
Objective. Swelling beneath the left eye, so that he could scarcely see out of it, with burning now in the right, now in the left eye, in the morning on rising (fourth, fifth, and sixth days). Inflammation of the eyes, with sticking pain. It appears to dissolve the fibrin of the blood, and causes an excessive fluidity of it, produces a kind of leucoma, and finally ulceration of the cornea. The workmen who have to pound the crude article are the most exposed to its influence; all day long they are covered with soda suspended in the atmosphere in the form of a fine powder; it is chiefly among them that keratitis with ulceration occurs; the ulcerative keratitis is always large and deep, and as often precedes as follows the other symptoms. Small ulcers about the cornea, with stinging pains in the eye, so that she was obliged to shade it from every ray of light. Subjective. Dryness, a sensation of heat, and a feeling of contraction in the eyes (after two days). Stickiness of the right eye, as if it were full of mucus, all day. Pain in the eyes, in the morning (after seventeen days). Burning in the eyes, only in the forenoon (third and fourth days). Burning in the eyes, in the evening, lasting until after lying down (seventh day). Burning in the eyes while at work, especially reading and writing, together with sensation of dryness in the eyes, as if he had wept much (tenth day). Sudden burning in the right external canthus, immediately afterwards in the middle of the eye, whence it extends into the inner canthus, and as it ceases there a sticking in the left eye extending towards the outer canthus, with a feeling as though a hair were in it, though it immediately disappeared, at 2 P.M. (second day). Dull stitches in the right eye, while sitting (fourth day). A fine sharp stitch in the left inner canthus that forces out the tears, at 11 A.M. (third day). Needle like stitches in both eyes, after dinner (eighteenth day). Itching in the right eye, disappearing on rubbing, in the morning (second day). Itching and biting in the right eye; was obliged to rub it, which, however, relieved it but little, but on moistening it with saliva, the itching and biting ceased (third day). Violent itching in the right eye, that waters on rubbing, at 11 A.M. (tenth day). Orbit. Pain in the bones of the orbit. Lids. Swelling of the upper lids (after fifteen days). Inflammatory swelling of the right upper lid, without redness of the conjunctiva, with pressure in it, feeble-looking face, and some mucus in the canthi (after ten days). He could hardly open the lids; they involuntarily closed. Frequent closure of the lids, like an involuntary winking, with a burning sensation in the eyes, especially in the afternoon. Constant closure of the lids, followed by sleepiness, even while walking. Eyes agglutinated, in the morning, and watery all the forenoon (fourth day). Eyes constantly agglutinated, which he can only with difficulty prevent, in the afternoon (eleventh day). Heaviness of the upper lids (first and second days). Tearing in the right lower lid, extending from the inner canthus toward the outer, at 5 P.M. (first day). Frequent itching of the lower lids, especially of the left. Lachrymal Apparatus. Violent inflammation of the inner canthus, and purulent swelling of the lachrymal sac, which opened (after four days). Lachrymation of the eyes. Ball. Sensitiveness of the eyeballs to touch, with s sensation as if they would be pulled out. Pupil. Pupils contracted (after three hours). Vision. Eyes dim (after forty-eight hours). Eyes dim; he was constantly obliged to wipe them. Distant objects seem to dim to one usually farsighted. He sees people very indistinctly at twenty paces, and is unable to recognize them (nineteenth day). He sees a picture very indistinctly, even at a distance of a few steps. Dimness of vision; vision vanishes immediately on reading (second day). It seems as though something were drawn before the axis of vision. Eyes weak; at fine work everything runs together, yet she can read well. Black floating spots before vision, while writing. Flickering before the eyes like rain. Sparks of light before the eyes (eleventh day). Lightings before the eyes, on falling asleep. Blinding lightings before the eyes, on waking (after twelve days).


