Crotalus Cascavella

Crotalus Cascavella homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Crot. cascavella of Mure (species uncertain).

Preparation: Trituration of the virus with sacch. lactis.



Magnetic state; she hears nothing, and again sees the spectre of death, as a gigantic black skeleton. Her weeping and mania increase (fifth day). At 6 o’clock in the evening, another maniacal paroxysm. Magnetic state, in which she does not answer questions, but hears a strange voice to her left, and behind her; she follows it, throws herself against closed doors, and scratches them with her nails. Three very similar attacks succeed each other; they are occasionally interrupted by silly laughter, and always end with a flood of tears. She again cries out: “He is in the den, but the lions will not eat him” (6th day). She exclaims, several times, “He is in the lion’s den, but they will not bite him (6th day). Another attack of mental alienation; she hears voices, which she follows; with copious tears (7th day).

She stands of ten minutes on the window-sill, and is arrested when on the point of throwing herself off (5th day).

She fancies her eyes are falling out (10th day). He fancies he hears groans (3rd day). He fancies he hears some one walking behind him (2nd day). While in a the clairvoyant state, he speaks to some one who does not answer (4th day). She plays with her fingers like a child (5th day). Aversion to talking (10th day).

Weeping (5th day). The pains extort frequent groans (after 5 hours and three quarters).

Involuntary groans (after three hours and a quarter). She rises suddenly at 3 o’clock, uttering two shrill cries, and throwing herself forward (5th day). Depression; sadness (4th day).

Dejection (after three hours and a quarter). Her thoughts dwell on death; with great sadness (5th day). Thoughts of death haunt her everywhere, especially when alone (5th day). She longs to weep, but cannot (5th day).

Anxiety (after two hours and a half). Feeling of fright, at night (fourth day).

Fright at night about indefinite things. Sensitive mood (10th day).

She answers all questions with “no” (10th day).

Intellectual. Total loss of memory (5th day). Loss of consciousness; she neither sees nor hears (6th day).


The head is affected (after hour and a half). Head feels heavy, with stupor (7th day). Sensation as if something alive were walking inside the head in a circle (2nd day). Pain in the inner head (2nd day). Tightness of the head from above (10th day). The entire skullcap compresses the brain like an iron helmet (2nd day).

Headache, epistaxis, and great excitement, caused by starting out of her sleep (3rd day). Shocks in the head which almost throw her off her balance (2nd day).


Pain in the middle of the forehead (9th day). Frontal headache, as if the head would split, with weight above the eyes, especially at night (2nd day). Headache attacking the forehead, and afterwards the rest of the head (4th day). Headache above the eyes, at 10 o’clock in the morning (5th day). Headache as if the forehead would split (3rd day).


Painful pressure in the temples (2nd day). Very acute lancinations in the right temple (2nd day).


Sensation as if a red-hot iron were stuck into the vertex (4th day). Great headache at the vertex, with sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch (4th day).


Bruised pain at the occiput (7th day).

External Head.

Small pimples on the scalp (3rd day).


Haggard eyes (5th day). Yellow rings around the eyes (2nd day).

Brow and Orbit. Constant trembling of the eye-brows, especially the left (2nd day). Pain under the right orbit, and at the right side of the forehead (2nd day). Heavy pain in the bottom of the orbit, and at the left eyebrow (1st day). Weight on the orbits, at night (5th day).

Lids. Heaviness of the eyelids (4th day). Sensation of a grain of sand in the outer canthi of the eyes. Slight pain under the lids (10th day). Itching in the canthus (3rd day).

Lachrymal Apparatus. Profuse flow of tears (5th day).

Ball. Pressive contraction of the right eyeball, which felt as if drawn out (7th day). The left eye feels as if drawn towards the temple. Sensation as if a thread was being wound up in the eye, and pulled the eyeball toward the temple (2nd day). Cutting sensation all around the eyeball, as if it was being taken out with a penknife (2nd day).

Vision. The sight is affected (after 40 minutes). Appearance of a dazzling blue light before the eyes (2nd day).


Swelling of the right ear (2nd day). Stitches in the meatus auditorius (5th day). Titillating itching in the ears (2nd day).

