Lobelia inflata


Pain in the right hypochondrium. Very troublesome borborygmi (after two hours). Distension of the abdomen, associated with increased rapidity of respiration lasting about fifteen or twenty minutes (after ten minutes). Moving about in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen (first day). Rumbling in the bowels, and passage of flatus downwards (fourth day). Flatulence, with painful rumbling in the abdomen (second day). Much flatulence through the day, with rumbling in the abdomen (third day). Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhea was about to occur. Pains in the abdomen and small of the back. Pain in the abdomen, always worse after eating. Dull pain in the abdomen. Griping and moving in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatus. Griping colic in the morning on waking (second day). Drawing pains in the abdomen (second morning). Colic (in afternoon). Slight colic (after three hours); (after five hours). Slight colic, which kept getting worse until evening (after two hours). Severe colic, lasting almost all night (after Seven hours and a half). Violent colic on waking (after six hours). Some pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Violent cramp like pain in “left posterior iliac regions,” scarcely tolerating motion or touch.


Scraping sensation in the anus, as from the passage of a rough, hard body, during stool.


Two diarrhoeic stools after the colic (after six hours ). Four copious, liquid stools after the colic (after two hours). Soft stool (a quarter of an hour after 20 drops). Whitish, soft stools. Stool somewhat more pasty than usual in the evening (second day). Stools easier. Discharge of black blood after stool.

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Aching pain in the urethra. Urinary passage was perceptibly affected by producing a smarting in passing urine. Micturition. Frequent desire to urinate, even during the night next day. Urine. Increased secretion of urine (after ten minutes). Diuretic. Urine of a yellowish wine-color (second day). Urine diminished in quantity, and with less frequent desire to urinate than usual; the urine passed during the first day was found on the next morning to have deposited a rosy red sediment, with crystals of uric acid.

Sexual Organs

Male. Smarting of the prepuce. Distressing heaviness of the genitals. Female. Brought on menstruation. Brought on the menses, which continued for some days, though of course in small quantity.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Constriction of the larynx. A peculiar feeling, between tickling and smarting, in the larynx, like irritation to cough, which, however occurred but seldom, and then was accompanied by a feeling of oppression. Sensation of a lump in the throat-pit, impeding respiration and deglutition. Voice. Hoarseness. Cough and Expectoration. Irritation to cough (one hour after 20 drops). Coughing. Frequent short, dry cough. Expectorant. Respiration. Respiration somewhat accelerated, with a sensation as if it were insufficient, so that from time to time he was obliged to take deep inspiration; the abdominal muscles seem to be used less than natural in breathing, also it seemed difficult than usual to hold the breath (first day); respiration seems insufficient, otherwise free and regular (second day). Short inspiration; slow expiration. Inclination to sigh; deep inspiration. Oppression of breathing (first day). Difficult respiration, lasting half an hour. Extremely difficult breathing, caused by a very strong constriction at the middle of the chest, which impedes the respiratory movements.


Feeling of heaviness in the chest, with short, superficial respiration (24 to the minute); abdominal respiration seems to fail entirely. Great distress at breast, and said he was dying (after several days). Pains in the chest, (second day). Pain in the chest aggravated by deep inspiration (third day). Burning pain below the right breast, extending towards the pit of the stomach, at first confined to a small spot as large as a nut; deep inspiration or sneezing caused a sensation as though something were drawn away from its position that afterwards returned to place with the pains. Without the above-mentioned exciting causes, the pain was slight and a simple burning pain; towards noon, the pain extended more towards the pit of the stomach and the left side, while in the original painful spot a violent boring sensation was felt; after dinner the pains increased, but disappeared after an hour, to return again about 4 o`clock with redoubled severity, so that it seemed as though the pains extended from the painful spot forward below the breast through the body to the back beneath the right shoulder; the painful part seemed paralyzed, and was intolerant of motion; after a time this loss of power and pain disappeared. A general tightness of the chest, with short and somewhat laborious breathing; discovered that he had a disposition involuntarily to keep his mouth open to breathe. Constriction of chest (after one hour ). Constriction of chest (with colic and diarrhoea), short- lasting, towards evening. Slight constriction of the chest (after nine hours). Very painful constriction of the chest, especially at its base; a few moments after the eructations ceased, and lasting half an hour (after one hour). Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest obliging deep respiration (after 100 drops). Quite severe oppression of the chest, as if it were tightly bound; this impeded respiration and lasted about twenty minutes (after two hours). Front. Pain under the middle of the sternum. Constriction at the sternum,; (after four hours). Painful constriction in the sternal region (after two hours). Pressing pain at the left side of the lower part of the sternum. Slight tickling sensation in the region of the lower end of the sternum on deep inspiration (fourth day). Mammae. Pain in the breast. Burning feeling in the breath, passing upwards. A tightness of the breast, with heat in the forehead. Feeling of drawing in the left breast, from the nipple to the axilla.

