
Glonoine homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Nitroglycerin, 3RD (NO) O3. Preparation: Dilutions with alcohol.


Emotional. Unusually animated and talkative; great flow of thought and inclination to jest; for four hours. Great mental agitation. Delirious and insensible, and speedily became comatose. A great depression. Anxiety (after seven minutes). Anxiety and inclination to run away. Anxiety, with headache. Feeling of impending misfortune, with the sensations in the chest. Fear and terror. Great fear, with a sensation as if the chest were screwed together. Great fear, with a feeling as if the throat was swollen. Though naturally cheerful, she became apprehensive of her approaching death. When asked, a day or two after, how she felt, she said, that at one time she was frightened for fear she had been poisoned, and that no one would catch her taking any more. Recalls old grievances (second day); he was constantly thinking of persons who had offended him; with determination to justify his own conduct. Intellectual. My intellect returned almost immediately, and I remember saying, “This has nothing to do with homoeopathy, but with a very powerful poison. Though still greatly confused, scarcely knowing where he was or what he was about, yet, when his attention was fixed by any effort of the will, remembered his patients perfectly, all their symptoms, and medicines prescribed, without once mistaking. Cannot collect my thoughts. Immediate effect, confusion of ideas and loss of strength; with diminished power of tongue. Confusion of ideas so great that he could not tell where he was. A kind of transient bewilderment, followed by a kind of blindness. When the effect (in head and arms), which she exactly described, ceased after five minutes, it seemed to her as if she awoke from a dream; she moved her arms like one awaking from a dream. As he returned home through the streets, after the headache, everything seemed strange to him, not as familiar as usual; he was obliged to look about him every few moments to convince himself of being in the right street; it seemed to him as if the houses were not in their right places, on the same route that he had passed over at least four times a day for years. Difficult recollection of phrenological terms, with which he is very familiar. A half unconscious state followed, with a most violent beating headache, with a trembling of the whole body. Loss of consciousness. Falling down senseless, with convulsions and frothing at the mouth, after alternation of palpitation of the heart and congestion to the head. Falling down, with loss of consciousness, congestion to the head or heart; face sometimes pale, sometimes red. Stupor, weakness of mind and body.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confused feeling. Confused feeling, with pains in the vertex. With palpitation, confusion of the head; flushed, not face; the eyes looked dim and tearful; pupils not altered; lasting three hours. Vertigo, etc. Vertigo in the forehead. Vertigo in occiput. Vertigo in the occiput, then pain in the vertex. Attack of vertigo, in the afternoon. Vertigo when he throws back his head; when he shakes his head. When he shakes his head. When turning to descend from his carriage in the afternoon, he was seized with a sudden and violent p73 vertigo, and would have fallen had he not supported himself by a tree. Feeling of vertigo and dimness, which, however, soon passed off (after three days). Vertigo, with rocking of every object, and reeling of the body. Vertigo, with nausea. In five minutes vertigo, with weakness of sight, pains in forehead, and beating in temples. Vertigo; face red, eyes weeping, pupils unchanged for three- quarters of an hour; after several minutes. (No authority). Slight feeling of vertigo (after one minute, first day); increased (fourth day). No increase of headache, but violent vertigo, with transient dimness of vision. A kind of vertigo when going into the open air; reeling gait as after a sea-voyage. Dizziness (fifth day), (after fifteen minutes). Dizzy when shaking the head. Dizzy and faint before nausea. He began to complain of giddiness (after third dose). Reeling and stumbling as when landing after rowing in a boat; was obliged to lie down; drops asleep; when awaked drips with perspiration, on a cool day. General Head. Head and face are puffed up; the blood is forced upward; convulsions; frequent attacks of unconsciousness, evacuation of urine in large quantities, containing much albumen. Hands frequently raised to the head. Congestion, headache, and fullness when the period appears. Congestion to the head and throbbing of the temples. Congestion to the head, with headache (after four minutes). Congestion to brain and lungs. Congestion of brain and lungs; after fifty minutes nearly relieved; belched wind from the stomach; nausea almost entirely gone. Congestion to the head and chest, with nausea. Congestion to the head alternates with congestion to the heart. Frequent congestion to the head in an old woman, causing a sensation of coldness every time. Slight but continuous congestion till midnight. Violent congestion to the head, with headache (after two minutes), Sudden rush of blood to the head, with vertigo.