External. Itching sticking in the lobule of the left ear, disappearing on pressure and rubbing, in the forenoon (third day). Stitches in the left concha. A sharp stitch behind the lobule of the right ear, always immediately disappearing on pressure, but returning, at 1 P.M. (second day). Painful tearing and sticking behind the right ear, at 1 P.M. (sixth day). An ulcerative pain, with throbbing behind the lobule of the left ear, as if within the bone; disappearing on pressure. Middle. Stopped sensation in the left ear, with diminished hearing. Pain in the left ear (after fourteen days). Pinching and cracking in the right ear, in the morning (sixth day). Earache, with drawing pain in the right articulation of the jaw, that extends into the inner mouth and right side of the tongue; the tongue is at the same painful to the touch of the teeth, though motion of the jaw causes no pain, in the evening, on walking in a cool wind (eighth day). Pressure and tearing in the ear. Sticking in the left ear, from within outward, at 3 P.M. (second day). Stitches in the ears at times, ceasing on opening the mouth, and returning on closing it (tenth day). A sharp stitch from within outward in the right ear (after three quarters of an hour). Piercing stitches in both ears, frequently (thirteenth day). A piercing stitch, as with an awl, in the right ear, at 4 P.M. (fourth day). Very fine intermitting tearing in the right ear, while standing and sitting, at 8 A.M. (nineteenth day). Tickling in the left external meatus, ceasing for a while after scratching, but returning, at 8 1/2 A.M. (fourth day). Hearing. Violent rushing in ear (after four days). Ringing in the ears on turning the head. Roaring about the head, and throbbing in the left ear. Violent roaring in the ears (after twenty-second day). Music in the ears, as from the humming of distant bagpipe, as when at times one hears fine tones, while lying on the back in bed; on rising, it ceases, but if he sits upright for a short time it returns, and disappears on lying down, but soon returns while lying; together with some earache (twenty-third day).


Objective. Nose red, with white pimples upon it. Ulceration high up within the nostrils. Frequent sneezing without coryza (after thirteen hours). Frequent persistent sneezing, in the morning (eleventh day). Forcible sneezing once, with rush of blood into the head, so that he saw white stars, before the eyes (fourth day). Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth (fifth day). Yellow offensive discharge from the nose (seventh and eighth days). Thick green mucus is blown from the nose (twenty-second day). Frequent intermitting coryza, with burning in the eyes (the whole twelfth day). Fluent coryza in the forenoon, disappearing in the afternoon (thirteenth day). Profuse, fluent coryza, with chilliness over the whole body, cold hands and cheeks, and hoarseness, without thirst. Very profuse coryza (tenth day). Extremely profuse, fluent coryza (after eleven days). Coryza with discharge of thin mucus, and frequent sneezing (second day). Stopped catarrh (after six days). Profuse stopped catarrh, especially after dinner, and frequent sneezing. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose; she thought she would suffocate at night for want of air, and was obliged to keep her mouth constantly open (tenth and eleventh days). Coryza, at one time fluent, at another stopped (fifth day). Bleeding of the nose (after twelve days). Blowing of the blood from the nose, in the morning. Subjective. The nose seems stopped for half an hour (first day). Stoppage of the nose, with hard offensive pieces, that come from one nostril (after fourteen days). Stoppage of the nose when talking. Dryness of the nose. Drawing pain in the outer side of the nose, relieved by rubbing (first day). Sensation as though a hard substance were sticking in the upper part of the left nostril, which does not disappear on blowing the nose, lasting two days (after four days). Constant tickling in the nose, not relieved by scratching (twelfth day). Smell. Smell more acute (secondary action?).


Redness of the face, with warm forehead; without sensation of internal heat (after two hours). Alternating redness and paleness of the face, at 3 P.M. (seventh day). Face yellow. Earthy, wan complexion. Paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, swollen lids (after twenty-four days). She looks very pale, as after severe illness (seventh day). Face puffy. Slight puffiness of the face. Pressive pains in the bones of the face, aggravated by walking in the open air. Cheeks. Swelling of both cheeks, with glowing redness. Violent drawing in the left cheek-bone. Pressive pain in both cheek-bones. Acute needle-like stitch in the upper part of the left cheek, at 3 P.M. (first day). Tearing in the right zygoma, returning after rubbing (first day). Tearing in the left zygoma, extending up into the head, with sticking pain in the forehead, at 4 P.M. (second day). Violent tearing in the right zygoma, as if the bone would be torn out, with sensitiveness to touch, at 3 P.M. (first day). Lips. Twitching of the upper lip (after eighteen days). Twitching of the right side of the upper lip, frequently returning, in the afternoon (sixth day). Burning in a small spot on the upper lip and right corner of the mouth. China Rheumatic pain in the jaws. Frequent intermitting tearing in the left jaw, in the afternoon (fourth day). Bruised pain at the angle of the left lower jaw, disappearing on pressure, after dinner (third day). Beating in the right side of the lower jaw, extending from the middle toward the chin, after breakfast (first day). Twitching in the left side of the lower jaw, at 1 1/2 P.M. (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.