Hearing. Deafness (2nd day). Very deaf (after a month).

Buzzing in the ears while going downstairs (8th day).



Ulcer in the nose (5th day). Abundant discharge of mucus from the right nostril, at night (3rd day). Bloody serum runs from the nose (after 7 hours). Nosebleed (after three hours).

Epistaxis of bright blood (10th day).

Subjective. The tip of the nose is drawn up as by a string, which follows its median line and is fastened in the center of the forehead.

Smarting in the nostrils (2nd day).

Smell. Smell all day like that of the Crot. itself, insipid, nauseous, like that of a hospital (5th day).


Red face (after 3 hours and three quarters). Yellow complexion (10th day). Pain in the left cheek (2nd day).

Difficulty in moving the lips (after one hour and a half).

Black, bloody froth about the lips, in the morning (2nd day).



The molar teeth feel on edge, and are excessively sensitive (8th day). Toothache, at night, in the upper molars, with inflammation of the gums (10th day).


Pain in the lower gums, as if touched by a red-hot iron (4th day). Pressive pain in the left gums.


Tongue scarlet-red (2nd day). Paralysis of the tongue; he cannot speak (5th day). Pain in the tongue and larynx, extending to the abdomen (after one hour and five-sixths). Burning and prickling at the tip of the tongue (3rd day). Itching of the tongue (3rd day).


Flow of saliva (after four hours and three-quarters).

White, viscid saliva (after 7 hours). Thick, viscid, dark-colored saliva, difficult to detach (after five hours and three- quarters).

Discharge of white mucus from the mouth (10th day).


Very salt taste in the mouth; not removed by drinking sugar- water. Putrid taste or taste of onions, in the mouth, until it is rinsed (3rd day).


Difficult speech (after two hours and a quarter).


Feelings as of dust in the throat (3rd day).

Feeling of a lump in the throat (after seven hours). Burning and constriction in the throat. Constriction of the throat (after four hours and a quarter). Constricted feeling in the throat (after one hour and a half). Formication in the throat, as if beer was effervescing there.


Difficult deglutition (after two hours and a half and seven hours).

External Throat.

Feeling of fullness in the jugular veins, extending to the sides and back of the neck (after 40 minutes). First the blood is felt rising in the carotid arteries several times; then there is a faint feeling, and lastly a sensation as if a valve were suddenly opened (4th day). Pain in the jugular veins, when moving the neck (3rd day). Constriction in the thyroid gland. Constrictive pain, as if a string was tied around the thyroid gland (4th day).



Great appetite, passing off suddenly at the sight of food (2nd day). Anorexia all day, and great appetite in the evening (3rd day). Repugnance for food (10th day). Loathing of meat (2nd day).

Thirst. Great thirst (2nd day). Great desire for snow, without wanting either water or wine (6th day).

Nausea and Vomiting. Desire to vomit (2nd day). Vomiting after breakfast, caused by drinking tepid water (8th day).

Stomach. Disordered state of the stomach (4th day). Feeling of coldness in the stomach, after eating. Sensation as of an opening in the pit of the stomach, through which air passes (3rd day).

Each mouthful of food falls suddenly into the stomach, like a stone, with pain felt even in the back (3rd day). Burning pinching at the pylorus. Stomachache, extending to the navel (2nd day). Stomachache, when eating, as from emptiness (5th day).

Twitching at the pit of the stomach (2nd day). Excessive sensitiveness of the epigastrium, which cannot endure any clothing (8th day). Violent blow on the epigastrium (4th day).



Feeling as if a peg were sticking in the middle of the liver.

Excessive weight at the diaphragm (4th day).

Umbilical. Pain across the umbilical region, with alternate sensations of spreading out and pinching together (7th day).

General Abdomen.

Borborygmi (2nd day). Bellyache, after drinking (2nd day).

Sensation as of bands around the abdomen (3rd day). Pain as from a band around the abdomen, fastened at the navel.

Pressure in the whole abdomen, in the direction of the navel (2nd day). Pressive stitches in the abdomen (5th day). The abdomen is exceedingly sensitive (2nd day).


Pains in the hypogastrium on taking a cold drink (8th day).

Enormous weight at the hypogastric region (4th day).

Rectum and Anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.