
Curare homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


A South American (Guayana) arrow-poison, of variable strength and composition, supposed to be made from different species of Strychnos (toxifera, Schomb., cogens, etc)., or of Cocculus; by some it is asserted that animal poisons are added. (Serpents’ fangs have been found in the imported article). One authority asserts that a certain kind of toad secretes a poison identical in action with Curare, and that the venom of these toads is obtained by some Indians who manufacture Curare.

Native names: Curare, Urari, Ourari, Wourari, Wourali, Wurali, etc.




Tears roll down the cheeks,. Rush of blood to head, with transient but very violent headache.


Increased secretion of mucus. Constant flowing of mucus.


Increased secretion of saliva,. Mouth was unable to hold the saliva,. Bitter taste.

Urinary Organs.

A very unusual secretion of urine.

General Symptoms.

Remarkable weariness.


Whole body covered with sweat.



Emotional. Paroxysm of insanity impelling him to attack himself; he strikes, scratches, and tears himself with a sort of relish, and without feeling any pain. Foolish merriment, interrupted by fright and weeping. Fits of ecstasy at night, as if caused by hearing music. Everything he sees appears foul and nasty.

Fondness for luxury and grandeur. He would like to go travelling in great style. A version to society. Gayety mingled with sadness and sighing. Melancholy, egotistical, envious, obstinate, intractable disposition. Brooding sadness, frequent weeping, with desire for solitude. Great despondency; becomes reckless about himself. Regrets for the past. Disposition to suicide. Anxiety, apprehension, excessive anguish. Very easily frightened and made to weep. Excessive fear of death.

Irascibility, wicked disposition; desires to lie in wait in order to assault others, and even to kill and rob them. Constant ennui. Will wavers and intellect is dull; he has to be guided and driven into action. Indifference to everything going on about him. Intellectual. The thoughts are disconnected and unfixed. Confusion of ideas, with sensation as if in a constant delirium.


Vertigo. Sensation of dizziness in the head, with pressure on the temples and constriction of the throat. Frequent attacks of dizziness. General Head. Cerebral tuberculosis. Congestion of blood to the head, with pulsating, vibrating pains, and loss of consciousness. Congestion of blood to the head, with hemorrhage from mouth, nose, and ears; contraction of the throat, suffocation. Rush of blood to the head, with transient but very;violent headache. The head is bent backwards, with stiffness of the neck. Swaying and trembling of the head.

Violent movements of blood in the head and in the heart.

Cerebral hemorrhage, followed by paralysis, especially on the left side. Weakness and numbness of the head. Burning pain, crampy and lancinating pains in the head, with muco-purulent discharge from the nose. Contractive movements in the brain, with difficulty in collecting his ideas. Heavy headache, with inability to hold up the head. Sensation of great pressure on the skull. Lancinations, digging, and contractions in the brain, with spells of faintness. Lancinating, boring, cramplike pains in the whole head, with inclination to lie down and stretch himself. Sensation as if the head were bruised by repeated blows. Feeling of a strong pulsation passing from the head to the heart. Painful oscillations within the brain, as from a serous effusion. Sensation of simmering and boiling in the head, when moved ever so slightly. Forehead. Neuralgic pains, starting from the forehead and extending to the neck and face.

Parietals. Semilateral headache, with pulsating pains sometimes on the right side, sometimes on the left. Great pressure on the parietals, as if the head were bound with iron. Occiput.

Violent blows in the region of the cerebellum. External Head.

The hair loses its gloss, and finally turns white. The hair becomes matted and frizzled like wool. The hair falls off.

Large greasy ulcers on the head. Scaly herpes, scabs, and fissures on the scalp. Itching and burning pimples, like tubercles, on the hairy scalp. Great sensitiveness of the scalp.

Enervating tickling all over the head. Intolerable itching on the scalp, with constant desire to scratch it.


Objective. Greenish color and dimness of the eyes. Redness and swelling of the eyes, as if from a blow, especially in the morning on waking, and in the afternoon. Eyes red and inflamed.

The eyes are weak and sensitive; they cannot be used without causing vertigo. Neuralgic pains which pass from the eyes to the base of the brain and cause faintness. Burning, lancinating, digging pains in the eyes. Distensive and drawing pains in the eyes, as if something was trying to tear them. Contractive pains in the eyes, especially in the evening. Smarting pain in the eyes, with frequent winking. Lids. Eyelids red and swollen.

