Nitri Dulcis Spiritus

Nitri Dulcis Spiritus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Spiritus aetheris nitrosi. Sweet spirits of nitre. This substance is essentially a solution of ethyl nitrate C2H5NO2).


Slight confusion of ideas. Some anxiety.


Confusion. Confusion of the head (soon after a dose). Head very much confused, heavy, and hot, for three hours. Vertigo.

Sensation of impending vertigo several times, soon; also, while sitting, a sensation as if the upper part of the body swayed to and fro. Sensation in the head as if vertigo would occur, repeated several times (soon); between these attacks, while sitting, a sensation as if the upper part of the body swayed to and fro. General Head. A dull annoying pain is felt in the head, more acutely along the course of the temporal arteries, which continues for five or six hours (after five or six hours).

Violent tearing in the head. Tearing in the head. Tearing pains in various parts of the head. Drawing and tearing in the head, especially in the right side. Drawing pressure in various parts of the head. Frequent pressure in the head. A slight degree of swimming in the head, scarcely perceptible even when at the worst. Pressure and heaviness in the head. Pressure and heaviness in the head, lasting a long time. Heaviness in the head, with pressure in the forehead. Heat and heaviness in the head, soon after a dose. Stitches on the head. Headache, continued for seventeen hours (after half an hour). Forehead. Confusion in the forehead. Confusion in the forehead, on rising in the morning, with persistent pressure and heaviness, lasting several hours.

Violent boring in the forehead. Violent persistent pain in the frontal bones. Boring in the forehead, at night. Boring in the left side of the forehead, at times very violent. Violent boring here and there in the frontal bones, frequently repeated. Boring in various parts of the forehead. Violent pressure and boring in the frontal bones. Drawing pains in the forehead. Drawing in the forehead and bones of the face. Drawing and pressure in the forehead. Heaviness in the forehead. Pressive pains in the forehead, increasing in the evening, noticed while both walking and sitting. Pressure in various parts of the forehead (soon after a dose). Violent pressure and heaviness in the forehead.

Pressure in the forehead, especially violent. Pressure and heaviness in the forehead. Frequent pressure and heaviness in the forehead. Frequent pressure and fullness in the forehead.

Pressure in the forehead and sinciput, with a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the head. Pressure in various parts of the forehead. Pressure in the forehead. Pain in the forehead, with pressure and heaviness, worse towards evening. Heat in the forehead and face. Temples. Boring in the temples. Boring as with a dull instrument in the left temple. Pressure in the temples.

Pressure in the right temple. Pressure in the temples and frontal bone. Pressure in the left temple. Pressure in the temples, with a sensation of heaviness in them. Pressure inward as with a dull instrument in the right temple. Vertex. Stitches on the vertex.

Pressure and heaviness in the sinciput. Drawing in the scalp, with pressure in various parts of the skull. Horripilation on the scalp. Occiput. Heat in the occiput (soon). Pressure in the occiput. Heaviness in the occiput, with heat.


Dull appearance of the eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Lids. Visible twitches in the right upper lid. Frequent twitching in the margin of the right upper lid. Stitches and burning in the lids and their margins. Burning in the margins of the lids. Stitch in the upper lid and above the right eye. Lachrymation. Stitches in the eye balls. Black spots and rings float before the eyes, always after a dose, with heat in the head and contracted pupils.


(The left ear is closed, without swelling or pain, lasting more than an hour; it seemed to be the commencement of a violent coryza that developed the same day). Pressure behind the ears.

Pressure in the left mastoid process. Stitches in the left ear.


The first observed effect is a bluish-purple color which the lips take on; this occurs even when the vapor is very dilute, and it may exist quite unconsciously and without any bad effects whatever; after being exposed for one or two hours to a rather diluted vapor, or after exposure for only a few seconds to a very partially diluted vapor – after it may be only three or four natural inspirations – the lips assume a deeper purple tint, the eyes a dull appearance, and the whole countenance has a ghastly, dirty-looking pallor about it, as if smoked all over; the hands, more especially beneath the nails, partake of the purple color; afterwards the hands are of a leaden-blue or purple color.

