

Hypochondria. Stitches in the left hypochondria (Case 1).

Umbilical. The navel is distended to a ball, like an umbilical hernia. (Pain about the navel), (Case 7). Griping about the navel. Twisting about the umbilical region and in the stomach.

Sticking pain, as from suppuration, near the left side of the umbilicus. (Stitches about the navel), (Case 5). Frequent stitches between the stomach and umbilicus (Case 2). General Abdomen. (Abdomen distended), (Case 3). Abdomen distended and painful, with ravenous hunger. Abdomen sometimes distended, sometimes natural (Case 2). Great flatulence. Profuse accumulation of flatulence, and passage of it upward and downward. Movements of flatulence in the abdomen. Movements in the abdomen, as from diarrhoea. Profuse emission of flatulence.

Fermentation in the abdomen (Several). Uneasiness in the bowels, with grating of the teeth (Case 12). Anxiety in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen (Several). (Pain in the abdomen and loins). Pain in the abdomen, most severe in the morning, fasting. Pain in the abdomen, after every meal. Pain in the abdomen, relieved by drinking cold water. Pain in the abdomen, relieved by external warmth and lying down. Pain in the abdomen and vertigo. Pain in the abdomen and salivation. Pain in the abdomen and nausea (Several). Pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea (Several). Pain in the abdomen, nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, chilliness, and lying down (Several). (Pain, warmth, heaviness, and unpleasant feeling in the abdomen).

Pain in the abdomen, with weariness of the lower limbs (Case 2).

Almost constant pain in the abdomen. Slight pain in the abdomen.

Transient unsteady pain in the abdomen (Case 13). Cramp in the abdomen, and dragging from the small of the back to the groins, followed by occurrence of menstruation. Griping in the abdomen (Several). Drawing in the abdomen, like urging to stool (Several). A sticking pain effects the abdomen, extending towards the precordial region. (Colicky pains). Colicky pain in the abdomen; a kind of contraction in the stomach and intestines. Slight colic. Flatulent colic. Sensitiveness of the abdomen. Hypogastrium. Drawing dragging, and heaviness in the pelvis (Several). Drawing inflammatory pain in the right inguinal region, aggravated by touch, lasting two days. An almost painful dragging towards the groins, with swelling of the parts. Painful dragging towards the groins and uterus. Violent dragging in the inguinal regions, as if a hernia would protrude from both sides. Excessive dragging towards the inguinal regions.

Rectum and Anus.

Objective. Protrusion of the hemorrhoids. Protrusion of the anus, like a ring, during the stool. Subjective. Extremely distressing sensation, as if something alive were moved about in the rectum and anus. Heat in the rectum, after diarrhoea. Great pressure in the rectum. Violent stitches in the rectum, while sitting. Intolerable itching and tickling in the rectum.

Proctalgia. Violent stitches in the anus, in the evening.

Itching and tickling in the anus frequently during the day (Several). Burning itching and about the anus, on the nates, perineum, scrotum, and on the hairy portions of the genitals, extending thence over almost the whole body, especially over the thick portions of the thighs. Internal desire for stool in the rectum. Urging to stool, with movements and fermentation in the abdomen (Several). Ineffectual urging to stool.

Tenesmus, with protrusion of the anus with the usual stool.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with nausea. Diarrhoea and griping in the abdomen. (Almost habitual diarrhoea). Mucous diarrhoea. In large doses, it is a drastic, causing diarrhoea and vomiting; in smaller doses of 10 drops of the tincture, it expedites the stool, causing slight diarrhoea; and in smaller doses of the 3D dilution and upwards, its is constipating.

Profuse diarrhoea-like stools (Several). Three to four stools.

Three to four stools within an hour. Two liquid stools within an hour. Profuse stools, with much flatulence. Copious evacuations of a very dark color. Soft stool, preceded by griping in the abdomen. Some brown stools. (Discharge of worms). (Discharge of ascarides), (in three cases). (Discharge of round worms), (Several). (Discharge of tapeworms). (Discharge of a tapeworm enveloped in mucus, with watery diarrhoea), (in seventeen cases, from large doses). (Discharge of two tapeworms and one round one, from large doses). Constipation. Stool delayed and insufficient (later action).

