Bryonia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common name: White Bryony; German, Zaunrebe.


Bryonia alba, Linn. Natural order: Cucurbitaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the root, procured before flowering.


Emotions, Delirium. Mental illusion; her head seemed too heavy. Irrational talking of his business, for an hour (after half an hour). Nightly delirium. In the morning at daybreak delirious prattling about business to be attended to; this disappears when the pain commences. About 10 o’clock at night, a delirious frightful fantasy, as of soldiers cutting him down; that he was on the point of escaping; with great heat in the body, sweat (without thirst); the delirium relieved by uncovering and getting cool. Moods. Much crying for one and a half days. (Great despondency; disinclined to think; exhaustion of the intellectual powers). Despondent. A very unusual melancholy mood. Great depression, and very morose mood without any cause, quite contrary to his habit. My usual lively disposition becomes changed to hypochondria, which lasts several months, without any reason. Anxiety; he is apprehensive of the future. Anxiety in the whole body, which compelled him to do something constantly, and wherever he went he found no rest. Feeling of anxiety on lying down in the evening, which appeared to depend upon a constriction of the chest. In the room he became very anxious; better in the open air. Great anxiety, with sensation of constriction of the cavity of the chest; difficult short respiration. Great anxiety, with sensation of constriction of the cavity of the chest; difficult short respiration. Great sense of insecurity, with mental depression, and apprehension for the future (sixth and seventh days). Apprehensiveness, fearfulness (after eighteen hours). He tried several times to escape from bed. Disposition more irritable than usual; contradiction easily provoked anger during the whole proving. Irritable mood (will not have his wife and children about him; wishes to be along). Mood at once irritable, weeping, and morose. Very irritable mood; inclined to fright, fear, and vexation. Fretful mood. Fretful; she imagines that she cannot accomplish her work; constantly takes up the wrong piece, and always inclined to change and take another; followed by pressive headache in the forehead. Ill-humor. Ill- humored and inclined to be angry. Very ill-humored and inclined to be angry. General ill-humor and discomfort, after a meal. Ill- humored and quarrelsome without reason. Very ill-humor; troubled with needless anxiety. General ill-humor and discomfort, after a meal. Out of humor. Out of humor during and after a meal. Morose; everything puts him out of humor. Discontent. At first despondent, at last (after five days) jovial. Intellect. Over- busy; she undertakes and works far too much (after twenty hours). Disinclination for work. Imagination very sluggish; it is impossible to make any plan for the future, even for the next day; the judgment, however, is unimpaired. On attentive reading the thoughts seemed to vanish suddenly. So weak in mind that his ideas disappear as if he would faint, together with heat in the face, especially on standing. Mental exhaustion. Want of memory (after four hours). She is not conscious of what she is doing, and lets everything fall from her hands (in the room). She was not fully conscious of what she was doing (in a room); worse when lying; lasting twenty-four hours (immediately). Insensibility greatly increased in the evening.


Confusion. Confusion of the head. Confusion of the head (second morning). Head is confused (after one hour). Confusion of the whole head. Slight confusion of the head. Head suddenly confused. Transient sensation of unusual confusion of the head, though much less than from previous doses, after 210 drops (first day). Head more or less confused the whole day (fourth day). Confusion of the head for several days after the proving. Great confusion in the head, especially in the frontal region. Slight confusion of the head in the forehead. A dull, dizzy confusion in the head. Head confused, as if in a vice. Head confused in the morning. In the morning on walking, the head is as confused and aching as if he had dissipated and been intoxicated the evening previous; does not wish to rise from bed. Confusion of the head after rising from bed. Confusion of the head the whole forenoon (second day). confusion in the head until he goes to sleep. Confusion of the head without definite pain, while riding for two hours over a very rough road. Confusion of the head, especially when walking; disappeared when sitting quietly. Confusion of the head, relieved by empty eructations. Head very much confused, relieved by moving in the open air. Confusion and stupefaction of the head. Head confused and heavy. Head confused and heavy after a meal. More confused than dizzy in the head. Very dizzy confusion and stupefaction of the head. Confusion in the head, with dull pain in the forehead. Head very much confused, with pressure in both temples. Confusion of the very much confused, with pressure in both