
Objective. The bitten part on the left ankle bled slightly, the part became dark, and the discoloration spread up the limb. The mark of the principal puncture on the left upper arm remains livid yet, it looks as if it would long do so (after nine months). Hand, arm, and breast of the same side were much swelled, mottled and of a dark purple, and livid color (after ten minutes). On the back of right hand were discovered two punctures, as if made by a needle, about an inch and a half apart, marking the entrance of the fangs; upon each puncture there was a drop of nearly colorless fluid, without any hemorrhage, tumefaction, or ecchymosis; the wound healed kindly by granulation. A pimple on upper lip (second day); pimple on left ala nasi (fifth day). Appeared at breakfast with the point of the nose decorated with small papules on a slightly inflamed base; nose sore in consequence (second day); pimples going away from the nose (sixth day). A large painful pimple on the brow. Neck and body broke out in small white blisters, on an inflamed base; very itchy, passing off in an hour, in the afternoon (fourth day). A small boil-like swelling on the back of middle phalanx of right hand little finger (tenth day); fades in three days. Gangrene of the back and palm of the hand, as well as of the thumb; the tendons were laid bare, and a large ulcer formed. Subjective. I think I have felt an itching on various parts of the trunk, after going to bed, these two or three nights; perhaps that may be owing to the Naja (sixth day). Creeping itching in various parts of the body, from time to time, requiring them to be scratched (four hours and a half after second powder, fourth day). Slight pricking in the wound. Fine tingling in legs and feet, while standing (soon). For several days, itching and irritation in the cicatrix of an old ulcer up to this day, when it ceases (eighth day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Yawning and lassitude with the headache (sixth day). Frequent yawning (fourth day); (fourth and sixth days). Frequent yawning (after two hours); occasional yawning still, very unusual with me (after four hours). Very drowsy, unusually so after tea, slept for an hour; did not make any difference to my night’s rest (second day). Strong disposition to doze (in less than an hour); from this time he himself was for several hours ignorant of what had passed, but from the reports of those about him, he at times showed much inquietude, without making any specific complaint; at other times he lay moaning and dozing; in the morning he had perfectly recovered his senses. In the evening he felt very tired and sleepy, and had to retire at 9 o’clock; slept directly after going to bed (first night). Strong desire to sleep, and slept for a quarter of an hour. Almost invincible desire to sleep, which after three hours’ hard walking, accompanied by profuse perspiration, gradually wore off. Sleeplessness. Little inclination for sleep; the brain appeared irritable (tenth night). Have not slept well during the night (fifth night). Slept ill in the first part of the night, and had a pretty severe headache (fourteenth night). Sleep broken and disturbed, during the week (after three days). Restless night (sixth night). Passed a wakeful night, very uncommon with me, and know no reason for it; dreams vivid, waking up very frequently, with very dry mouth; did not feel ill, but the mind would work constantly and actively; the body not restless (first night); did not feel fatigued as after an ordinary bad night (second day). Dreams. Dreams during night (sixteenth day) Many dreams, not disagreeable (sixth night). Long and vivid dreaming at night, little recollection of subjects (sixteenth day). A vivid dreamy night; subject, affairs of the day vividly recalled, with additions, and new plans for the morrow (third night). Dreams of murders, suicides, fires, etc. (twelfth day).


Chilliness. Her body was cold and collapsed. Very chilly, from 6 to 8 P.M., could not stay away from the fire, felt better after that (sixth day). Chills and partial heats, at 8 P.M.; considerable fever with partial chills, at 11 P.M. (sixth day). Feels very cold and uncomfortable (second day). Feel starved, cold, and miserable; glad to huddle into bed; offended with the least draft of air (sixteenth day). Extremities cold and corpse like up to upper part of his thighs and arm-pits (second night). Chilly creeping over left foot and leg (after second powder, fourth day). Feet and legs cold, hands hot (ninth day). Great coldness of the extremities, particularly the hands (seventh day). Felt very cold all day, unusually so (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Felt very cold and easily chilled, usually very warm; frequent inclination to move the legs, stamp, etc., to keep up circulation (seventh day); feet very cold (eighth day). Very cold feet on going to bed, though I had been sitting in a warm room (second day); cold feet (after one hour and a half, third morning). Extreme coldness of the feet (sixth day); coldness of the feet, with aching at the vertex (eighth day). Icy coldness of left arm and back of hand, cannot keep it warm (eighth day); the coldness affects all the left side, despite all the care to keep it protected; it is rather peculiar, for though the skin feels icy cold to the touch, there is no numbness or stiffness in the joints affected (ninth day); towards night the coldness shifted to the right side, retained the same character, was so bad at night as to hinder sleep for some time (tenth day); symptoms mitigated (eleventh day); this peculiar coldness is seldom felt now (twenty-ninth day). Heat. Hot skin and pain in small encysted tumor over upper part of left acromion process, like the pain in a finger which has been suppurating and is healing (first day). He said he felt heated, but refused water before he became sensible. Feels uncomfortable and feverish, lips dry, mouth tender and hot (sixth day). Very feverish and prostrate; appears to frequently loose all power of using the limbs; unable often to make the last effort for some minutes from sheer sense of exhaustion (seventh and eighth days). Heat in head (third day). Head hot, and full of blood (seventh and eighth days). Hands hot, and much perspiration in the palms (seventeenth day). Great heat of palm of hands, and body generally warm (fourteenth day). Burning heat in the face at different times during the day, without any apparent cause (unusual), with flushing (second day). Burning heat in the face, especially on the left side, with slight flushing (after second powder, fourth day). Sweat. Free perspiration over the surface generally (after thirty- five minutes).


(Morning), On waking, headache; eyelids puffy; on waking, noise in ears; dryness of mouth; cough, etc. (Afternoon), About 3 o’clock, headache. (Evening), Aching about chest. (Night), Towards midnight, the symptoms; coryza; pains in face; hoarseness, etc.; after going to bed, itching. (After going to bed), Pain in lower back. (After dinner), Rumbling, etc. in bowels; griping in abdomen. (After eating), Pressure in stomach. (Exertion), Aching across forehead. (Motion), Aching across forehead, temporal headache; lacerating in limbs; drawing in tendo Achillis. (Stimulants), The symptoms.


(Evening), Mental depression. (Open air), Pains from temple to temple; temporal headache; nausea, etc. (Walking in open air), All symptoms; aching across forehead. (Alcoholic liquors), Temporal headache. (Spirits of ammonia), Pain, etc., at chest. (Acid fruit), Nausea, etc. (Smoking), Temporal headache.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.