
Ferrum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

    ( Under this head are included symptoms from Ferrum metallicum pulveratum and Ferrum aceticum, since both were used by Hahnemann without distinction. (Ferrum carbonicum is also included; see authority, No. 23.) + Common names: Iron; Risen.


Ferrum, The element. Preparation: Triturations of pure metallic iron; solutions of the Acetate and triturations of the Carbonate.


Emotional. Intoxication. In the evening became exceedingly lively. “My surroundings seem very large and capacious, and I am inclined to attribute great importance to trifles, and am generally in an unusually earnest mood, without external cause”. Constant desire for solitude; horror of conversation, noise, visits, and even the society of her cherished friends. Not inclined to talk; disinclined to work. Temper more equable all through the proving. Feels very sober and uncomfortable, but not gloomy. (Depression of spirits, as from too loose bowels). A gloomy depression of spirits and a nervous excitability during the whole time of the menses. Mental depression previous to menses. Gloomy feelings after menses. She never complained or wept, and was always plunged in deep melancholy when no one was about her. Anxiety. Anxiety, as if something evil had happened to her. Anxiety at night, as if some evil had happened to her; she could not sleep; tossed about in bed. From slight cause, anxiety, with throbbing in pit of stomach. Ill-humor; disinclined for everything; indifferent even to subjects in which he usually took an active interest; joyfulness was impossible. The ill-humor appeared not only during the period of the greatest aggravation of the abdominal affection, but like that it was also worse soon after taking the drug; it, however, continued after the abdominal trouble disappeared, and increased in the last days of the proving when the abdomen was almost free; it even continued after stopping the drug, and gradually disappeared. My usual lively disposition changed without any cause; I became ill- humored, morose, and disinclined to every mental and physical labor (second day). Excited by the slightest opposition; everything irritated or depressed her; even her children’s caresses increased her bad temper; she was often rude to those about her, became she hated to see or talk to them, and wanted them to leave her in solitude, which alone was pleasing to her. Violence, quarrelsomeness; insists that he is right (after four hours). Moroseness after menses. Too gay one evening, sad and melancholy the next. Intellectual. Indisposition to think, and confusion of head. Very dull and heavy all day. The mind wandering and discontented. The memory was weakened, but the head was free from unpleasant sensations. Stupor, with giddiness. Stupor, with headache.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head (seventh day); (thirteenth day). Confusion of the head, as after a sleepless night (second day). Confusion and stupefaction of the head. (* Observations referring to the waters of Pyrmont and Schwalbach, where the Carbonic acid must also have had some effect.-HUGHES. *) Slight, but transient confusion of the head. Vertigo on descending, as if she would fall forwards. On lying down, vertigo, as if he were shoved forwards or were driving in a coach (especially on shutting the eyes). On very decided symptom was a vertigo or dizziness in the head; after sleeping in the afternoon, on suddenly rising, vertigo came on to such a degree that everything appeared black, as if a dark curtain was slowly let down before the eyes, and he had to lean against the door for support, or he would have fallen; this vertigo was accompanied by nausea, prostration, and a lethargic dulness; went to sleep again, and found great difficulty in arousing himself; in the afternoon, two momentary attacks of vertigo; a sensation of balancing to and fro, as when on water. Head feels dizzy, or rather swimming, for half an hour. On looking at running water she became dizzy and giddy in the head, as if everything went round with her. Giddy, with headache. Giddy, darkness before the eyes. Whilst walking, giddy and as if drunk, as though she would fall over obstacles. Giddiness of the head, with great stupor and restlessness, it being impossible to confine or apply the mind to study. Head swimming, hands cold. Beer rises to her head. General Head. Great congestion towards the head. Rush to blood to the head; the veins on the head were swollen for two hours, with flushes of heat in the face. Emptiness of head. Head empty and stupid. A sensation of dulness in the head, at 8 A.M., gradually subsiding towards night. Dulness and heaviness in the head on waking in the morning, as after a wakeful night (fourth day). Head felt dull and full, eyelids heavy. The head is dull and stupid. Very dull in the head in the morning. Heaviness of head. Feeling of heaviness of the head on waking in the morning (third morning). Feeling of heaviness in the head, stupefaction of the frontal region, and pressure in both temples (second day). Pain in the head, lasting two hours, when it changed from an acute to a dull and oppressive pain, accompanied by stupor, less perceptible towards night. Head constantly full and heavy, every pulsation is felt in the temples (fifth day). Sensation of excessive fullness in the head in the afternoon (second day). Headache at times during the day. Headache, with fever, in the afternoon. Headache, dulness over the root of the nose, every evening. Headache after menses. Headache; head languid and stiff. Slight headache all day. Severe headache all day, greatest in the evening, worse on the right side of the forehead, going down to the right nostril. Dull headache, with coryza. Confused, thick, muddy headache. Sick headache a few days after menses; head hot, feet cold. Undulating headache for an hour (after half an hour). A momentary giddy shock in the brain (immediately). Headache is aggravated when walking or stooping, relieved while sitting. Writing causes the headache to reappear. On waking in the morning the head felt freer, especially the frontal region, while the pressure in the temples continued (third day); the