
Hypochondria. Dull pressing pain in hypochondria. Soreness of hypochondria, aggravated by motion (very soon). Pain in right hypochondrium; also in iliac region of both sides. Aching feeling over right hypochondrium and along back (from 20 drops). Premonitions of pain in region of liver. Dull pain in right side, over the region of the liver, and in the back, across the fifth, sixth and seventh dorsal vertebrae. General Abdomen. Abdomen bloated, especially in the epigastric region, but neither hard, nor tense, nor sensitive to pressure. Bowels bloated and full of flatus after (three hours) a meal (second day). Rumbling in bowels; a feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, after walking about. Rumbling and rolling in abdomen, with a sense of distension (after one hour). Emission of large quantities of flatus all the evening. Emission of fetid flatus (after one hour and a half). Emission of large quantities of putrid flatus (third day). Sinking feeling all over the abdomen, a feeling of goneness, with yet a heavy weight about the stomach (from 20 drops). Pain in bowels. Sensation of fulness, with burning on outside of abdomen (soon after). Constantly a sensation of distension in the abdomen as if it were full of wind, but I was never able to discharge any. Bowels feel bloated and sore (third day). Feel as if the gas in the abdomen was incarcerated (after one hour). Abdomen muscles feel sore (second day). Bowels feel sore on walking. Jolting during riding affects unpleasantly the abdominal parietes also, which feel hot and sore. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Burning pain in lower part of abdomen and top of head (after fifteen minutes). While sitting, crampy stitch in left inguinal region (after two hours).

Rectum and Anus

The anus itches and feels as if the skin was rubbed off (after forty-five minutes). Desire for stool all day, though he had a natural movement in the morning (third day). Constant feeling of desire to pass a stool, and a sensation as if there was a quantity in the rectum, but I never had more than one regular stool every morning.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; there watery evacuations within a short space of time, accompanied with pain an sick stomach. Ever since beginning of proving, and for some time after, two natural stools per day, which is very unusual with the prover, having generally but one passage in two days. In evening, copious and consistent stool, entirely free from pain, though the stools had been constipated and painful for some time previously. Towards evening, evacuation from bowels copious and consistent, but almost inodorous. Constipation. Bowels rather constipated, which is unusual (seventh day). Bowels seem torpid, but not costive (fourth day). My bowels moved regularly every morning, but the stool was insufficient, and they seemed somewhat more sluggish than normal.

Urinary Organs

Micturition. Frequent micturition. The urine was voided about once in two hours, and in two hours, and was large in quantity, quality normal (second day). Passed urine oftener than usual during the night, but observed no change in color (second day). Slept well, but had to rise about 5 o’clock to urinate, a very unusual thing, also passed a larger quantity than usual. Unusually free flow of urine, normal in color, in odor, and quality (third day). Copious flow of limpid colorless urine, which lasted several hours. The amount of the urine was enormous, though no measurement was resorted to. Its odor was slight, but peculiar not that of Carbolic acid nor that of normal urine (after fifteen minutes). During the night, passed a large quantity of pale urine, nearly there quarts (fifth day). During day the urine was increased in quantity, and had a very strong smell (second day). Urine less in amount (fourth day). Urine diminished in quantity and heightened in color. Straining at passing urine, followed for two hours by uncomfortable feeling. Fruitless effort to urine. Ineffectual attempts to pass urine. Urine. Greenish tinge in the urine, and disappearance of all deposits of lithates. Urine very dark-colored. A dark greenish- brown color to the urine is a characteristic sign of the incipient poisoning. Urine dark smoky color, alkaline; it deposited a sediment of granular urate of ammonia; it also showed a mixture of different colored pigments, which apparently came from the coloring-matter of the dissolved blood corpuscles; this pigment appeared always after an application of Carbolic acid, and disappeared after the removal of it. The urine passed the day after the accident was almost black, but was free from turbidity, and no trace of Carbolic acid, blood, or albumen could be detected in it. By nitric acid there is deposited a large quantity of brown pigment in the urine. Evacuation of offensive very dark-colored urine, depositing urate of ammonia, sometimes phosphates, but no albumen. Urine smells strongly of carbolic acid. Urine more acid than normal. Urine alkaline, dark-brown.