Urinary organs

Inflammation and swelling of the urethra. Discharge of mucus from the urethra, a kind of blennorrhoea. Burning drawing, extending from the spongy portion of the urethra into the glans penis. Cutting and smarting in the urethra in the evening after lying down, with relaxed penis. Cutting in the urethra after micturition. Violent cutting and sticking in the urethra.

Sexual organs

Yellow leucorrhoea. Menstruation four days too early, and profuse, with griping in the abdomen and dragging in the small of the back, extending to the genitals. Sexual excitement.

Respiratory organs

Sighing and oppression of the chest (Several). (Dyspnoea), (Case 12).


Many symptoms about the chest. Feeling of catarrh in the chest.

(Pain in the chest, frequently severe). (Long-lasting pains in the chest). Violent tension and pinching in the left chest, begins just below the ribs and gradually extends higher up, with intermitting stitches. Pressure upon the chest. Great oppression of the chest and weakness of the lower extremities on ascending steps. Heaviness like a weight in the chest, followed by palpitation. Sticking in the chest, worse when walking, not influenced by respiration. Rheumatic drawing- sticking pain in the diaphragm, now here, now there. Stitches in the chest. Stitches in the middle of the chest. Pinching stitches in the pectoralis major muscles, extending towards the axilla. Front. Pressure from within outward through the sternum. Sides. Pain in the left side of the chest and in the spine at the insertion of the diaphragm. Painful sensation in the right side of the chest. Stitches in the right side of the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest. Pinching contraction in the pectoral muscles, about the right nipple.


Precordium. Anxiety in the precordial region (Case 12).

Sensitiveness of the precordial region. Heart’s Action.

Palpitation on the slightest exertion. (Palpitation, lasting thirteen years), (Case 10).

Neck and Back

Neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck and throat, which makes stooping difficult. (Stitches in the nape of the neck and temples), (Case 1). Back. Pain in the back (Case 2).

Backache, as from flatulence. Dorsal. Pain between the shoulders (Cases 2 and 7). Lumbar. Pain in the small of the back on the occurrence of menstruation. Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, especially when sitting.

Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten. Dragging in the small of the back down to the anus. Feeling as of a weight on the small of the back. Intolerable pains in the loins.

Superior Extremities.

Paralytic weakness of the arms. She could scarcely raise the arms. Arms feel paralyzed. Rheumatic drawing in the arms.

Tearing in the arms, extending forward. Shoulder. The right shoulder, as far as the axilla, is painful, as if bruised or beaten, especially on raising the arm. Violent bruised pain in the shoulders and between them, as after carrying a heavy load, even the clothing is oppressive; repeatedly observed.

Forearm. Periodic drawing in the right forearm, relieved by external warmth. Tearing in the ulna at the wrist-joint.

Tearing in the radius where it unites with the wrist. Cramp like tearing in the right forearm. Wrist. Rheumatic pain in the left wrist. Tearing in the wrists. Fingers. Paralytic stiffness of the fingers. Rheumatic pain in all the finger-joints. Stitches, as from a splinter, in the second joint of the thumb. Tearing in the fingers and stiffness of them, with tearing in the right temple. Tearing in the last phalanges of the fingers, especially of the ring finger. Tearing in the first joint of the thumb.

Tearing in the fingers, so severe that she could not take hold of anything.

Inferior Extremities.

Objective. Special withering of the lower extremities. Weakness in the legs, especially when walking. Subjective. Uneasiness and weariness in the lower limbs, a leaden heaviness and prostration, so that he does not wish to move; he feels better sitting down, with the legs resting upon a stool. Hip. Pain in the hips. Pain in the hip, as if injured. Stitches in the left hip when walking. Knee. Paralytic drawing and heaviness in the knee, hindering walking. Stitching in the left knee; (Case 1). Tearing in the left knee-joint. Very painful tearings in the knees. Leg. (Weakness in the calves, when walking). Ankle.

Pain, as if from a sprain, in the left ankle, hindering walking, in the evening. Stitches in the left ankle. Toes.

Pains in the corns.

General Symptoms

Objective. Emaciation. (Emaciation, with excessive appetite), (Case 2). Rush of blood to the upper parts of the body, head, and chest. Trembling. Tremulousness in the morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.