temples. Confusion of the head, with pressive pain in the temples and forehead. Confusion in the head, with drawing in the occiput, extending into the neck before going to sleep. Confusion of the head, with pressive pain in various places, now in the temples, now in the occiput, now in the forehead. Confusion of the head, which gradually increased to a severe pressive pain, especially in the left temple; this pain reached its greatest severity at 5 P.M., and was then accompanied by nauseous vomiting, great sensitiveness of the smell, and a hissing in the left ear like the noise of boiling water; all these symptoms disappeared within half an hour after riding in a wagon. Vertigo. Continued inclination to vertigo. Vertigo. Slight vertigo (after three hours). Several times momentary vertigo, as though all objects were reeling (after four hours). Vertigo, as from drunkenness, the whole day (after eight days). A kind of vertigo, as if he were drunk, an as if the blood rushed furiously to the head. Vertigo in the morning. Frequent attacks of vertigo during the forenoon. Vertigo in the afternoon, as though the brain were turning around (eighteenth day). Vertigo suddenly towards midnight. Slight vertigo after eating. Slight vertigo on raising the head from inclining it forward (after three to four hours). Vertigo as soon as he rises from his chair; everything turns about; after walking awhile it disappears. Vertigo like whirling if she sits up in bed, with nausea in the middle of the chest, as if faintness would ensue. Vertigo as if one were being turned around, or as if everything whirled about, when standing. So great vertigo, on standing, at 8 P.M., that he reeled backwards, and nearly fell over backward. Vertigo and reeling of all objects while walking; the general exhaustion increased to a feeling of complete prostration. Frequent attacks of vertigo while walking in the open air, which disappeared always on sitting down. Vertigo, with feeling of heaviness; it seems as if everything wee turning in a circle. Vertigo, with fullness of the head. Dizziness in the head. Dizzy and weak on waking in the morning. Dizzy in the morning, and weak in the limbs the whole day. In the morning on rising from bed, dizzy and whirling, as if the head were turning in a circle. On sitting (stooping) and reading, dizzy heaviness in the head, which disappears on raising up the head. Dizziness on turning the head (third day). He felt as if drunk, and would lie down. After moving when standing, she tottered to one side. On walking he reeled to both sides, as if he could not stand firmly (after forty-eight hours).

General Sensations

Head feels light, with constant wabbling in both ears (sixth and seventh days). The head is dull; reflection in difficult. Dullness in the head, with remarkable forgetfulness. Stupefaction of the head. Stupefaction of the head (fourth day). Headache (after half an hour). Tormenting headache. The head is painful, especially to touch, mostly in then forepart for twenty-four hours. Headache in the morning on waking. Headache on waking, which continued to increase, lasting all day (second day). Awoke with headache, especially over the left eye; after rising the pain extended towards the vertex and occiput, and there disappeared. Headache commences in the morning, not on waking, but when first opening and moving the eyes. Headache in the morning after rising, a twitching-drawing in the malar and maxillary bones. Violent headache in the forenoon, especially in the forehead and vertex. Headache towards evening, with all the symptoms of a commencing coryza. (Headache a quarter of an hour after every meal; it then gradually ceased, but returned after of an hour after every meal; it then gradually ceased, but returned after the next meal). Heat in the head, with continued nausea from the stomach. Rush of blood to the head. At first the blood mounts to the head, then a pressing together of both temples follows. He is scarcely able to turn the head on account of a feeling of fullness in it. Heaviness in the head. Excessive heaviness of the head (frequently, an also after four days). The head seems as heavy as a hundredweight. Sense of heaviness and vertigo in the head. Great heaviness in the head, an pressure of the whole brain forward. Violent headache, like a great weight in the head, a if he would incline it to either side, with pressure in the brain from within outward, an great desire to lie down, immediately. Oppressive headache in the afternoon. Always on coughing, motion in the head like pressure. Pressure headache (after three hours). Pressive headache, which became so severe in half an hour that he was obliged to stop riding. Headache, as if something pressed the skull asunder. Sensation as if the head were pressed together from both ears. Pressure headache in the morning (second day). Violent pressive headache on waking in the morning, especially seated in the upper portion of the forehead; after rising the pain extends to the supraorbital region; during the forenoon slight returns of the headache; in the afternoon quite well. In the morning before