

The entire left side of the face and cheek feels as if paralyzed, as if everything were loosely hanging down. Very red cheeks, in the evening, which burn so much as to feel uncomfortable (first day).

Lower lip dry and cracked (fourth day). Soreness at corners of the mouth (sixth day). Great stiffness of the articulation of the jaws, cannot open her mouth (tenth day).


Teeth. Dull pain in a carious tooth, with inflammation of the gums and swelled cheek (pain being of a dull, pressive character). Tearing, drawing, grumbling in the two incisor teeth, superior maxillary bone on right side; this pain was accompanied by much soreness; teeth felt elongated; about 5 P.M. (third day); recurrence of this pain at regular periods of the day for about five days, when it gradually disappeared. Tongue.

Root of the tongue sore. General Mouth. Sensation of stinging in palate, worse from eating, smoking or contact, at 12 M. (second day); this stinging continued for two days, and then extended to the tip of the tongue. Taste. Watery, to him very offensive, taste in mouth. After using with his meal some fresh and sweat fat he has a long after-taste, which finally turns into a decided rancid taste (sixth day).


Dry huskiness and sore feeling in the throat. Very sore throat and earache in both ears, on getting up in the morning, several times. Fauces and Pharynx. A cold feeling in the fauces and throat, as from mint-drops (after thirty minutes). Slight pain in right side of pharynx in empty deglutition, at noon (fourth day). Esophagus. Sensation of contraction in oesophagus, at 12 M. (third day). Swallowing. Difficult deglutition, at 12 M (third day). Food passes with difficulty and causes pain, this sensation continued for about twelve hours (third day).


Appetite. After 9 o’clock hunger (something quite unusual at this time), then pain below the knees and in the shines (twenty minutes after 9). Thirst. Violent thirst. Eructation. Acid eructations, rising of fluid from the stomach, which tastes like sour food, causing the mouth and throat to smart (second day).

Belching of wind tasting sour. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (part of S. 26) Nausea, in morning, followed by stitches in the left ear, lasting all day (eighth day). Nausea, and vomiting of yellowish, bitter mucus (sixth and tenth days). Nausea and vomiting, with oppression (after the sweat). Slight nausea, each time after taking the fluid. Vomiting of green, bitter mucus, with headache, at 9 A.M. (sixteenth day). Pain in epigastric region, extending from left to right, then shifting to top of head, and followed by creeping down the back, at 10 P.M. (third day). Severe pain in the stomach, in the evening, cramp like, with passage of flatus from the bowels, which gave relief.

Sensation of heat in the epigastrium, extending over a large space. Burning pain in stomach, with oppression and weight (first day). A constant pressure at the cardiac end of the stomach, as if something had lodged there, at 6 P.M., four hours after dinner (first day).


Hypochondria. Stitching pain in the right hypochondriac region.

Pain beneath the short ribs when taking a deep inspiration. Dull pain beneath the short ribs. Stitching pain in the region of the liver. Dull pain in the region of the spleen. Umbilical. Pain as if bruised in the umbilical region, extending across the abdomen, after taking a drink of cold water. General Abdomen.

Rumbling in the bowels, with a nervous feeling as from strong coffee, at 4 P.M.; compelled to get up; a loose diarrhoeic stool followed, which left a desire for another stool, with an uncomfortable feeling in the anus, as if the passage were not all through and more must pass (third day). Small, very fetid flatus, almost putrid (had eaten for dinner only barley soup and beef). Difficult passage of small quantities of flatus, during the morning hours, afterwards diarrhoea like urging in rectum.

Wind passes from the anus with more force than usual (third and fourth days). Sensation, with much yawning, as if diarrhoea would set in, followed by a regular stool, the last part of which was thinner, having a very peculiar smell, known to the prover, but he could not define it. Dysenteric feeling (third day). On waking felt much pain in transverse and descending colon from incarcerated flatulence; was obliged to rise; stool papescent, followed by constriction of the anus; another stool at 9 A.M., with violent tenesmus, and constriction of the anus after the stool (fourth day). Hypogastrium. Pain through the pelvis, as if from one acetabulum to the other (sixth day). Colicky pain in the lower part of the abdomen, with passage of flatus, which relieved but momentarily; subsequent passage of soft stool, with heat and burning irritation of the anus, accompanied by a sensation of great weakness in the bowels.

