
Hydrophobinum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


The virus from the mad dog.

Preparation: Trituration with sugar of milk.


Emotional. Strange notions and apprehensions during pregnancy. Exaltation; thinks he has something of importance. Singing, in walking through the whole house, entire day. Sang more than usual, but did not feel at all merry; singing involuntary. Happy disposition, after perspiring in the evening. Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence, all day. During the first two or three days, temper more equable than usual. Felt unusually serious. Had a good cry before going to bed; felt very sad (third day). Bitterly crying, with headache. Anxiety of mind, restlessness, with great prostration; with pain in the heart; with the headache. Feeling as if I had heard, or was about to hear something bad; morose and crabbed feelings until 4 P. M. (fourth day). Mind much depressed; felt as if something disagreeable was about to happen (third day). Feeling as if something annoying was about to happen; goes off when thinking of it. He cannot prevent ideas of something awful about to happen, or as if he would do something awful. An indescribable idea, which I could not shake off, of something dreadful about to happen to me; all day feeling as if some great misfortune were about to occur. Irritability. Irritable, with headache. Feel irritable; spoke short to the children (ninth day). Very irritable at trifles. Am extremely irritable, or rather feel stern (sixth day). Disposed to get mad. Impatient all day. Impatient all day, with headache. Cross and hypochondriac in the evening. Felt very cross; did not want to converse or see any one. Very cross and crabbed until 10. 30 P. M., when I fell asleep. Very cross, so much so that my children expressed great surprise; took offence at the merest trifles; scolded my wife and children; could not concentrate my mind on anything. The last day or two feel more morose; caught myself saying to nephew, in severe tone, “If you do that again,” etc., when he was not really in fault. Offended at everything; gives offensive answers. Inclined to use offensive expressions. Thought came into his mind to attack others in a mean way; to cut others with a knife he holds; to throw water he has in a tumbler into another’s face. Occasionally exhilarated, then again morose, both feelings going off very readily on conversions. Intellectual. There seems to be two distinct trains of thought operating at one and the same time. Plays chess much better, but cannot relate a story. Undecided about little things. Have found it difficult through the whole proving to think intently, and at times almost impossible (seventh day). Restlessness in the mind during the forenoon and at noon. A strange oppression and indifference, as if he was unable to do anything if he forces himself; there is no power in the mind. Dulness and stupidity (second day); at night with restlessness. Memory for words much better. He loses consciousness for a moment.