breakfast, pain as if the head were compressed, with heaviness in it mingled with stitches; she could not raise the eyes on account of the pain, and if she stooped she could not raise up (after sixty hours). A pressure sensation in the eye of the same side (in the afternoon). A pressure in the head, as if the brain were too full and pressed outwards, mostly when sitting. (Pressure in the head on stooping). Headache pressing together, with jerks in the brain like pulsation. Stitches in the head from the forehead to the occiput. Stitches through the head, mostly from before backward, on stepping hard. On walking in the open air, a stitching in the head, then on the temples. When coughing, shooting through the whole head. Pain in the head, more a twitching than a throbbing, with a hot face. A throbbing headache, which affects the eyes so that she cannot see well; on motion, the throbbing in the head becomes more rapid; she thinks she hears it. Forehead. Whirling sensation in the right side of the forehead, and a stitch in the left side of the forehead. Frontal headache. Dull headache in the frontal an temporal regions (soon). Frontal headache during the whole forenoon. Slight headache in the left side of the neck just below the mastoid process at 4 P.M. A tension in the frontal muscles under the skin, on moving the eyes. Drawing, distending headache in the left half of the forehead an occiput, while walking about the room. Dull compression in the head, in the forehead above the eyes. In the afternoon, from a two hours’ quiet nap, he felt a constrictive pain in the frontal region an heaviness in the head, which, after one hour, was relieved by washing with cold water (second day). Painful drawing in the whole forehead, with cloudiness and confusion of the head. Drawing headache in the left side of the forehead (morning of third day). Painful drawing and tension in the left half of the forehead above the eyebrow, as though a bud were slowly unfolding in the forehead, an caused a pressure upon the part about it. Very painful drawing an tension in the left side of the forehead above the brow. Painful drawing and tension in the right frontal eminence and in the posterior portion of the right parietal bone, lasting ten or fifteen seconds, and after a quarter of an hour alternating with the same places on the left side at 6 P.M., Slight drawing headache in the forehead, an pressure in the occiput. Pressure frontal headache (after one hour). Pressure pain in the whole frontal region. A pressive pain in the forehead, so that he can scarcely stoop. Pressive frontal headache, very much increased by stooping (second day). Headache on stooping, as if everything would fall out at th forehead. (*Sensation of pressing asunder accompanied that of pressing together almost always, since it is felt by the brain inclosed in the unyielding skull; the organic senses cannot distinguish whether the painfulness arises from its great distension, or from the resistance of the skull, and hence either may cause the sensation*). *Pressing outward in the frontal region an left eyeball from above downward, especially on stooping, in the evening. Headache as if everything would press out at the forehead. (*Compare 357*). Headache after eating, and on taking a walk a pressing outward in the forehead. Violent pressive pain in the forehead, especially toward both eyebrows after an ordinarily violent motion (afternoon of first day). Pressive pain in the forehead and occiput, aggravated by motion. Pressive pain in the forehead, which appeared after continued reading (third day). Pressive pain above the left eye which continued for half an hour, was followed by a dull pressive pain in the occipital protuberances, whence it spread over the whole body, and continue more or less severe the whole day; on quick motion and after eating the pain became so severe that it seemed like a distinct pulsation within the head. Digging pressure in the forepart of the brain towards the forehead, especially severe on stooping and walking rapidly; walking fatigues him very much (after twenty- four hours). Headache, even on stooping a pressure outward in the forehead mingled with stitches. A drawing-pressure pain in the forehead over the right eye, which after two hours changed to a violent drawing pain in the diseased incisors of the same side; a quarter of an hour after this toothache had ceased the returned, which gradually spread over the whole forehead, and lasted all day. Tearing in the head across the forehead, then tearing in the cervical muscles, then tearing in the right arm. Stitches in the forehead in the forepart, with confusion of the head. Itching, needle-like stitches in the right frontal, with muscles. Throbbing headache in the forehead, so that he is obliged to lie (after two hours). Temples. Gurgling in both temples. Headache in the temporal and frontal regions alternating with pressive pains in the finger and wrist joints, and with griping in the abdomen. Pain in the temples, as if one pulled them by the hair. Drawing pain in the right temple (soon). Painful drawing in the left temporal