Elaps homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common names, Cobra-coral, Brazilian Coral snake.


Elaps corallinue, Merr. (E. venustissimus, Spix,; Vipera corallina), Preparation, Trituration of the venom received on sugar of milk.


Emotional, mental agitation (sixth day) Reveries in the daytime; he imagines he is being beaten (first to third day) Imagines he hear talking (first to third day) (fifth day) She fancies she is falling forward, though really quite still (fifth day) Desire to go into the country, and play about in the grass (seventh day) Desire to be alone; she takes refuge for days together in a corner of the antechamber (seventh day) She seeks a retired room to work in (seventh day). Aversion to work (eighth day) Depression of spirits; desires to be in a deep cavern, where he can see no one (ninth day) Profound ennui (ninth day) Fearfulness, dread of being alone, as though some thing would happen, or as though rowdies would break in (eighth day), Excessive horror of rain (tenth day), _Irritable, quarrelsome mood, with mental agitation (fifth day), Inclination to strike and pick a quarrel (sixth day), Peevish in the afternoon, did not want to be spoken to, even fretful about herself (fourth day), He hears what is said without understanding it (first to third day), Absence of thought (ninth day), Absence of mind (first to third day), Complete loss of consciousness, so that time passes by unperceived (ninth day).


Vertigo. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward (fifth day), general Heart. The head falls heavily forward (first to third day), _Fearful pains when inclining the head backwards, ameliorated by bending it forwards (first to third day), Headache, the whole day (thirtieth day); headache (thirty-second day_, Headache, lasting from 1 to 11 A.M. (twenty-fourth day), Violent headache if the desire for food is not satisfied on the instant (third to sixth day), Dull headache at 7 P.M. (eleventh day), Dull headache in the morning, again at noon, sticking and extending to the right side; in the evening, the headache was in creased, with shaking chill (thirty-third day), Dull headache on waking in the morning ((twenty-second day), Dull headache after midnight, lasting till daybreak (eighteenth day), Boring pain from the vertex to the right eyebrow first to third day), Violent sticking headache at 1 A.M., preventing sleep (twenty-third day), Forehead, Pains in the forehead (second day), Weight in the forehead and above the orbits (first to third day), Temples, Sensation as of a foreign-body in the right temple (first to third day), Very painful constriction in the temples and eyes (first to third day), Vertex, Frightful pain in the vertex, as though the brain was loose; at night, she was unable to hold the head still on account of the nausea (eleventh day), Parietals.

Headache on the right side (forty-first day), Dull headache on the left side at 9 P.M. (thirty-third day), Weight in the right parietal region, with pain penetrating to the nape of the neck (first to third day), Occiput, pain, which seems to be seated in the right side of the cerebellum (first to third day), External Head, Falling out of the hair (after fiftieth day), Pains at the roots of the hair of the occiput (fourth day), In the morning the scalp over the occipital protuberance feels as if raw (second day), Great itching of the scalp (fifth day).


Objective, Eyes red and inflamed (sixth day), Glassy eyes (sixth day), Swelling around the eyes, which appears sunken in the morning (tenth day), Blood oozes from the eyes (sixth day), Subjective. The eye is extremely sensitive to cold water (third to sixth day), Dry, hot burning in the eyes (twenty-second day), Feeling as from boring in the eyes from within outward (thirty- third day), Feeling as from boring in the eyes (second day), Violent itching in the left eye (fourth day), Brow and Orbit.

the left eyebrow is painful and drawn down (third day), Lids. Red eyelids (third to sixth day), Bleareyedness (second and third day), Stye on the left eye, with severe lancination (third day), Difficulty in opening the eyes (second day), Desire to shut the eyes, as in fever (first to third day), very sharp pricking in the inner canthi of the eyes (first to third day), Ball, Tickling and red streaks on the sclerotica (third day), Complete blindness for five minutes (fourth day), Grey will before the eyes, like a gathering cloud; at first the size of a penny, but finally spreading over the whole field of vision (third day), Strong aversion to light; likes to be in the dark (second day), Unsteady vision in the morning (nineteenth day), Towards noon, it seemed as though the crochet-work constantly moved and evening (eighteenth day), Appearance of a bluish white or pearly gauze before the right eye (third day), Appearance of long white threads moving before the eyes (second day), Appearance, a few paces off, before the left eye, while walking, of a black disk, four inches in diameter (third day), A red transverse bar an inch wide is seen on opening the eyes, and a red disk on shutting them (ninth day), When the eyes are shut, a red appearance, dotted with black (second day), Large red, fiery points, becoming violet and then black before the eyes on becoming erect, worse while reflecting on what had been read; on stooping, the blood rushes into the head (thirteenth day).