Vertigo. Vertigo while sitting, and after rising or walking he staggers. Slight vertigo when rising from a chair (sixth day). Dizzy, as if he could not hold the head. After stooping dizzy, and losing sight. Dizzy headache (eleventh day). Dizzy headache all day, spirits not depressed (third day). A dizzy dulness in the vertex, he fears he will fall while walking, in the evening. Slight dizziness and nausea (sixth day). While stooping, giddiness on the right. After lying down in bed, a giddy like shock in the upper part of brain. General Head. Rush of blood to the head while lying down. Lightness in head. Lightness (of head) after nausea. Dulness (of head). Have had all day a singular sensation in head (third day). Feels as if a leaden ball was rolling about in the brain. Pain in the head (fifth day). Slight pain in head and heart (fourth day). Pain from mouth up through head, and down to back of neck, quite severe. Pain in head, which was very severe till 9 p. m. (fourth day). Intense pain in head, extending back of forehead to organ of firmness, at 2 p. m.; soon after to whole top of head, or to eyes, lasting all day (second day). Burning waving towards the head. After moving, turning, stooping, feels as if head would burst. Head feels as if it would split, and a great pressure on top. Dull, heavy pain in the head. Headache all day (fourth day); (sixth day). Some headache and pain in eyes (sixth day). Walked out and had headache, or after walking five minutes felt sharp pain across the eyebrows or up the nose; felt exceedingly fatigued and weary after a short walk (fourth day). Headache in the bones. Towards noon slight headache. At noon slight headache, lasting all day. Headache severe,; (fifth day). No pains till 3 p. m., when head ached severely until 9 p. m. Headache quite severe all day, and implicating eyes; feel lazy, requires an effort to think (fourth day). Headache quite severe. At 3 p. m. headache very severe. A severe, impatient headache through the whole morning. A very intolerable, snappish, irritable headache for three days, with the jaws stiff and sore, the hands numb (after nearly a month). Head ache alternately with flushes in face. Afternoon pain in head, sick headache. Considerable pressing pain in head (seventh day). Tearing and shooting like in the bone (of the head). Irritable headache; touching the head makes it ache (sixth day). Throbbing headache in forehead, vertex, and occiput, down to the neck. Throbbing, pulsating headache, most severe in right temple and over right eye. Headache all day, most severe in right temple, beating, throbbing, and pulsating. A slow vacillation or waving of the head from losing something in the upper part of the head. Dulness in the middle of the brain where it waves and moves. Shocks (in head) like dizziness. Headache relieved by cold air. Forehead. Dulness in the forehead, more to the right side. Pain in forehead, in the protuberances, soon. Pain in the head, greatest one and a half inches above left eye, Great pain in head, from temple to temple, all days. Slight burning pain in forehead. Dull pain in forehead, especially on the left side, with a stupid feeling. Dull, heavy pain in forehead, and sharp, pricking pain in left temple sometimes attended with throbbing and pinching. Severe, heavy dull pain in forehead, lasting five hours. During the afternoon and evening, headache over the eyes. Head aches severely from temple to temple (fifth day). Pressing pain on top of forehead, with sensation of heat, Pressive pain in forehead and vertex, worse after moving the head and stopping Pressing pain on top of fore head, while reading and thinking, in the afternoon, with restlessness of mind, Violent pressing outwards in forehead; the patient put the head towards the wall. At 9 p. m., severe shooting pains in the head over the eyes, and in the temples, also a very violent, aching pain inside of and all over the chest (second day), Severe headache from temple to temple, of a throbbing beating nature (fifth day). Temples. Pain in the temples form the jaws. During the day, headache very intense at times in right At 9 a. m., most severe headache in both temples and over eyes unbearable, causing him to cry bitterly, and refuse to take another dose. Boring in temples every second day, in the left, morning (forth day). Boring in the right temples every second day, in the left, in the morning (forth day). Vertex. Could detect no symptoms save a slight headache on top (eight day). Much pressing on top of head: feels as if a form, fitting top of head, was pressing on it (fifth day). Pressing pain on top (of head) and forehead, while reading it fifth day and thinking in the afternoon, with restlessness of mind painful pressure on top, by moving the head, with fever and prostration, pressing heaviness on top and to the right (of Head). Pressing on top of head. Beating pressing on top: painful pressure on top (of head) on moving the head, with fever and prostration, Strange pulsation on top of head. Parietals. Numbness in left side of head. Right side of head, feels stiff as if it would become numb (third day). Pressure in the left side of head with boring and shooting inwards, extends to forehead and eyes, in the evening. Tearing from forehead towards left side Left side of head is now, and has always been, most severely affected (sixth day). Occiput. Dulness in occiput, after awhile becoming painful. Slight pain in head, back part (seventh day), Pressing on occiput. Upper Side. External Head. My hair, which is usually dry has become very oily today, the first time I remember such an occurrence (third day). Skin of head seems contracted and pinched up (fifth day). Scalp very sensitive, Whenever I put my finger on my head, there is always a strong subsequent pain, lasting a considerable time. Itching in “acquisitiveness in the morning (fifth day) on right side of vertex something comes from within and itches.


Objective. Eyes somewhat red and inflamed (the cornea). No pain, but eyes still slightly red, and occasional stitches in right temple. Eyes bloodshot and painful (fourth day). Inflammation in eyes during the day (tenth day). Inflammation of one eye; frothy matter pours out between the lids pimples around the eye since the bite of a dog in the finger. Subjective. Weakness of eyes when looking upwards. Great weakness in eyes, but no pain. Some pain in eyes (eight day) Burning in eyes. Headache not severe; pain extends into right eye. (fourth day). Eyes ached intensely, soreness in eyes ) ((fourth day). Soreness in eyes, and pain in forehead above them (second day). Soreness in eyes and throat, and difficulty in swallowing (fourth day) Drawing, beating pain over the eyes and into the balls, A curious stinging pain in left eye, extending to forehead, over right eye painful, at 9 A.M. (third day). Tickling and heat in eyes, from the neck. Brow. Pain over the left eye previous to retiring (fourth day) Pain in small spot over right eyebrow, rendered worse by writing, Pain over the right eye inwards, pressing the temple, sharp pain across eyebrows, afterwards burning in the eyelids (fifth day). Drawing beating pain over the eye and into the balls. Lids. Eyelids as if they were lame, or were firmly closed, in the morning. Burning in the lids. Burning Balls. Vision. Left eye extremely sensitive to light, and weeps; unusual with me, my eyes being very strong, Dimness of sight, with giddiness. Something moves before the eyes, but always at a distance from the place she looks at.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.