

Eleven days after all the symptoms had disappeared, a swelling of the breast, the face, and almost the whole body set in, accompanied by several of the symptoms of the last days of the proving, especially the constriction of the pharynx. This condition becoming seriously troublesome, relief was sought for in homoeopathy. China was administered successfully, and in a few days the prover was restored to health, but the itching and the large pimples, produced by the drug, remained for a long time afterwards. The latter part of the proving was marked by a prostration an a sort of moral weakness, which, although not excessive, differed very widely from the primary condition of excitement (sixteenth day). Works very hard; increase of physical strength (fourth day). Increase of physical strength (fourth day). His movements are quick and lively (seventh day). Jerks and strings, in the evening, when sitting or lying, during the last days of the proving. Great weariness when standing; dizziness and faint feeling; for an hour, at 9 A.M. (ninth day). Numbness, while drawing breath, for a quarter of an hour (second day). Dull feeling (twenty-third day). Shuddering and rigors, without feeling cold (fifth day). Nervous shuddering (ninth day).


Red spots on the cheeks, white spots on the hands, in place of the former pimples (second day). Redness of the face, hands, and feet (which last were always of a greenish-white); shoulders and arms not so white as usual (fourth day). The skin comes off in small scales from the forepart of the left leg (fourth day).

Eruptions. Miliary pimples on the face, forehead, temples, and chin; they are vesicular, with a red base, and a black point at their centers; they came out in the course of the day (fifth day). Miliary pimples, on a red base, and swollen in their centres, at the nape of the neck; they do not itch, but the friction of the cravat causes a raw feeling (sixth day). Miliary eruption on the inside of the arms and forearms (fourth day).

Miliary eruption on the calves, with itching, increasing in the evening, at 3 P.M. (second day). Some of the pimples disappear and are replaced by others (third day). Small red inflamed pimples on the temples, shoulders, arms, and legs (seventh day).

White pimples on the forehead (first day). Small pimples on the forehead (sixth day). White pimples, with a black point in the centre, in the left corner of the mouth (sixth day). White pimples, much swollen, above the left breast (fourth day). Red stomach (sixth day). Small red pimples, with black points in their centers, on the right sternomastoid muscle (eight day).

Pimples on the back, a centimeter in breadth, white in the center, and smarting severely (fourth day). Reappearance of the pimples on the nape of the neck (third day). Pimples on the nape of the neck, which, although very large, itch less than the small ones, which remain, in the morning (fourth day); they disappear (fifth day). Pimples on the back, smarting, swollen, and inflamed, as if blood would issue from them; they are a centimeter in breadth, white, very red at their circumference, with black points at their centers (seventh day). Pimples still come out, from time to time, on the thighs and shoulders (thirteenth to thirtieth day). The left shoulder and arm are covered with small red inflamed pimples, like gooseflesh (fourth day). Red pimples on the shoulders (fourteen day). Small red pimples on the hands; they last for an hour, and leave red marks, like bites (seventh day). Many small pimples, black in their centers, on the left knee (fourth day). Small red itching pimples on the right calf (nineteenth day). After putting the feet in hot water, they are covered with small red pimples, without itching, at 9 A.M. (third day). Sensations. Horripilation all over, eight or ten times in succession (after half an hour, first day).

Formication on the tips of the middle and index fingers (third day). Pricking all over, especially on the anterior portions of the thigh and left arm, from 8 to 11 P.M. (third day). Pricking in the face, and eruption of small red inflamed pimples, at 6 P.M.

(third day). Pricking all over, all day (third day). The itching lasts a long time. Great itching during the night (sixth day).

Itching all over, when walking or sitting (third day). Itching all over, especially on the wrist (fifth day); better (ninth day); less itching (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Itching all over (thirteenth day); (thirteenth and twenty- third days); (eight day). Itching all over, with redness (ninth day). Itching all over, especially in the evening (eleventh day). The itching becomes general, grows less at times, and then gets worse again (fourth day). Violent itching on the left temple (sixth day).