Rectum and Anus.

On the third day she had for the first time in her life protruding painful piles; they appeared without constipation, lasted a week and then disappeared. Pressure in the rectum (second, third, and fourth days). Pressure in the rectum, worse in the evening and in bed. All the evening a sensation as though diarrhoea would set in; this sensation is, however, only in the anus. Sensation of constriction in the anus (second, third and fourth days). Itching in anus, relieved by scratching, at 10 P.M. (second day). Intolerable itching about the anus, relieved by scratching, in the afternoon (third day). Painful desire in the anus and rectum for stool, which, however, will not pass (third day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea early in the morning, as soon as awake; compelled go to stool at once, with rumbling in the bowels; the stool is soft and painless; another stool immediately after breakfast, with urging (fourth day). Diarrhoea, with some tenesmus; pain in lower umbilical and upper hypogastric regions before moving the bowels; relieved after stool (second day).

Before taking the medicine was troubled with constipation, with sensation of constriction of sphincter ani; relieved of these symptoms entirely, afterwards the diarrhoea set in. Slight diarrhoea, two passages, small, and without pain, in the; morning (fourth day). Two stools every day from the second to sixth days (one stool is the rule). Loose stool at 8 A.M. (second day).

Soft pappy discharge from the bowels in the morning (second day).

Soft pappy stool in the morning, with some inclination to sit at stool (forty-sixth day); the same kind of stool every morning, for four succeeding days, when it was natural; the passage was accompanied by a feeling as though the mucous membrane was thickened and stiff. Constipation. Stool constipated; passed but two small balls after much straining, at 11 A.M. (second day). Evacuation of bowels with difficulty, ending in thin faeces, painless (second day). She had been very costive all her life; on the sixth day her bowels began to move regularly; have been getting a little worse since, but not so bad as before.

Urinary Organs

Sensation of pain in the forepart of the urethra (third day).

Double the quantity of urine, even at night (third day); increased for two or three days. Urine like saffron; bright yellow; no sediment; passes urine often (fourth day); frequent urination, urine darker (fifth and sixth days).

Sexual Organs.

Male. In the forenoon erections while riding in his carriage (fifth day). In the morning after getting up to urinate, he lies down again, and has long-lasting erections (fourth morning). In the morning strong erections, with increased sexual desire (sixth day). During coition, insufficient erection. Hot red swelling of the prepuce (fifth and sixth days). Secretion under the prepuce, much increased (fifth and sixth day); continuing for one week. On ascending the staircase leading to his chamber, he feels that the sexual parts have gone to sleep. A kind of nervous fluctuating (schuebend) and jerking pain in the left half of the penis in the region of the prostate, very often repeated (fifth and sixth days). Female. Menses appeared eight days too soon, rather scanty and pale, with bearing-down pain in the back (third day); same discharge darker (fourth day); the menses continue, with a crampy pain through the hip-joint and pelvis (fifth day); the discharge becomes scanty and pale again; the pain in the back is diminishing (sixth day); all the symptoms have ceased (eighth day). (*She had always been regular before.*) Great sexual excitability (fifth day).

Respiratory organs

Hysterical attack of coughing, followed by shedding of tears, in the night (tenth day). Cough from irritation in the larynx, with loose expectoration during the day).


Pain in the chest when taking a full inspiration. Sudden pain in the left lung, followed by a sensation as if I were falling (first day). Pain in right side of chest, could not breathe for a moment; stitching pain, at 4.30 P.M. (third day). Pain in left side of chest, in the afternoon, continuing one hour and a quarter; better when walking; worse when sitting and taking a deep breath, which causes stitches and the sensation of an adhesion (twelfth day). Pain in the lower part of left breast, followed in two minutes by the same sensation in right breast, accompanied by continued chilliness down the back, and extending down the inferior extremities, at 8 P.M. (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.