
Attack of hiccough, with shooting pain in forehead till midnight (after one hour).


Nausea at stomach, with pain in forehead (after four hours).


Sour stomach, with headache, as if it would burst; in evening, after supper, had to lie down; 11 P.M., increases in severity; an hour after, watery diarrhoea, with tenesmus; sour taste, with nausea, remained till sleep (fifth day). Pain in stomach (after one hour). Pain in stomach and abdomen (fourth day). Pain in stomach, one hour after rising, with headache (second day). Pain in stomach after eating, especially after dinner, with pain in the abdomen, worse by pressure, and feeling of great uneasiness; had to move about, as if he could not keep still (second day).

Pain in stomach after a meal (fourth day). Pain in stomach after a light meal (ninth day). Pain in stomach soon after dinner (fourth day). Pain in stomach, with colic in abdomen and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on (second day). Severe pain in stomach, as if from hunger, before dinner, which continues till dinner, and is partially relieved by eating (second day).

Sensation of fullness and hardness in stomach, as if filled with wind (third day). Pressure in stomach, as if from wind (second day).

Soreness in pit of stomach, caused by the constant hiccough (after one hour). Soreness in the region of the stomach on taking a deep inspiration, morning (second day).



Dull pain in the left hypochondrium, with sour eructations (third day). Feeling in left side, above spleen, as if it would drop down, worse when walking; disappears when sitting still (fourth day). Sharp pain in the region of the spleen, worse on taking a deep inspiration (third day).


Pain in umbilical region one hour after eating, worse from contracting the walls of the abdomen (second day).

General Abdomen.

Rumbling in bowels (fourth day). Loud rumbling in bowels (second day). Feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, with rumbling in bowels (after five hours). Strange but not unpleasant sensation in bowels, as after diarrhoea. Strange but not unpleasant sensation in the bowels, as after diarrhoea, all the time since the stool became more hard and natural. Feeling of emptiness in abdomen, at the umbilicus (second day). Pain in abdomen, in evening and at night (second day). Pain as from a fullness in abdomen, soon after a light dinner (second day). Colic, on waking, at 5 A.M., then watery stool, with tenesmus (sixth day).

Colic during stool (fourth day). Severe cutting colic before stool (second day). Colic pain at 4 A.M., better after a watery stool, having had no passage for two days (eighth day).

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region.

Yellow-brown spots on lower part of abdomen, about genitals (tenth day). Severe colic in lower part of abdomen (after one hour). Pain in abdomen, low down, in evening (second day). Pain in left groin and small of back (sixth day).

Rectum and Anus.


Burning in rectum during stool, and continuing long afterwards (second day). Pressing in the rectum (second day).


During the whole day, constant dropping of blood from the anus, none with the stool; has often had some bloody marks on his faeces (first day). Pressure towards the anus, increasing till stool (second day).


Urgent desire for stool, with slight cutting in abdomen; while walking, desire worse than when standing still (after five hours). Tenesmus after stool (after six hours).



Stool twice per day (before, only once). A profuse, stool, watery, spouting; in an hour, another stool (after five hours).

Stool at 9 A.M. and at 9 P.M.; the former small and hard, the latter small, soft, painless (third day). Soft diarrhoeic stool, with tenesmus and colic (second day). Large stool, soft, thin (diarrhoeic), with much tenesmus, and severe colicky pain in lower part of abdomen during stool, as if the bowels would protrude, and aching pain in sphincter ani, which continued for an hour after stool (after six hours). Stool at 4.30 P.M., soft, with stinging pain during and after for some time (second day).

Stool at 4.45 P.M., with cutting pain in abdomen before stool, and pressing in rectum (fourth day). Stool at 9 A.M., natural, but small in quantity (fourth day).

Stool more natural (third day), and becomes in a few days quite hard and natural, which has not been the case for three years.

Instead of several soft stools during the day, one well formed in the evening first day).


Small stool, with tenesmus, at 4 P.M. (second day).

