Gums where they run up between the teeth, bluish, but no distinct line (after treatment). Blue line around gums of upper and lower incisor teeth. The gums are blue over one-fourth of their surface. Blue blotches or lines on the surface of the buccal mucous membrane. Blue rings along the gums, with accumulation of tartar at the base of the teeth. Gums covered with a blue tinge. Ashy-gray margin of the gums. Gums bordered with slate-colored rings; teeth laid bare. Slate-colored gums, and teeth laid bare. Gums slate-colored almost all over, and bleeding at the slightest contact. Gums slate-colored over the greater part of their surface. The portion of the gums bordering the teeth, to the depth of two or three lines, is of a beautiful slate color. Slate-colored line on the gum, and similar bluish spots in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Gum dirty brownish-gray. Gums slate-colored. Gums bordering on teeth slate-colored. Lead line on the gums; teeth laid bare. Lead line on the gums, they are bluish and flabby. Well-marked lead line on the gums, which are bluish and bloodless. Not all who breathe or swallow lead particles, for a certain length of time, have their teeth and gums coated with sulphate of lead; but I have met with very few in a whom it was not perceptible.

The coloring matter of the gums and teeth consist of sulphide of lead. Gums and teeth covered with sulphate of lead. The gum exhibited a bluish-gray color, Discolored gums. Gums generally pale and spongy. Gums tense and very white (fourth day). Gum pale. The buccal mucous membrane may present different degrees of discoloration in different cases, or may, in the same case, be colored in various shades of blue. Upper gums rather discolored. Gums scarcely at all discolored. Gums softened. Gums spongy and tender, and between the teeth slight elevations of a leaden hue. The gums were very spongy, and edged with a deep blue line. Gums soft and swollen, with a dark-colored line on the edges in contact with the front teeth (tenth day). Gum loose, swollen. Swelling of the gum at the roots of the teeth. Gum loose, retracted. Gums discolored and shrunken, leaving the teeth bare to their necks. Gums retracted from the teeth, covered with tenacious mucus. Gums blue; those of the lower jaw have retreated from the teeth; the partitions between the teeth have partly disappeared, so that the gums form a mere projecting pad, they look as if cut vertically, but there is no ulceration. Gums tender. Inflammation of gums. Occasional congestion of the gums; they bleed when touched. Congestion of the discolored gums; they bleed at the slightest touch. Ulceration of the superior alveolar border of the gums of both jaws, with discoloration of almost the entire buccal mucous membrane. Pimple on the gum, that was very painful and hard. Tongue. Some sudden burning pimples on the tip of the tongue, that are especially painful on talking, from 6 to 10 P.M. (first day). Blisters on the frenum of the tongue. End of tongue covered with many small bluish-black spots like small ecchymoses; the upper surface of the tongue was covered with a number of large ulcers, somewhat like mercurial ulcers; associated with painfulness of the tongue and lips, and offensive salivation. Inflammation of the tongue. Tongue occasionally swollen, red, dry, and large. Tongue clean, red, and enlarged. Tongue flat and broad. Tongue clean, but expanded. Tongue large and rather yellow. The tongue trembles, without being paralyzed. Trembling of the tongue when protruded. Tongue and lower lip tremulous. When he tries to articulate, the tongue is readily seen to move with difficulty, and to tremble. Tongue pale and tremulously protruded, with slight yellowish coating in the center. Some trembling of the tongue when protruded. Slight tremor of the tongue, but articulation is perfect. Tongue drawn quite forcibly to the left side, and folded in the same direction. Cannot put out his tongue. Tongue and other parts of the body became partially palsied. Tongue flabby, tremulous, edges red, indented, a brownish fur down the center, speckled with enlarged red papillae. Tongue flabby. Tongue large, soft, red, rather dry. Tongue clean, pointed, red on the border (after four hours). Tongue covered with frothy saliva (second day). Tongue covered with mucus. Tongue and gums thickly coated. Tongue dry and coated. Tongue furred, tongue foul.

Tongue lightly coated. Tongue pale. Tongue slightly furred. Tongue coated white, etc. Tongue blanched, covered with a white coat, red at the margin and tip, slightly swollen. Whitish, thick tongue. Large white tongue. Tongue white and red; rather enlarged. Tongue whitish, thick, and rather dry. Tongue clean and rather white. Tongue dry and covered with a dense white fur. Tongue dry and white. Tongue moist, white, the margin rosy red. Whitish, very large, moist tongue.

