
Pinching in the upper part of the abdomen. A pressive tension in the abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between the pit of the stomach and the navel, which is specially increased by motion, together with a pressive tension in the lower portion of the back. Colic, with cutting-twisting pain about the navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times, mixed with black blood; after every stool, thirst, and after every drink, shivering. Pain deep in the abdomen, rather burning than sticking, together with cutting in the umbilical region, on motion, especially on stooping and walking, with ill-humor about the pain and discontent and whining about inanimate objects (not about men or moral subjects), with fretfulness, a kind of apprehensiveness, with sweat in the face. Drawing and twisting in the abdomen, with and without diarrhoea. Much flatulence. Rumbling of flatus in the abdomen (after one hour). Flatus moves painfully about the abdomen. Painless rumbling in the abdomen. A rumbling extending upward and downward in the abdomen. Pressure here and there in the abdomen. Pressive-pinching pain in the abdomen, immediately after eating, with incarcerated flatus. Unusually strong pulsations of the blood vessels of the abdomen. Increased internal warmth in the intestinal canal. A tensive pain, extending from the abdomen to the chest, as from distension in the abdomen. Distension and hardness of the abdomen, which would not endure tight clothes. Distension in the abdomen, two hours after eating, followed by shooting headache towards the occiput and profuse sweat. A feeling as if the abdomen were distended even to bursting, on which account breathing was impeded, even to suffocation. A hernia, consisting of wind, forcibly and painfully protrudes from the abdominal ring. Colic, as from flatus in the lower abdomen. Hard, pressive, almost sticking pain in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen (after one hour).

Rectum and Anus

Urging to stool, with pressive pain in the intestines, but he was constipated. Tenesmus. Hemorrhoids in the anus, which itch at times. Blind hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids in the anus, which pain severely during stool. Flow of blood from the anus for four days. Burning in the anus. Burning pain in the anus (after three, four and eight hours). Biting-stinging pain in the anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Itching in the anus (after three, four, and eight hours).


Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, immediately, at once followed by an empty tenesmus. Stool immediately after eating ( at noon), with redness of the cheeks (after six hours). After drinking, he was obliged to go to stool, but was constipated; only a little mucus passed. As soon as he drank anything, he felt as though he would have diarrhoea, but only a little passed every time. Small stool, consisting of bloody mucus. Small passages, which consist of only mucus. Small frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in the lower portion of the abdomen. Constipation, as from too much heat in the abdomen.

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury; he is obliged to urinate frequently, with at times ineffectual urging to urinate (after four to eight hours). Pressure towards the bladder, and some stitches extending from within outward in the region of the neck of the bladder, while coughing, and for some time afterwards. Spasmodic contraction, with cutting pains in the neck of the bladder, without urging to urinate, at times intermitting, at times returning, in the morning, in bed; it seems to be somewhat relieved by passing urine (after twenty-four hours). Urethra. Frequent desire to urinate, mostly when sitting, not when walking (after forty-two hours). Purulent discharge from the urethra, a kind of gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea. (*From carrying a linen bag filled with the powdered seeds of Capsicum baccatum on time naked abdomen*). (The gonorrhoea became yellow and thick), (after seven days). The urethra is painful to touch (after seven days). Pain in the urethra, especially in the forenoon. A burning in the orifice of the urethra, immediately before, during, and for a minute after urinating. A cutting pain in the urethra, extending backward, when not urinating (after six hours). Stitches, as with needles, in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating (after eight hours). Severe stitches in the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Fine sticking in the urethra, after urinating (after seven days). A burning- biting pain in the urethra, after urinating (after seven days). Micturition. The urine passes by drops, and with great difficulty (immediately, and for a long time). Burning urine. Passage of a great quantity of urine, which she could not wholly control Urine. Urine scanty, light-colored (fifth day). The urine deposits a white sediment.

Sexual Organs

Erections in the morning, in bed, without sexual thoughts. Erections in the forenoon, afternoon, and evening. Violent erections in the morning, on rising, only relieved by cold water. A constant pressure and bruised sensation in the glans, especially in the morning and evening. Fine itching-sticking on the glans, like the stings of an insect. Coldness of the scrotum, in the morning, on waking. Coldness of the scrotum, with impotency. Loss of sensibility in the testicles, softening and gradual dwindling of these parts; at first this was not noticed by the patient, until the testicles were reduced to the size of a bean, insensible, hard, and drawn up close to the abdominal ring, and suspended by a shrivelled spermatic cord. Drawing pain in the spermatic cord and a pinching pain in the testicle, while urinating and for some time afterwards (after forty-eight hours). Emission at night.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. A crawling and tickling in the larynx and trachea, with a dry hacking cough, in the evening, after lying down. Mucus in the upper part of the trachea, which is expectorated from time to time by hawking and voluntary hacking cough (after three hours). Tickling sensation in the trachea, so that he was obliged to sneeze violently several times. The exhalation from the lungs, on coughing, causes a strong offensive taste in the mouth. The cough expels an offensive breath from the lung. Voice. Hoarseness. Cough. Cough, especially towards evening, from 5 to 9. Cough, especially after drinking coffee. Painful cough. Paroxysm or cough in the afternoon (about 5 o’clock), which causes nausea and vomiting. Frequent dry, hacking cough. Very frequent hacking. Respiration. Freer breathing from day to day. (*Reaction of the organism, secondary action, curative action H.*). Deep breathing, almost like sighing. He was frequently obliged to take several very deep inspirations, whereby he was relieved of all his troubles. An involuntary strong expiration. Asthma; feeling of fulness in the chest. Dyspnoea, which seems to rise from the stomach. Dyspnoea during rest and motion. Dyspnoea, even during rest, with stiffness of the back, which hurt when stooping, together with deep sighing breathing, from time to time, and dry cough. Dyspnoea, with redness of the face, eructations, and sensation as if the chest were distended. Dyspnoea when walking. He was only able to inspire with the body outstretched; orthopnoea.


Pain in the chest, when sitting, as if the chest was too full and there was not room enough in it. Pain as if the chest were constricted, which arrests the breathing and is increased even on slightest motion. Pain like a pressure on the chest, on deep breathing and on turning the body. Throbbing pain in the chest. Front. Pain on the ribs and sternum, on inspiration. Sides. Pain in the chest, beneath the right arm, if he feels the spot or raises the arm. (Simple pain in one rib, in a small spot, which is most painful when touching it, but is neither excited by breathing nor by coughing). A pressive pain on the side of the chest on which she lies. Drawing pain in the side of the chest, extending up to the throat, on coughing. Pain, like stitches, in the side of the chest and back, when coughing. A single stitch in the left side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, as with a dull needle. A stitch in the side of the chest, when breathing or walking, not when sitting. Some stitches in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs (after five hours). Stitches in the left side, near the fifth and sixth ribs (after one hour). Stitches in the left side of the chest, arresting breathing (after ten hours). Stitches in the left side of the chest, on inspiration, between the third and fourth ribs.


Very severe stitches in the region of the heart, so that he cried out.

Neck and Back

Neck. Sensation of weakness over the whole neck, as if he were loaded (after four hours). Stiffness of the neck relieved by motion. Painful stiffness of the neck, only noticed on moving it. A jerking pain in the neck. Jerking-tearing pain in the right cervical glands. Back. Pain in the back, on stooping. Drawing pain in the back. Drawing-pressive pain in the back. Drawing- tearing pain in and near the spine. Sudden drawing-sticking pain in the middle of the spine. A pain, drawing downward in the small of the back when standing and moving, together with a bruised pain.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.