Objective. Small balls of black, hardened wax came from the ear when cleaning it (first day), Serous discharge from the left ear (first to third day), Discharge of blood from the ear (sixth day), (eleventh day), Subjective. Pinching sensation at the helix and lobe of the ear (sixth day), Tearing in the left ear at 9 A.M., better at 11 A.M. (sixth day), Itching in the right meatus auditorius (second day), Itching inside the ear in the evening (sixth day), Itching in the meatus auditorius; this itching spreads into the interior of the cheek, following the course of the duct of Steno (third day), Hearing. Diminished hearing from time to time in the afternoon (twenty-first day), Long lasting deafness (first to third day), Crackling in the ears on swallowing, lasting two hours (twenty-first day), Buzzing in the ear (first day), Continued buzzing, as if a fly was in closed in the meatus auditorius (first to third day), Ringing in the ears (first to third day), Roaring in the right ear at 3 P.M. lasting a quarter of an hour (fifth day), Strange illusion of hearing; she hears whistling and ringing, and rises to see where they are (fifth day), Hears distant whistling (seventh day).


Objective. The nose continues to swell, and the pain extends to the ear (fourth day), Bad smell from the nose (third to sixth day), Stoppage of both nostrils; be breathes through the mouth (fourth and fifth day), Stoppage of the right nostril, relieved by lying on the same side (third to sixth day), Discharge of white and watery mucus from the nose (second day), Coryza brought on by the slightest draught; sneezing (second day), Fluent coryza (thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh days), Arterial blood gushes from the nose and ears (tenth day), Subjective, Heat in the left nostril, with swelling of the septum nasi (third day), Lancinations from the root of the nose to the ear (fourth day), Terrible pricking in the upper part of the nasal fossa (first to third day), Tickling at the root of the nose, as from a worm (tenth day).


Objective. Complexion high-colored, almost red (first day), Subjective, Boring pain from the lower jaw to the right eye, and then of the right brow to the ear (first to third day), Cheeks, Swelling of the right check, with small red pimples beneath the skin, followed by large round tetter-like spots; at 7 P.M. (nineteenth day). The redness of the face was better the next day towards noon. Swelling of the face in the afternoon, especially of the right side of the nose (twentieth day). On the next day, the swelling of the face lasted till 10 o’clock, with increased redness and swelling under the eyes; the pimples in the face gradually disappeared, but could still be felt under the skin; the redness was less at 8 P.M. (twenty-first day). The next morning, there were red spots in the face, which was puffy (twenty-second day), Right cheek hot, red, with formication, from 1 to 6 P.M. (nineteenth day), Pressure in the right check, with slight redness, followed by slight swelling of the right cheek, followed by shivering over the whole body, lasting several minutes (for one hour), (fifth day).


Teeth. The teeth are loose; inability to chew bread (third day), Gums. swelling of the gums of the last three molars on the right side (first to third day), The gums fall far away from the teeth (thirteenth day), Pricking in the left gums (first day), Tongue.

Black or deep red tongue (ninth day), Tongue white and swollen in the morning (tenth day), Pricking at the tip of the tongue (first to third day), Pricking as if from pimento (after triturating the drug), (first to third day), saliva. Watery saliva (third day), Viscid saliva more abundant (third day), The saliva is salt (sixth day), Taste, Bitter salt taste in the mouth (sixth day), Taste of blood in the mouth before the paroxysm of cough, and inclination to vomit after it (first to third day), Bread has an insipid taste, like that of the triturated poison which is being proved (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.