Corrosion and contraction of borders of the lids, with inability to close them. Gum on the lids, especially on waking in the morning. Ulcers and scabs on the borders of the lids. Many small burning pimples on the eyelashes and beard. Sensation as if the eyelids were on the stretch and tearing. Pulsations and spasmodic fluttering of the eyelids. Lachrymal Apparatus.

Lachrymation with great photophobia. Ball. Elevations, like water blisters, on the sclerotica, at the canthi. Pupil. Pupil strongly dilated. Great contraction of the pupil. Vision.

Amaurotic weakness of sight. Attacks of blindness towards evening. Constant mist before the eyes. Myopia. All objects appear trembling and confused. Fiery circle before the eyes, together with many small black spots.


Objective. Erysipelatous swelling of the internal ear, as also of the head. Internal otitis, with pains which drive one to insanity and suicide. Excessive secretion of cerumen. Purulent otorrhoea. Hemorrhage from the ears. Subjective. Sensation as if soap-bubbles were bursting in the ear, with burning and lancinating pains. Pains in the ear, which cause fainting.

Severe digging, together with drumming, cracking, and detonations in the ears. Nervous, lancinating pains which extend from the ears into the legs, with desire to lie down. Sensation as from a corrosive acid deep in the ear. Hearing. Hardness of hearing, with great sensitiveness to noise. Total deafness. All sorts of noises in the ears, even whistling and cries of animals. Humming and roaring in the ears, with attacks of deafness.


Objective. Nose inflamed, with sensation as if some one was trying to pull it off. Enormous swelling of the nose. Tumors in the nasal fossae, interfering with respiration, and bleeding very readily. Ulcers in the nose, with swelling of the nasal bones and cartilages. Abundant discharge from the nose of greenish, bloody, and very offensive mucus. Coryza, with frequent sneezing; constant discharge of nasal mucus, heaviness and weakness of the head and eyes. Epistaxis, especially in the evening and at night. Stoppage of the nose, with very painful dry coryza. Frequent ineffectual inclination to sneeze. Very disagreeable dryness of the nose. Sensation as if an instrument was being passed up the nostrils. Sensation as if a sharp instrument was passed into the brain through the root of the nose. Scratching pains in the nostrils. Pulsating, digging, and pungent pains in the nose which are reflected throughout the whole head. Intolerable tickling and burning in the nostrils, with sensation as if they were all raw. Smell. Anosmia.


Objective. Pale, greenish, cadaverous face. Face pale, incrusted with small, red, hard tumors, which remain so without ripening. Face puffy, with sensation of coldness all over it.

Congestion, redness, and puffiness of the face, with a dark circle around the eyes. Erysipelatous swelling, shifting quickly about on the face. Skin of face relaxed and pendent. Sensation as if the facial bones became enlarged. Facial neuralgia, mostly starting from the left temple. Neuralgic pains, with drawings of the muscles and distortion of the face. Beating pains in the bones of the face. Cheeks. Swelling of the cheeks and gums.

Lips. Inflamed lips covered with phlyctenae. Lips thick and full of scirrhous tubercles. Swelling of the lips, with inability to close the mouth. An indurated tumor of a syphilitic nature on the lips. Ulcers and fissures on the labial commissures. Dryness, chapping, and frequent bleeding of the lips. China Trismus. Sensation as if the jaw, the lips, the tongue, and the whole mouth were paralyzed. Neuralgic pains going from the jaws to the teeth. Crampy pains in the jaws, with clenching and grinding of the teeth.


Teeth. The teeth decay and fall out easily. Sensation as if the teeth, when meeting each other, yielded to the pressure and receded into the gums. Boring, lancination toothache, aggravated in the morning, afternoon, and at night, also by cold air, eating, and strong liquors. Gums. Gums gray, black, and bleeding. Swelling of the gums, especially in the evening, with inability to eat. Abscesses on the gums. Tongue. Tongue deep red, ulcerated, cracked, and bleeding. Tongue inflamed, thick, heavy, and covered with small pimples, especially on the edges.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.