
General. Skin bloodless; the veins show through it blackish. Surface of body reddish-livid. Bluish, cyanotic color of the entire skin, especially of the face, neck, antero-superior portion of the chest and back of the hands; on all which parts the skin was actually slate-colored; this color was also noticed on the mucous membrane of the lip. The skin assumes a violet color; the veins are swollen; the lips and conjunctiva are cyanotic. Purple maculation of the skin. The skin had lost its normal tone and elasticity; when pinched, the folds remained for some seconds and disappeared slowly. Along the course of the radial nerve in each forearm a linear redness, without swelling of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, more on the right than on the left side. Circumscribed spots on the anterior surface of the left forearm and on the inner surface of the left lower leg, which were totally insensible to pricking and pinching (sixth day). A brownish ecchymosis, as large as the palm of the hand, on the lower portion of the sacrum. Eruptions, Moist. The whole skin was covered with large and small vesicles of pemphigus (sixth day). Herpetic vesicles on the temples in the place where the redness hand been noticed. Herpes zoster on the left side of the face along the course of the trigeminus; vesicles on the forehead, above the orbit, along the course of the ramus frontalis, on the cheek below the orbit, along the terminal filament of the infraorbital nerve of the chin, along the mental nerve (eleventh day after the poisoning). A dozen herpetic vesicles, as large as a pin’s head, on the inner portion of the right forearm, somewhat externally to the place where the redness had been noticed; the subcutaneous tissue seemed to be somewhat swollen. About twenty herpetic vesicles, as large as a pin’s head, along the course of the right sciatic nerve, situated upon a slightly red base; from them some red streaks extend up to the right nates, and from the point of exit of the sciatic nerve to the crest of the ilium. Abscesses form upon the chest and upon the left nates, caused by subcutaneous ecchymosis. Sensations. Burning sensation in the skin, especially of the cheeks, without intense redness, and without elevation of temperature (very soon). Formication on both legs.

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Great sleepiness for several days. Drowsy, but unable to sleep on account of the headache and pains in the stomach. Somnolence. Sound sleep (third night). Sleep deep and prolonged, interrupted by cramps in cheeks and toes. Never slept so long before.


Chilliness. Cold, mottled skin. The temperature of the body was rapidly falling Bodily temperature remarkably lowered; skin cold, giving to the touch an impression like that caused by contact with a corpse some hour after death, before it is quite cold. Temp. in the axilla, +34.6 0; in the mouth, 35.2 0. Temperature 38 0 Cent. Coldness. Sensation of coldness in the whole body. The attack is followed by long-continued sensation of coldness and general trembling, which may last for weeks. Severe chill, with chattering. Violent febrile chill, for several days. Violent and continued shaking chill. Daily repeated chills, with a sensation of a heavy dragging up of the abdomen when walking and standing. Chilly all day. Cool extremities. Extremities cold. Extremities cold and numb. Hands and feet cold. Hands icy cold. Heat. Febrile symptoms. At night, in bed, burning heat all over, without thirst; despite this heat and fever, slept lightly until 1 A.M., after which increase of head, with thirst and dry mouth; the thirst was satisfied by drinking only a little; the heat, as well as the thirst and fever, now gradually diminished, and the bed, which had hitherto been too warm, was now too cold, so that he had to have more covering; sleep returned(370). Sensation of warmth in chest and abdomen, similar to that caused by spirituous liquors, but the hands and feet remained cold. Sweat. Skin covered with sweat. Beads of sweat over whole body. A little sweat on the upper half of the body, in the morning, in bed. Slight frontal sweat.

Conditions Aggravations

(Morning), On rising, heaviness of head; in bed, sweat on upper half of body. (Night), In bed, heat. (In open air), Felt worse. (On breathing), Feeling of load on chest. (While eating), Flow of saliva. (After meals), Vomiting. (On rising, after lying down), Vertigo.


(Fresh air), Marked relief, especially to heaviness on chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.