Whitish, moist tongue. Moist tongue, white in the middle and red on the sides. Tongue large, thick, and covered with a thin white coating. Tongue furred and white. Tongue white and loaded. Tongue white in middle, and red on the sides. Tongue somewhat dry and whitish. Tongue moist and rather white. Tongue slightly whitish.. Tongue moist, with white fur. A brownish white fur on tongue. A white furred tongue. Tongue yellowish- white, but moist. The tongue, covered with a yellowish-white coat about the base, was otherwise clean, and partly paralyzed on the right side, impeding the promptness and clearness of his utterance. Tongue slightly coated white (after treatment). Red tongue. Tongue clean and rather red (after one year). Tongue dry and red (second day). Tongue red at the edge, a brown fur down the centre. Margin of the tongue red (after four hours). Dry, red tongue, rather pale and moist at the edges. Tongue extremely red (after eleven hours). Tongue red, moist. Tongue red, and somewhat coated with white. Tongue red on the sides, and slightly whitish in the middle. Tongue moist, large, and red, with a whitish coat. Tongue red on the sides, white in the middle. Tongue large and red. Red pointed tongue (second day). Tongue red and moist, rather white in the middle. Tongue red, dry, and enlarged, but papillae not prominent. Tongue red and rather white on the sides. Tongue red and moist. Tongue coated yellow or white. Tongue furred, the mucus on its posterior part very yellow. Tongue furred, dirty yellow. Tongue coated yellow. Thick yellow coating on the tongue. Tongue covered with a thick, partly dry, yellowish-white saburral coating; its borders red and rough, with projecting papillae. Tongue coated with a thick light-yellow crust. Tongue enlarged, and covered with a rather thick yellow coating. Tongue coated, dirty yellow, flabby, and indented. Tongue dry, and covered with yellow fur.

Tongue coated greenish and yellow. Tongue moist, and slightly coated on its posterior part, with a yellowish fur. Nasty and thick coating of mucus on the tongue. Large tongue, covered with a pretty thick saburral coating. Tongue large and red, with a slight saburral coating in the middle. Bluish line on the margin of the tongue. Tongue covered with a slight brown fur. Tongue coated in center with a brown fur. Tongue coated with a thin, moist, whitish-brown fur. Tongue coated with a thick brownish-yellow fur. Tongue quite brownish. Tongue covered with a black crust (second day). Tongue dry, brown, and cracked. Tongue dry, with a dark streak in the centre. Tongue clammy. Tongue and fauces dry (tenth day). Tongue clean, somewhat dry. Dryness of the tongue. Heaviness of the tongue.

Burning in the tip of the tongue, as though he had bitten it, transient, about 2 P.M. Loss of sensibility in the right side of the tongue. General Mouth. Mouth drawn aside. Tetanic closure of the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth, especially on the sides, with an offensive odor; they afterwards became yellow. Cannot eat or drink anything on account of three ulcers in the mouth, two on the under side of the tongue, and one on the inside of the cheek; cold drinks almost set him crazy; he swallows hot drinks best; the ulcers were of a perforating character, and had eaten into the tongue to the depth of four or five lines; rapidly healed by direct application of Alumina Aphthae in the mouth and throat. Occasional discharge of wind from the mouth. Swelling of the glands in the mouth and beneath the chin. Redness, tenderness, and ultimately a deep soreness of nearly the whole mouth and fauces; almost every sort of food, except the mildest kind, such as rice, gave me pain, both by its presence in the mouth, and by the heat and smarting it occasioned. The whole mucous membrane of mouth and tongue slate-colored, with a few scattered, scarcely visible red points. Where carious teeth existed the interior of the mouth and fauces blackened by the action of sulphate of lead. The mucous membrane of the lips and throat was pale, and the gums discolored. Mucous membrane of the mouth without color.

Mucous membrane of the lips pale. Mucous membrane of the mouth pale. Mouth slimy. Mouth slimy in the morning, on waking (second day). Clammy mouth. Breath at times very fetid.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.