Sexual Organs

Male. Prickling pains through the glans penis and in urethra. During all this time I noticed my sexual organs to be in an unusually relaxed, weakened state during the day, but regularly every night I would have lascivious dreams, with seminal emissions, which weakened me greatly and filled me with horror. After going to sleep, was awakened by unusually strong sexual excitement, which continued some time (first night). Sexual appetite very much decreased (second day). Loss of sexual desire for thirteen days. Female. Pain in region of left ovary, when walking in the open air, soon subsiding. Menses more profuse than usual. Menses much more profuse and darker-colored than usual, followed by headache and great nervous irritability for twelve hours (sixth day). Menses came on two days later than usual, and were more profuse.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Inflammatory condition set in, with much soreness of respiratory organs, and more hoarseness (third day). Feeling of soreness in larynx and bronchial membrane, with some hoarseness (second day). Left side of larynx very sore when pressed upon, not true of the right side (after one hour and a quarter). Constant inclination to cough (after one hour and a quarter). Tickling-irritating sensation in upper part of trachea and fauces, which excited an occasional short, hacking, dry cough. Cough and Expectoration. Cough (fourth day). Short hacking cough, with tickling in the throat (after one hour and a quarter). Cough, without expectoration (sixth day). Some cough and expectoration (eleventh day). Coughed to clear the bronchi; expectorated a little (fourth day). Expectoration of large quantity of thick whitish mucus (second day). Respiration. Stertorous respiration, etc. Breathing stertorous (after eighteen minutes). Respiration stertorous and rapid (80). Respiration stertorous and smelling strongly of the fluid (after five minutes). Respiration accelerated. Respiration agitated. Respiration free and deep; inclination to take a deep breath. Respiration difficult. Respiration much impeded. Room feels close and hot (second day).


Dull pain through the upper lobes of lungs. While walking out of doors, feeling of expansion (of lightness) in the lungs, also in the nasal passages (after five minutes). Tight feeling in both lungs, especially in the centre of the chest. Feeling of narrowness in the chest, as if the diaphragm depressed the lungs. Chest feels as if compressed, or as if a load were pressing in front, with a desire to dilate it (second day). Oppression of chest. Oppression of chest, returning great effort to fully inflate the lungs. Front. Dull pressure under the sternum, in the region of the sixth rib (after three hours). Compressed feeling across lower end of sternum. Sides Transient dull pain under left clavicle. Slight uneasy pains in right lung (after one hour and a half). Dull aching pain, whole left side of chest and abdomen, running around to shoulder-blades (after two hours and five- sixths).

Heart and Pulse

Precordium. Stitches, region of heart (after one hour and a quarter). Heart’s Action. The beat of the heart, as well as the pulse, could not be felt. Heart’s action irregular (after eighteen minutes). Pulse. Pulse rapid, irregular, undulating. Pulse very rapid. Feeble, intermittent, rapid pulse. Pulse quick, 95 (after five minutes). Pulse very quick, 100 (after twenty-five minutes). Pulse accelerated, 82 (after thirty-five minutes). Pulse small, frequent, and intermitting. Pulse 75 (after one hour and a half). Pulse 82 (after twenty minutes). Pulse rises from 66 to 75, intermittent (after five minutes);, pulse 90 (after ten minutes); pulse 80 (after fifteen minutes); 9 A.M., pulse 100, regular (second day). Pulse risen from 70 to 82 (after one hour and a quarter). Pulse risen from 70 to 84 (after fifty-five minutes). Pulse 86 (after two hours an a half). Pulse 88 (after seven hours). Pulse 90 (after half an hour). Pulse 100 per minute, feeble, and very intermittent (after five minutes). Pulse 120 per minute, and very weak; could be counted with great difficulty. Sinking pulse and temperature. Pulse 68 (after one hour and five-sixths). Pulse 68, rather slow (after three hours and one-twelfth). Pulse 68 (third day). Pulse 68, small. Pulse 64 (after half an hour). Pulse weak and fluttering. Pulse weak and flickering. Pulse very weak. Pulse scarcely perceptible. Pulse scarcely perceptible (after eighteen minutes). Pulse and heart- beat almost imperceptible. Pulse imperceptible. Pulse imperceptible, and the beat of the heart scarcely noticed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.