
Pruriginous and burning furfuraceous herpes on the arm.

Eruptions, Moist.

Vesicular eruption, with much itching of the arms and hands.

Phlyctenoid eruption on the face and lips.

Eruptions, Pustular.

Large, hard, subcutaneous pimples, very painful and rarely suppurating. A considerable eruption of pustular herpes, especially on the cheeks. Miliary, urticarial, vesicular, and pustular eruptions. A great many boils. Severe scabby, suppurating herpetic eruption on the forehead and cheeks, under the nose and on the chin. Pustular pimples on the penis, which corrode and suppurate. Boils and inflammatory swellings on the thighs.


Phlyctenae; large patches of ulceration as from burns, especially on fleshy parts. Ulcers under the nose. Ulcers, crusts, and fissures on the auricles, with suppuration and bleeding.

Syphilitic-looking corroding ulcers, with raised edges and copious suppuration, on the lower extremities. Excavated ulcers, white and corroding, with profuse suppuration. Dirty-looking excavated ulcers on the penis.

Phlyctenae and ulcers on the lips. Small burning pimples, phlyctenae, ulcers as from aphthae, and condylomata on the vulva.


Intolerable itching and prickling all over.



Sleepiness with yawning, especially in the evening and after a meal. Sleepiness accompanied almost always by lascivious thoughts. Great drowsiness as soon as it is evening. Sleep, with starting incoherent talk and mumbling. Heavy sleep, with frequent and anxious waking. Comatose sleep, with weakness and heaviness.


Tardy slumbers. Too early waking. Very restless sleep, full of uneasiness and pain. Sleeplessness for several nights.

Sleeplessness when in bed. Sleeplessness accompanied by drowsiness; interrupted by frequent starts, as if on the point of falling; gets no sleep, although feeling greatly in want of it.


Confused dreams, which cannot be recollected. Frightful dreams, and especially voluptuous dreams. Dreams about the business of the day. Dreams about wickedness and cruelty.



Feeling of coldness in chest and back after coughing.


Heat with coldness, shivering, and partial sweat. Heat with heaviness of the head, which feels as if crushed by a weight, so that he has to fall forwards. Biting heat and dryness all over, excessive thirst, anorexia, insipid, sweetish taste; desire for wine and strong liquor. Fever, aggravated in the evening, at night, and in the morning on waking. Fever, with heat of the head, especially the temples; dryness of the mouth, titillation on the tongue, and inclination to spit frequently. Flushes of heat rising to the head, with a sort of electric vibration, which disturbs all his thoughts.

Great heat of the face and head, with red and burning cheeks, especially in the evening. Burning heat of the head; he cannot keep his hat on, even when out in the cold.


General debilitating sweats, staining the linen yellow, and seeming to corrode the skin. During and after the cough, cold sweat on chest and back; burning in the abdomen; jerky, broken respiration.

Profuse cold sweat on the face.


The pains are increased by each change of position.

The pains are aggravated in the evening, at night in bed, in the morning on awaking, also in the wind, by damp air, movement, or too much rest, and sometimes by heat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.