Visible twitching in the middle of the left part of the upper lip, along the margin. Boring in various parts of the bones of the face. Boring in the bones of the face. Pressure in the bones of the face. Stitches in the muscles of the face. Frequent stitches in the muscles of the face. Pressure in the bones of the face, worse on the right side. Sensation as of a cloud over the upper portion of the face. Stitches in the masseter muscles.

Drawing stitches in the cheeks. Drawing in the right upper jaw.

Violent boring in the lower jaw, especially in the angles.

Drawing in the upper jaw.


Teeth. Tearing in the upper teeth. Tearing in the lower teeth.

Tearing in the upper canine and incisor teeth of the right side.

Tongue. Cutting deep in the forepart of the tongue. Drawing deep in the lower teeth. Burning in the tongue. Sticking and burning in the tip of the tongue. Sharp stitches in the tongue. Stitches deep in the mass of the tongue. Violent stitches in the tip of the tongue. Stitches in the tip of the tongue. Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue. Stitches in the tongue. Very flat odor in the mouth. Saliva. Profuse clear saliva collects in the mouth after a dose. Much thin saliva in the mouth. Much thin saliva with a constant salty taste on the tip of the tongue (soon after a dose). Profuse mucus constantly in the mouth, with a taste of lye. Much mucus in the mouth. Sensation like that preceding nausea, together with increased mucus in the mouth. Salty taste on the tongue and salivation.


Constant dryness in the throat. Cramp extending from below upward in the oesophagus. Increased accumulation of mucus in the throat.


Violent paroxysmal cutting pain deep in the pit of the stomach, together with flushes of heat and general hot sweat. Peculiar sensation of aching in the pit of the stomach. Heaviness fulness, and oppression in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, extending up the oesophagus. Pressure in the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach, as from a dull instrument, aggravated by deep inspiration, pressure, and keeping the body erect, relieved by bending inward the abdomen, which is not at all soft; after half an hour the pain increased, became cutting, extended to the umbilical region, and was aggravated by even slight inspiration; the pain continued four hours; was very much increased by eating, when it became cutting; there was much accumulation of gas in the abdomen, after the evacuation of which the pain was relieved.

Eructations. Eructations of air tasting of the drug. Eructations of air. Sensation of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach rising into the mouth, with much mucus in the mouth. Vomiting at an early stage, not either severe or persistent. Nausea. Frequent nausea. Nausea, with some sensation of qualmishness in the stomach, accumulation of saliva and hunger.


Many noises of gas in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen.

Rumbling in the abdomen and pressure in the umbilical region.

Some pressure in the epigastric region. Sudden stitches in the left side, below the navel, extending towards the bladder.

Urinary organs

Urethra. Violent cutting in the tip of the urethra. Stitches in the tip of the urethra. Violent stitches in the tip of the urethra. Numerous stitches in the tip of the urethra. Violent stitches in the tip of the urethra while urinating. Frequent stitches in the tip of the urethra. Micturition. Frequent inclination to urinate. Much desire to urinate. Frequent micturition of profuse urine as clear as water. Frequent painless micturition. Urine. Frequent micturition of yellow urine. Urine very clear in color, with frequent desire, but not increased quantity. Urine passes frequently. Urine yellow during the whole proving, not increased in quantity. Urine scanty. The diuretic action was not apparent until twelve or fourteen hours after exposure to the vapor. Diuretic effects (within an hour or two).

Sexual Organs.

Stitches in the glans penis.

Respiratory organs

Breathing slow and regular; on walking a short distance it becomes very hurried; if the attempt is persevered in it becomes quick, difficult, and painful, and a most distressing sense of painful constriction is felt underneath the sternum. Tickling in the larynx, with short dry cough. Tickling in the larynx, with a dry cough, in the evening. Tickling in the causing a dry explosive cough. Much sticking and tickling in the larynx, with thin saliva. Numerous stitches in the larynx, in the evening, provoking cough, which was dry. Stitches and constriction in the larynx. Short dry cough. Short dry cough, several mornings.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.