Heart and Pulse.

Praecordium. Praecordial anxiety. Praecordial anxiety for half an hour. Slight deep-seated pain in the region of the heart. Heart`s Action. Heart`s action somewhat tumultuous for half an hour. Pulse. Pulse more rapid than usual (third day). Pulse 58 (before taking), 74 (after one hour), 83 in the afternoon, 76 in the evening. Pulse 55 in the morning, 82 at noon, 90, softer than usual, in the evening (second day). Slowness of the pulse after every dose. Pulse slower (58), although still full (after six hours). Pulse fell 3 to 5 beats within fifteen minutes, and remained so for two hours. Pulse 56 (before taking), 68 after dinner (after six hours), 59 (after twelve hours). Pulse 63 (before taking), 53 (after half an hour), 55 (after one hour and a half), 63 (after four hours), 61 (after five hours). Pulse 70 (before taking), 50 (after four hours), 60 (after six hours), (after 10 drops). Pulse falls from 76 to 60, small, and sometimes intermittent (after two hours). Pulse fell from 72 to 58, irregular. Pulse fell from 70 to 62 (after two hours). Pulse falls from 68 to 56, small and irregular. Pulse fell from 66 to 50, small and irregular. Pulse of the usual frequency, but smaller and weaker. Pulse in the morning 56; after an hour it was the same, but somewhat small (after a dose); in the evening 76.


Weakness in the back (second day). A burning pain in the back, as if in the posterior wall of the stomach (third day). Dorsal. Pain about the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal vertebrae. Rheumatic pains between the scapulae. Slight drawing pain between the scapulae; previously slight muscular twitches over the ribs of the left side, near the spine. Lumbar. Pain in the loins. Pains in the small of the back (second day). Violent pain in the small of the back. Sticking pain in the region of the right kidney.

Extremities in General.

Weakness in the limbs.

Superior Extremities.

Paralytic feeling in the left arm. Pain only when touched, in the muscles of the right arm, in a space of the width of the hand; the pain in the shoulder gone. Fine crawling stitches on the inside of the right deltoid muscle.(Slight rheumatic feeling in the right shoulder-joint). Pain in the right elbow-joint. Severe rheumatic pain in the right elbow-joint. A dull pressing in the flesh, just above left elbow, and the hand feels paralyzed (with outward pressing in both temples).

Inferior Extremities.

Walking is difficult. Pain in the left leg, whilst sitting. Pressing pain on the exterior, middle part of the thigh, and at the same time constrictive feeling in the head. A feeling about the knees of pain and stiffness as from fatigue. Cramp in the calves, in the morning, on waking. Cramp like feeling in the left gastrocnemius. Violent tearing pain apparently in the fibula, extending from below up to the knee-joint on both sides. Cramp like feeling in the hollow of the left foot.

General Symptoms

Objective. It acts very much like tobacco, but its action is more speedy and diffusive. Its sensible effects are very like those of tobacco, but its medicinal action is more speedy, diffusible, and of shorter duration. He trembled very much. Trembling agitation of whole body; with vertigo and pain in head. The whole system was violently convulsed (with loss of reason), so that several men were required to hold him, and so continued till death (after several days). Antispasmodic. Muscular weariness (after one hours). Unusual weakness all day. General debility in evening. Great debility. Prostration of strength. Great prostration (third day). When given in large dose it produces lasting prostration of strength. Internal uneasiness, soon (fourth day). Subjective. All sensations soon subsided. Feeling of weakness (third day). General malaise (caused by colic and diarrhoea), short- lasting, towards evening. General malaise and weariness. Great distress (second day). She was in the greatest possible distress. He believed it would kill him, for he never felt so in his life; when he had gone about six rods. Prickling sensation through the whole body, extending even to the fingers and toes. A kind on prickly sensation through whole system, even to extremities of fingers and toes; (after third dose).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.