Caladium homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Caladium seguinum, Vert. (Arum seguinum, Linn). Natural order: Araceae. Preparation: Tincture of the root.


Emotional. Extreme excitement. Loud cries about an illness, like a child, with inconsiderate prattlings, after many days. He is very apprehensive about his health, and about everything apprehensive and anxious (after a fever, for several weeks). Apprehensiveness, before going to sleep. Fear of cutting himself while shaving (eleventh day). Becomes easily angry at everything. Intellectual. Very forgetful; he cannot remember if what he ought to have done and written during the day is really accomplished until he convinces himself of it.


Confusion and vertigo. Confusion and whirlings in the head. Vertigo, after some walking (second day). Vertigo and nausea, in the morning, with stitches in the pit of the stomach (after fourteen days). Sensations. Occasional heat in the head. Heat ascends from below into the head and becomes an internal glowing heat (after two hours). Pressive headache after the midday sleep, or after lying on the side; disappears when sitting. Drawing- tearing, extending to the head. Bursting headache, especially in the forehead (sixth day). Forehead. Boring pain in the forehead. Temples. Boring and sticking in the left temple, relieved by pressure. On waking, stupefying pressure in the right temples (fifth day). Sticking in the right temple, especially in the right eye. Occiput. Drawing in the occiput (first day). External. Pimples on the hairy scalp behind the ear, sensitive when touched.


Burning in the eyes. Sensitive, stupefying pressure in the eyes and forehead, with heat in the face, and restlessness he can hardly control, while smoking tobacco; followed by much hawking of mucus and slimy vomiting, with urgency to stool. The eyes close from sleepiness before dinner, with tension in the temples (second day). Pressure in the eyeballs, with painful sensitiveness when touching them, soon after rubbing his abdomen with Caladium (fifth day).


Sensations. Pains in the ear, during a fever (after seventh day). Burning on the external upper margin of the ears, without redness or heat (fifth day). Throbbing in the right ear, and a sensation around it as if warm water were flowing about it in a circle (after five days). Tickling and itching in the right ear, evenings. Hearing. Extremely sensitive to noise, especially if he wishes to sleep (after three, four days). When going to sleep he is waked by the folding of paper; he is sensitive to it (fifth day). Something seems to be put before the ears which makes him deaf. Twittering in the ears. Roaring in the ears, frequently during the day.


Sudden burning in the upper part of the nose, then a long- continuing irritation to sneezing, and at last violent, as from pepper; short sneezing, followed by fluent coryza (in the evening), (after day).


Biting-burning stitches in the cheek.


Teeth. After vomiting, the teeth seem too long; insipid taste on the tongue, herbaceous, with a scratchy sensation in the throat, as of something sharp (second day). Toothache, mornings and evenings. Toothache, in the evening, that wakes him from his sleep again in the morning. Boring toothache, with stitches in the ear. Drawings through the left back teeth from above downward (after a few hours). General Mouth. Mucous membrane of the mouth uniformly very red; the curtains of the palate exceedingly red, not swollen; the uvula slightly swollen. The mouth is sticky and herby (after several hours). Burning in the mouth and fauces. Sensation in the mouth as if burnt with creosote. Taste. Milk tasted sour and was repugnant. Throat. Scratchy in the throat, with dry sensation, with much hawking of mucus. Tickling in the throat, with cough (after one hour), often renewed during the day. Dryness in the fauces and pharynx, not in the mouth, without thirst, and with aversion to cold water (after one and several hours).


