Paris Quadrifolia

(Motion), Sensation as if the joints were broken.

(After reading aloud), Vertigo.

(Resting part of weight upon right knee when bent), Painful tension.

(Scratching), Biting in pimples above left eyebrow.

(After scratching), Pain in pimples; head, burning.

(While sitting), Vertigo; bend over, tearing in abdominal muscles; burning in the orifice of the urethra; stitches extending into back; tearing in the coccyx; tearing in right hip; tearing in outer side of right thigh; stitches in left inner malleolus; tearing in right great toe.

(While smoking), Headache.

(While standing), Pain extending along tendons of right popliteus.

(Stepping upon part), Pain in sole of left foot.

(Stooping), Pressure in forehead; pressure in throat, as from a ball; sensation as if a stone were lying on back.

(Stretching joints out), Sensation as if they had been pressed.

(When swallowing), Pressure, as from a ball, in throat.

(Thinking), Pain in head.

(Touching part), Pain in eruption on forehead; pain in scalp; burning pain in inner canthi; pulsating sensation and sticking pain in spot beneath left nipple; skin seemed sore.

(Turning about), Sensation as if joints were swollen and sprained.

(Turning neck), Swollen and stiff feeling.

(While walking), Cutting in left groin; painful sensation in right hip-joint; feet seen weary and tremulous.


(Eructations), Griping in stomach; pressure in stomach.

(Lying on back), Pain in left side of chest and abdomen.

(Pressure of hand), Pain in right temporal region.

(Walking), In open air, vertigo; drawing in hollow back tooth; griping in abdomen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.