Brain fever. Dulness of head, and then throbbing in the temples. Dulness of the head as if full; likewise face hot and full. Dulness of the head, within two minutes afterwards pressure and throbbing in the temples. General dulness of the head, a greater pressing, tensive pain alternating in the temple, in the occiput, and in the ears. Painful dulness of the head, not increased by violent shaking, but by light shaking. Dull sensation in the head, as after intoxication by beer. Heaviness in the head, especially in the forehead. Dull heaviness in the head, without throbbing or acceleration of the pulse, with constant warm perspiration on the forehead; skin otherwise cool. Heavy feeling in the head. Heavy feeling in his head, can hardly hold up his head. Sensation of stiffness in the head and neck. He suddenly feels it running up into the head (after one minute five seconds). From the left hypochondrium it rises through the chest to the head. A strange sensation through the whole head after the headache diminishes (after ten minutes).

Constant inclination to bend the head backward; (in two provings throw it back. Head and stomach feel as if I had been out in the hot sun and without dinner; taking a long breath does not relieve, and moving the head aggravates. Sinking feeling in head and chest, like that from working in a very hot room until nearly exhausted. Sensation in his head as if he had eaten too much. Head feels as if hungry. Feeling of emptiness in the cranium (second day). As if a cold cloth were being spread over his brain every time after taking the medicine. Heat in the head, with throbbing. Heat from above downward in the head.

Heat in head and face; with headache; (D. Gray); with some sweat. I immediately felt a glow of heat, which determined itself to be head, and which also rapidly increased in intensity, particularly in the anterior region; the temporal arteries became very full, and in about five minutes after taking the dose of Glonoine, the pulse and increased to 100; evident congestion cerebri was now experienced, with irregular contraction of the heart, etc. Great heat in the head, with severe pains in the forehead, throbbing in the temples, increased by walking. Flushes of heat in the head, and distinct feeling of the pulse in the head (after two minutes); diminishes (after ten minutes);from chest to head. Disagreeable sensation, more violent at the base of the brain. Pain deep in the brain; shaking without influence. Pain in the head from the back to the front, and from below upward. Immediately, a sensation as if the head were too large. Head felt enormously large. Feeling as if the whole head were enormously swollen, with tightness and throbbing in the temples. A kind of swelling sensation in the head; it seems as if something were distending the brain in all directions. Sensation as of swelling up in the head, with violent throbbing, worse when stooping; throbbing worse on the left side; the head feels heavy. Fullness in the head, lasting twelve minute (after one minute); (after three minutes); (after forty minutes). In the course of a minute I felt, or fancied that I felt, some fullness in the head, but was not conscious of any other unusual sensation.