Appetite and Thirst. Sensation of hunger, soon after taking. Evenings, after the theatre, he is hungry, contrary to custom, but eats nothing; nausea in the morning while half asleep, a sensation like faintness, as if he had over eaten and must vomit; when fully awake this sensation ceased (second day). Takes his breakfast with hunger and relish, but is hardly satisfied when he becomes discouraged and uncomfortable; head exceedingly confused, and he grows sleepy (fifth day). Has great desire to smoke, and relishes it uncommonly (fourth day). He only eats because the stomach is so hollow, without hunger, but very hastily, and is immediately satisfied. Thirst, with dry lips, wakes him at night. Longing for beer, without decided thirst; he was not able to drink water throughout the proving. Does not drink the whole day. After eating, he drank only because it seemed so dry in the stomach, which sensation could not be called thirst; it was quite different from it. Eructations and Hiccough. Frequent eructations of very little wind, as if the stomach were full of dry food (after twelve hours). (From this characteristic, Caladium cured several asthmatic attacks. C. Hg.). Incomplete eructations, because they are hindered by burning pressure in the abdomen. Hiccough continues for some time. Nausea. After, and while smoking his accustomed tobacco, nausea and inclination to vomit. While smoking a cigar, sudden inclination to vomit; he must stop smoking; at the same time urgency to stool, so that he thought he could scarcely retain it, yet is obliged to strain hard to get rid of the pappy yellow stool (second day). Nausea, with confusion of the head. Stomach. Pain deep, internally, when pressing on the pit of the stomach (after several hours). A constant sensation as if a bird were fluttering in the stomach and trying to escape, causing nausea in the stomach, but without retching, from morning till afternoon (very soon). Burning in the stomach, which is not relieved by drinking (after one hour); it continues the whole evening after drinking tea and chocolate (several hours after eating). Dull internal burning in the stomach and upper part of the abdomen; at last it becomes a very severe pressure, extending upward under the breast, and then a gnawing, in the orifice of the stomach, which prevents deep breathing and eructations (after several hours)(70). Pressure in the pit of the stomach impedes respiration and causes cough. Cuttings, as with glass, across the pit of the stomach. Cutting in the pit of the stomach and in the left flank; disturbed him at midnight so that he could no more sleep. Stitches, as with needles, deep in the pit of the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, which is drawn inward with every stitch; worse when sitting; it makes him weak and nauseated (Ignatia relieves). Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, after walking; it makes him very tired.


Hypochondria. Stitches, jerkings, and pressure in the region of the spleen. Umbilical. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, at the navel; must bend himself double. General Abdomen. Abdomen very hard, distended, painful to pressure. Scanty, offensive flatus. Felt, three or four times, a sensation as if a long worm were writhing in the region of transverse colon or transverse duodenum. He eats a sour plum that does not agree with him, and is followed by a drawing in the abdomen; he begins to smoke a cigar, which he is at once obliged to lay aside, as it causes nausea and inclination to vomit, although he has only taken a few whiffs; soon after, the inclination to vomit is increase, and followed by a corrosive, acid vomiting, with much mucus, and a part of some cocoa he had taken; he is hungry not long after, and eats bread and butter with relish (second day, forenoon). If an pain extends into the abdomen it leaves behind a dull pressure. Sudden twisting pain in the abdomen, in the evening (first day). The abdomen is painful to touch, especially the region of the bladder (one hour). Violent throbbing, especially on the right side, above the navel. Violent pulsating in the upper part of the abdomen.

Rectum and Anus

Sticking in the rectum. Stitches as of knives, in the rectum (first day). Stitches in the rectum, soon after stool (second day). Mornings, urgency to stool; passage of noisy flatus at first; is compelled to strain hard to eject the soft pappy stool (second day).


Diarrhoea. Frequent desire for a soft, pasty, yellow stool (first day). Severe stools, at first watery, afterward thicker (three hours). Soft stool, after one hour, followed by passage of blood; later, moving about, and burrowing in the abdomen; hemorrhoidal symptoms, an hour after a second stool, with passage of blood after the evacuation (after two hours). Soft stool, yellow, pasty; he was scarcely dressed after the movement before he was obliged to go again (third day). Mucus passes after the stool, and later, a thin fluid flows from the anus (for three days). After stool, thin red blood passes in considerable quantities. Constipation. Stool omits the first day, with a feeling of diarrhoea, in the evening. Very scanty pasty stool.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.