region near the eye, returning several time at short intervals. Slight drawing in both temples towards the malar bones. Slight drawing in the temporal bones from above downward towards the zygoma, especially on the left side (after four hours); afterwards this symptom returned and extended to the left jaw. Drawing in the temporal muscles, in the muscles of the upper arm, and here and there in the body. Drawing in the temples, followed soon afterwards by copious pasty evacuations. Drawing and pressing in the left temple (after two hours). (*Almost always the first symptom in the proving of this drug. *) Pressing-out pain in both temples. Pressing together in the temporal bones alternates frequently with drawing pain in the occipital protuberances. Pain in the left temporal region, a though the brain were pressed out at various places (fourth day). The head seemed as if pressed from both temple towards the forehead. Tearing-pressing in both temples (tenth day). Throbbing pressure in the head from within outward toward the temporal bones, on going to bed. Pain in the right temple; a tensive twisting in single muscle-fibres, lasting several seconds, very sensitive. Drawing-tearing pain in the right temple, but mostly extending down into the upper back teeth and the muscles of the neck (forenoon of fourth day). (*His prover suffered from the same pain two years previously in the summer; after several days and several ineffectual remedies, it was cured within an hour by Bryonia*). Pressive-tearing pains in the temples, which sometimes extend to the occiput, sometimes to the petrous portion of the temporal bones, and frequently change their position of the temporal bones, and frequently change their position during the last days of the proving. Frequent sudden stitches in the head from the temporal region to the forehead. Violent stitches in both temples with several times extended over the parietal region. Vertex. In the head, which cause vertigo an cessation of ideas. Increase of pain under vertex, with soreness of scalp just over the same; painful soreness of vertex, it feels bruise (after three to four hours). A spot on the top of the vertex, it feels bruised (after three to four hours). A spot on the top of the head, as large as half a dollar, of burning pain, which is not sore to touch. Sensation of weight pressing on vertex (sixth and seventh days). Sensible beating in vertex, with same, and fullness within cranium, in region of cerebellum (first day). In the morning on waking, a headache on the top of the head, a painful throbbing. Parietals. Pain behind and above the ear on left side of head (thirteenth day). Throbbing-drawing pulsating pain in the parietal bone, extending to the forehead (third day). Pressing-together pain on both sides of the head. Semilateral headache; a (digging) pressure upon a small spot in the right half of the brain, like a kind of digging or tearing, extending along down the bones of the upper and lower jaws, associated with a painful submaxillary gland (after third hours). On coughing, a long-continued stitch deep in the brain on the left side. Tearing in the sides of the head (first day). Tearing in the left side of the head (after twenty-four hours). Throbbing in the right side of the head, which is perceptible externally to the hand. Piercing pain in the right parietal bone, as if torn with sharp hook. Suddenly a drawing-throbbing pain on the right parietal eminence, which disappeared on pressure (forenoon of second day). Occiput. Numb sensation over the whole occiput, with a feeling as though it were enlarged. Dull pain in the occiput. In the morning, in bed, after waking, while lying upon the back, headache in the occiput, which extends to the shoulders, like a heaviness which pressed upon a sore spot. Painfulness of the lower portion of the left side of the occiput, aggravated by touch, at 4 P.M. Dull pressure in the occiput. Slight pressure in both sides of the occiput. Painful pressure on the left side of the occiput, with momentary sticking pain in the left heel. A pressive pain in the occiput, with drawing down into the neck; this pain was relieved towards noon, but appeared in the afternoon as a pressure in the temporal bone, also frequently in the frontal and occipital regions. A tensive pressive pain in both sides of the occiput. Sharp pain in left occipital protuberance, coming and going suddenly (after half an hour to two hours). Sore feeling on one side of the occiput on touch. External Head. The scalp tightly down over the head and sensitive. Sensation as if the scalp on the posterior half of the skull were spasmodically contracted, which cause a kind of tension in the anterior half an hour (eight day). Sensitiveness of the scalp towards evening. A biting-gnawing on the scalp at night. A peculiar crawling and creeping sensation in the scalp on both sides of the ears to the distance of about an inch. Itching of the head while combing. In the morning the hair seems very fatty, with a cool head; the hands become fifty while combing the hair (after ten hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.