Fullness in the head, so that he can feel the pulse in the head, especially in the temples, and could count the beats. Fullness in the head and throbbing without pain; and painful throbbing. Sensation of fullness in the head, worse now and then, changing places. Sensation of fullness in the head, with throbbing mostly in the upper part of the forehead. Fullness in the base of the brain, and violent throbbing of all the arteries of the head and back of the neck. At the expiration of four hours, the fullness and throbbing of the head continued unabated, together with dull headache, which appeared rather to increased till retiring for the night; awoke on the following morning with the same fullness and throbbing, which occupied the whole forepart of the head, and appeared to be deep seated. Increased fullness in the head, as if the brain were too large (fifth day). Fullness in the head, with general heat. Fullness and pressure, with heat; if increasing much, nausea is caused, and he can perceive that the nausea originates in the head. Much fullness in the head, with a throbbing in both sides of the head, above and behind the temples, but accompanied by a prickling sensation of the left side of the tongue near the tip (after three minutes); the same throbbing, with almost a twitching in the integuments of the head, in the same place as before mentioned; worse after getting up, walking across the room and sitting down again (after ten minutes). Head very full; pulse full and quick; face red. She feels that the fullness is caused by blood. As if the blood were mounting to the head. Fullness in the head as if all the blood had mounted to the head; very disagreeable sensation, but without headache. He described the sensation in his head as if he were hanging with the head downwards, and as if there was a great rush of blood into the head in consequence; these symp- toms went off in a very few minutes. Suddenly a sensation as if the whole head were crowded with blood. Drs. Caspar, v. Thaczousky, Lowscholz, Widman, and Wurmb, after a fraction of a drop, experienced congestive sensations in the brain and blood vessels, headache and acceleration of the pulse, after a few minutes; an hour or more after which, the pulse of most of them declined from 90 to 60. Tension in the head and neck, extending up behind the ears, like a dull pressure, as if the blood were pressing; remains after ten minutes; violent tension. Tensive headache over the eyes and nose, extending also behind the ears, and soon followed by a tight and choky feeling about the throat like strangulation (soon). Pressive tensive pains, changing from temples to occiput and ears; fell asleep late, waking frequently with the same pains; nearly well next morning. Bursting sensation upward from the middle (of the head). Headache became very severe; feeling as if the head would burst; throbbing pains, especially through the temples; stupor, weakness of the body and mind; languor and pain in limbs in the afternoon (third day). Sensation as if the skull were too small. The skull seemed too small, and as if the brain were attempting to burst the skull; violent action of the heart, and a distinct pulsation was felt all over the body. Cracking sensation in brain, obliging him to hold on to the head during every movement, to prevent an apparent threatened eruption of the cranium. Sensation as if the head were being pressed together by a band, with great fullness of the head and general warmth of the body. Sensation of stiffness or tension about the head and neck as if they had been laced in; the clothing seemed too tight, was obliged to ease his coat and necktie (after two minutes); better after eleven and a half minutes. The brain feels as if it were smaller than the cavity of the skull. Headache. Very small quantities taken on the tongue produce a headache of several hours duration; this effect was experienced by several persons in my laboratory, and I, have felt it myself several times. Headache, daily increasing in severity. Headache, beginning in the glabella. Headache rising from below upward. Headache from the front backwards, and from below upward. Headache very soon, which began in the back of the neck, and spread and from there over the whole head. Headache ex- tending to the nose. Headache extends from the forehead to the midst of the brain. Headache mostly behind the ear and up in the forehead. At first the headache was in front, then extended over the vertex, and the entire head behind; after five minutes decidedly more in the occiput. The headache returns again (after recovery) and continues all the evening and all night. Headache on rising in the morning, with colic pains in hypogastric region, and painful diarrhoea; stools soft and copious; pain relieved after stool, but returned soon again, especially when moving about or sitting erect; soreness on pressure on left iliac region; shuddering and heat in the anus (third day). Awoke from his sleep three or four times with headache. Headache the following day from morning till 2 o’clock, 11; till evening. Slept very well, but the next morning on waking, felt the same headache, which continued all day. Walks his room all night, on account of headache. Headache from taking the medicine, from afternoon till ten o’clock in the evening. The headache passed off half an hour after the first dose, but was renewed at night, leaving the next morning a sensation of giddiness, as after a dissipated night. The headache extends through the whole head, with a sensation of heaviness (after four minutes). Headache, with nausea; headache and nausea continued three days, gradually diminishing. Headache all day, with constant nausea, so that he took Nux vomica in the evening, after which he improved. Headache and nausea, with diarrhoea. Headache and accelerated pulse (in five persons). Headache without acceleration of the pulse, with dull heaviness in the head. The following morning, headache, and much general heat, and expulsion of fetid flatus (a most unusual symptoms). Evenings, continual headache. Slight headache all the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.