Small hard stool (fifth day). Stool at 4 P.M. small, hard, having had none for two days (second day). Stool small and hard (third day).

Stool small and hard, at 10 P.M. with sensation of scratching in rectum (second day). Small, dry, hard lumpy stool at 11 P.M.

(third day). Stool scanty and hard (after fourteen hours and a half). No passage for two days.

Urinary Organs.


Pain in the urethra, with the emissions. Burning in urethra during micturition (second day). Acute pain in the urethra while standing, with a bruised feeling in the back and loins towards the latter part of the day. Smarting in end of urethra during micturition, lasting but a short time after (second day).

Frequent desire to urinate. Constant desire to urinate every twenty minutes, all the forenoon, after drinking coffee (earlier than usual), with discharge of much pale urine; continues for five days, always worse in forenoon (second day).


Urinates often and of smaller quantity (third day).

Passes urine often and in small quantities (second day). Passed much smaller quantity of urine, but often, every two hours; had to rise in the night, to urinate (fourth day). Frequent passing of small quantities of light-colored urine (third day). Urine frequent and scanty, with flocculent sediment and strong pungent smell. Scanty urine (fifth day). Urine scanty and light-colored (second day). Urine scanty, and greasy pellicle on it (second day). Scanty urine which after standing has a greasy pellicle on it (second day). Less urine, and more saturated.


Urine more yellow (fourth day). Urine deep red, with flocculent red sediment after standing (second day). Greasy pellicle on the urine (seventh and eighth days); with yellow flocculent sediment (ninth day). Sediment of yellow-red flocks in the urine, which are in little clots after two hours standing (third day).

Sexual Organs.

Impotence and emissions without erections. Severe pain in the right testicle, continuing a few moments; better after passing urine, 10 A.M., three hours after second dose (second day). More sexual desire in the morning. Emissions with partial erections during sleep (fourth day). Emissions without erections (eighth and ninth days). During a nap in the evening, lying on his back on the sofa, seminal emission, with a dream unusually particular and vivid; in a married man of 50 years (first day). Awoke at 4 A.M. with pollution (second day). Seminal emissions at night, with headache.

Respiratory Organs.


Stitching pain in the larynx, in the front region, forenoon (first day). The pain in the larynx returned at 9.30 A.M., with a warm sensation through the whole body, and with flushes of heat and much perspiration, forenoon (second day).

Cough and Expectoration.

Coughing, with soreness of throat and rawness when hawking (seventh and eighth days). Short hacking cough, with frequent expectoration of a quantity of red blood, which, from the sensation felt, comes from the larynx (fourth day).

Expectoration of thick tough mucus, mixed with blood; scratching sensation in the throat, feeling also as if something had lodged in the throat, inducing swallowing, morning (third day). Copious expectoration of frothy white mucus with lumps in it, about 9 A.M. (fourth day). Profuse expectoration, in morning, of white mucus, with little bubbles of air in it, worse in open air (fifth and tenth days). Several mornings in succession, raising of much thick tough mucus, mixed with a considerable quantity of red blood, with a sensation of fullness and pressive pain in the larynx, accompanied by a sensation of scratching and rawness, with occasional burning pains and a disposition to keep the jaws closed tightly; the above sensations are increased by pressure, empty deglutition, and cold water (fourth and following days).

Hawking and spitting of much thick white mucus (third day).


Frequent sighing.


Occasional deep stitches in the lower part of the chest, mostly on the left side, on taking a deep inspiration (third day).


Pain in back, on sitting down after rising (second day).

Backache, as if he could not straighten himself (seventh day).

Backache, worse all morning (seventh day). Backache, with seminal emissions. Pain in the back, increasing while sitting (similar to Zincum). Pain in the back while sitting, better on walking or lying down.


An indefinite pain on either side of the dorsal spine, similar to that felt in the chest, when it is said “the food has lodged” (third day). Pain between shoulders, in lumbar region, and small of back (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.