slight uneasiness in the bowels after retiring (fourth night). Twice during the day had slight pain in the bowels (general), (third day). Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on (fifth day). Uneasiness of the abdomen, with looseness of the bowels (sixth day). Very sudden and severe distress in the hypogastric region, followed by papescent stool, stools very light-colored (after four hours, sixth day). Soon after the chilliness felt a slight momentary pain in hypogastric region; in a few minutes experienced similar pains in both hypochondria (sixth day). This morning have a dull aching pain over the whole lower abdomen (fourth day). Uneasiness in the lower abdomen all day, as if diarrhoea would come on (fourth day).

Rectum and Anus

Pain in the anus (third day). Severe pain in the anus (third day). Unpleasant sensation, not amounting to pain, about the anus; not felt after 1 P.M. (third day). Desire for stool, with much flatulence (third day). Slight disposition to go to stool, at 10.30 A.M., soon passed off (fifth day). A disposition to go to stool, with some pain in the anus (after four hours).

Disposition to go to stool (third day). Disposition to strain when at stool (fifth day).


Loose stool, at 6 A.M.; soft mushy stool, mixed with mucus, at 6 P.M., the medicine having acted as a mild cathartic in eight hours (second day); soft, mushy stool, at 5 A.M., followed by dull, heavy, aching pains in th region of the right lobe of the liver; after 8 P.M., stool of a dark color, mixed with bile and mucus, followed by a dull aching distress in the dorsal region, extending up to the shoulders, on both sides (third day); at 6 A.M., very black-colored stool, mixed with bile and mucus; before the stool I avoided about 1 drachm of white mucus; after 8 A.M., stool that ran a stream from the bowels, of bile, mucus, and black fecal matter, followed by burning distress in region of stomach and liver, extending down to the umbilicus; at 10 A.M., copious stool of water and black fecal matter, with great desire to strain after stool, followed by same symptoms as before; it will be seen by this experiment that 40 grams of the Polyporus, well triturated, will act as a violent hydragogue cathartic in two hours, if it is taken on an empty stomach (fourth day); in the morning, hard, black, lumpy stool, mixed with bile and mucus at 1 P.M., soft, black, fetid, papescent stool, followed by most terrible distress between the stomach and navel (fifth day); in the morning, dark papescent stool; mushy stool at 9 A.M., with great distress in the region of the liver and small intestines; at 6 P.M., papescent stool, followed by about one teaspoonful of blood, with severe tenesmus (sixth day); soft, mushy stool (seventh day); papescent, dark colored stool, without pain (eight day); any my bowels have been loose every day, with from one to three stools a day, without pain; all have been of a dark color; to-day my stool is natural, and I am feeling well (thirteenth day). Loose stool, with qualmishness (second day); at 9 A.M., at 3.30 P.M., copious fluid stool, expelled with great force, and another of the same character at 4 (third day); a loose, yellow stool, with pain afterwards, at 9 A.M.; loose stool, with pain, at 6 P.M. (fourth day); bowels loose (fifth day); loose stool, with tenesmus, at 2 and 3 P.M. (sixth day); six days have elapsed since the last dose, and my bowels have not become regular yet (ninth day). Copious, soft, mushy stool, followed by slight uneasiness in the umbilical region, at 3.30 P.M. (sixth day); scanty stool, at 9 A.M. (seventh day). Soft, mushy stool, unattended with pain, at 9.30 P.M. Soft mushy stool, at 9 P.M., similar to the one in the morning, but without the accompanying symptoms (third day); no stool at the usual time, but a mushy one at 9.30 A.M., preceded by the same pains in the lower portion of the abdomen, which immediately passed off after stool (fourth day); usual stool after breakfast (fifth day). Slight motion of the bowels (fifth day). Two stools, in the morning (fourth day).

Stools the first part of the day dry and lumpy, but in the evening were quite frequent, thin, watery, and very yellow (fifth day). Very light-colored, papescent stools, followed distress in hypogastric region (after four hours, sixth day). Soft papescent stools during the last forty-eight hours (seventh day). Copious and watery stools, accompanied with severe pains (fourth day).

Stools dark, dry, and lumpy, followed with stools mixed with bile and mucus; stools mixed with blood; stools thin and yellow (fifth day). One copious stool, at 3 P.M. (ninth day). The stools were not so black, and all contained more or less undigested food, and were mixed with water; also a number contained something that had the appearance of oil; it was in drops, from the size of a common new cent down to small drops; the color was clear and white; was it oil or not?. Passage of dry, hard faeces (tenth day). Bowels costive (ninth day),; (eight day).

Urinary Organs

Increased urination (ninth day). Frequent passage of high-colored urine, with pain in the region of the kidneys (third day). Urine diminished and high-colored (sixth day). Urine very high-colored and scanty (fifth day). Increased secretion of urine (sixth day).

Increased desire to urinate (seventh day). Frequent desire to urinate (tenth day). Frequent urination during the night (first night). Urine acid and profuse, light-colored (fifth day). Passed urine freely, at 10 A.M., 12 M., 2, 4, 6, and 9 P.M.; pale, almost colorless; desire to pass urine was constant (second day); constant desire to urinate; passed urine profusely, at 10 A.M., 12 M., and 2 P.M. (third day); profuse urination (fourth day).

Sexual Organs

Soon after getting into bed, at 10 P.M., a sharp pain in the glans penis, very severe.


Pain in the left lung (third day). Sharp darting pains in the left lung, with slight suffocating feeling, causing me to rise up in bed, lasting our hours (fourth day). Dull aching in the left lung, extending through the left shoulder-blade (ninth day). Pain in the ribs, aggravated by motion (after six hours).

Heart and Pulse

Sharp piercing pain in the region of the heart, aggravated by motion (after six hours). Pulse 110, full and soft (fifth day).

Pulse 100, at 6 P.M.; 96 at 9 P.M. (sixth day). Pulse from 90 to 105 (first night). Pulse 90, full and wiry (ninth day). Pulse 100, full and soft (seventh day).

Neck and Back

Neck. Slight drawing pain in the left side of the neck, after getting pain into bed, at 10 P.M. A slight pain shot up the back of the neck, from between the shoulder-blades, followed by a little soreness of the occipital region, with disposition to throw the head back; this soon disappeared (third day). Back.

Severe backache (fourth day). Severe backache; back is very stiff; can hardly rise up after sitting down a few minutes (seventh day). Dull aching pain in the back and hips (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.