sensation of fullness of the head increased after another dose of four drops. The symptoms of the head, with the exception of the congestive fullness, relieved after a sleep. Forehead. The forepart of the head feels dull and heavy, but no real pain. Slight dull, heavy feeling in forehead all day. Pain extending over whole forehead, beginning in the temples. Severe frontal headache all day, with cold feet. Headache over the eyes. Drawing pain in forehead, head hot, and feet cold. In a few days (after menses) had a sick headache, which formerly always preceded or followed or followed the menses, until within the last six months (after taking Veratrum); it was accompanied this time by throbbing in the top of the head, as of a vein too full in the brain, and a palpitating sensation in the stomach, extending through the oesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering, and gave, at times, a sensation of suffocating, as if something rose in the throat like a valve; sensations seemed like those in hysteria. Drawing headache. Some pressing in the head, in the evening, after a walking in the open air. The pressure in the head disappeared toward evening, while bathing in the river, but soon returned more violent than ever (sixth day). Headache, as if the brain were torn (also in the morning during slumber before awaking. Aching, tearing pain in head, on and off, for an hour. Before catamenia, shooting headache and singing in the ears. Sensation in the head as of the beatings of the pulse, with slight sticking (ninth day). (Every two or three weeks, headache for two, three, or four days, hammering and beating, so that she must sometimes lie down in bed; then aversion to eating and drinking). Pressure in both frontal eminences, after rising and dressing, in the morning, after a quarter of an hour, extending over the whole forehead to the vertex, and becoming more intense, and after twenty minutes changing to a pressive pain from within outward; on going downstairs, the pain increased so much that I involuntarily pressed the palm of the hand on the painful spot, which momentarily relieved the pain, but it was only decidedly relieved in the open air; about 2.45 P.M. it changed to a dull pressure, which lasted till 8 P.M. (second day). (Pressive headache in the forehead, as if it would burst). Awoke at 1.30 A.M. with pressive pain in the whole of the forehead, and rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (first night). Dull, pressive sensation, at first in both frontal eminences, but after half an hour over the whole forehead; it became less after twenty minutes, and gradually ceased after four hours (after five hours). Dull, pressive sensation in the frontal eminences, which, after eight minutes, spread over the whole forehead, and, after half an hour, to the vertex; relieved by pressure of the hands, and also in the open air, but again aggravated on descending steps; the violent pain only disappeared after 4 P.M., when it changed to a dull, pressive pain in the frontal eminences as at first lasting 6 P.M. (third day). Sharp, drawing, pressing pain in forehead. Cutting-shooting in forehead. Stitches in the whole forehead from without inwards. A slight pulsating, tickling pain in forehead and head. Slight prickling in the left frontal eminence, which, after a quarter of an hour, shifted to the right, and after four hours, changed to a dull pressure; this was not relieved in the open air, and was gradually increased in both these places; after 1 P.M. the pressive sensation became less, and after 3 P.M. disappeared (from 20th dil). Temples. Heaviness in the temples (twelfth day). The unpleasant pressure in the temples was better on lying quietly; was not affected, however, by cold air, or by applying cold substances to the forehead. A pressive sensation in one or other temporal region, with a slight confusion of the head, immediately disappearing after motion (first day). Sharp, sticking, pressing pains in both temples. Awoke at 3 A.M. with severe stitches, as from a penknife, in both temples, gradually extending over the whole forehead, with chilliness, rendering her unable to go to sleep again. Vertex. Awoke shortly before 3 A.M. with pressive pain on the vertex, aggravated by every change of position and preventing falling asleep, which I only did at 4 A.M. (fourth morning). The cool, open air caused a peculiar pressure on the top of the head, which went off gradually in the room. Throbbing in top of head, as if a vein were too full in the brain, a few days after the menses. A throbbing pain in top of head whenever he moved suddenly or walked quickly upstairs. Soreness on top of head, especially to right side. Parietals. Pain in right side of head, with itching in eyebrows and nose. A left-sided headache all day. A slight headache all day, occupying the whole left side of the head. A Violent shooting headache in left side, in the afternoon, for five hours. Occiput. Heaviness of the occiput, for half an hour, in the afternoon (from 20th dil). A drawing from the nape upwards into the head, in which there is then shooting, roaring, and humming. At 8 A.M. an oppressive and somewhat acute pain in the back part of the head and neck, gradually extending to the forehead. Weight in back of head from ear to ear. Pain in head more acute, of a beating character, seated in the back part of the head and neck, gradually extending to the sides and forehead, the pain being almost insupportable, and greatly aggravated by moving or stooping; these acute pains lasted about three hours, when they gradually abated, but having periodical returns through the day, brought on by stooping. External Head. Falling out of the hair, whereby the scalp is painful, with formication. Pain externally in the head, as if blood were extravasated; the hairs are painful when touched. Head and scalp sore. Scalp sore, especially in front. Scalp and hair feel sore; drawing pain in chest and around the heart. Soreness in the hair, and pressing pain in the forehead. Itching in scalp all day. Slight itching in scalp and cold feet for ten days. Head itches very often during the day, compelling him to scratch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.