Long itching of the left eyebrow; it extends to the face (third day). Itching in the concha of the right ear (thirteenth day).

Itching in the concha of the left ear, when lying down, in the evening (second day). Itching in the concha of the left ear (sixth day). Itching of the tip of the nose, as from worms (third day). Itching and pricking on the left wing of the nose (sixth day). Itching on the lower part of the right side of the face (sixteenth day). Itching of the face and scalp (third day). The whole beard itches (sixth day). Itching at the nape of the neck and between the shoulders at 5 P.M. (third day). Great itching of the nape of the neck almost all night (sixth day). Itching on the nape of the neck, left temple, and back (sixth day). Itching on the back (tenth day). Itching of the forearm, in the evening (fourth day). Itching of the right forearm, in the evening, when lying down (fourth day). Itching of the external portion of the left wrist, at 10 P.M. (first day); (tenth day). Itching on the backs of the hands (fourteenth day). Itching on the ring finger (fifteenth day). Itching on the first phalanx of the right index finger (third day). Redness and itching of the right hip, for half an hour (thirteenth day). Itching at the bend of the leg, as from nettles (fourth day). Itching here and there at night (first day). The itching continues as bad as ever; it grows worse on the calves in the evening (sixth, seventh, and eight days). Very severe itching on the right instep; it does not last long (tenth day). Itching spreading over the back and soles of the feet (eleventh day).


Yawning (sixth and ninth days); from 3 to 8 P.M. (eleventh day).

Drowsiness (ninth day). Frequent waking (first day). Awakes early in the morning for several days (tenth day). Sleeps very little (second day). Very restless night (second day). Restless sleep (eight day). Dreams. Frightful dream about dissecting one of his friends (first day). Frightful dream about a monstrous black figure, which flew up to the sky and darkened the sun (eight day). Dream about seeing aquaintances walking on the water (seventh day) Dream about going through the yards of a great many houses and reaching the banks of th Seine, where he sees people sporting and skating (in the summer season) with the water up to their thighs (has not dreamt before for a year), (seventh day). Dream about being sick in filthy hospital, full of vermin, and having copious discharge of water from the nose (sixth day).

Dream about being left to die by famine in a dungeon, whence he escapes by crawling out (sixth day). Dreams about conspiracies and insurrections, then amorous dreams, with a pollution (tenth day). Dream about enormous lice (ninth day). Pleasant dreams (sixth day). Dreams about being very friendly, then amorous (eleventh day). Confused dreams about being pursued (eighth day).


Chilliness and shuddering (second day). Chilliness all over (ninth day). Coldness, shivering, and trembling, for a quarter of an hour, at 5 P.M. (eleventh day). Coldness, with rigors and trembling. at 5 P.M. (ninth day). Cold hands, with heat of the face, at noon (ninth day). Fever (second day). Rigors; great heat and dryness of the extremities (first day). Heat of the skin (third day). Heat in the head and hands, at 8 P.M. (second day).

Heat of the head (first day). Head burning hot, with bright-red face (ninth day). Heat and deep redness of the face, all the afternoon (sixth day). Heat of the face (fifth day thirteenth days). Great heat of the hands (fifth day). Sweat of th face (first day). Sweat of the feet, followed by great coldness (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Cold sweat of the feet, followed by great coldness, at 10 P.M. (twelfth day).



(Morning), On rising, confusion of the head; beating in right temple; dull pain in head; pressure and throbbing in brain; 8 A.M., scraping in throat; pimples on nape of neck; sleeplessness.

(Forenoon), 7 A.M., headache; 10 A.M., headache and pressure in nasal protuberance; 11 A.M., headache, with dizziness and nausea, frontal headache; 9 A.M., dizziness, faintness, horripilation in left half of scalp; itching, redness, and swelling of the veins of the hands.

(Noon), Cold hands, with heat of face.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.