
In General. Swelling of the mammary glands. Congestion to the chest. Peculiar sensation of weakness and exhaustion in the chest. The pain in the chest continues; is especially noticed when coughing. Pain under the ribs, especially on pressure, more in the right side. Burning in the chest, with subsequent of heat, only gradually disappearing, with ineffectual efforts to vomit. Tension in the chest. Slight feeling of fullness in the chest and throat, increasing towards noon, continuing till evening, an feeling as if a soft substance were between the lungs and the breast-bone (from 6th). A sensation of constriction of the chest impedes respiration and is very unpleasant, with a dry tickling cough the whole of the first day an the following days, lasting only an hour (from 1st). Paralytic drawing pain through the chest and toward the shoulder-blade an arm (left). Feeling of anxiety in the chest, with difficult breathing. Pressure from the chest at times. Slight pressure upon the chest, on deep inspiration. Pressure in the upper part of the chest, with difficult breathing (first day). Slight pressure in the upper part of chest, as if breathing was difficulty. Pressure several times in the upper part of the chest, with oppressed breathing soon after taking. Severe oppression, cough, headache, and vertigo (from the fumes). Sticking pain here and there in the walls of the chest, uninfluenced by breathing. Stitches in the upper part of the chest, with difficult breathing and sensation of distension (first day). Sides and Sternum. Pain in the right lung (from 3d). A pain in the right side of the chest, gradually extending towards the back, lasting some hours (first day), (from 1st). Pain in the right wall of the chest, on waking (second day). Pain in the right side between the seventh and ninth ribs, especially on motion. Constant pain in the right side beneath the ribs, especially on somewhat deep pressure (after seven hours). The pain in the right side of the chest increased very much toward evening; lifting a light weight with the right hand increased the pain, so also walking, on account of the increased motion of the pectoral muscles; at times the pain extends to the dorsal muscles of the same side, and then is also increased by expiration; this continues until he falls asleep; it awakens him at night in turning the body; continues equally severe the next morning; only disappears after five days; it is especially severe in the morning and evening; worse when moving the thorax; less when walking than when sitting; especially severe on waking; rest is almost impossible. The pain on the right side under the ribs still continues, though not so severe all the time; it is aggravated by pressure on the sixth day; this same pain continues the following days, sometimes so violent that even breathing becomes painful; the abdomen is therewith distended with gas; a stooping posture and moderate pressure relieve the pain, which seems to be in the region of the gall-bladder, and which, on deep breathing, extends to the navel; also, however deep, when fasting, the pain is not noticed; it seems to be most severe two hours after eating. Pain, like a pressure, in the right side of the chest. Pressive pain in the right lung (from 8th). Pressure in the wall of the chest below the right nipple. A sensation in several places in the right wall of the chest, as if it were pressed from within outward; not increased by breathing, but by motion of the thorax; at 6 P.M., and several times repeated during the evening (first day). Sticking in the right side of the chest beneath the fourth rib, with palpitation (from 7th). Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest, especially when walking rapidly. Severe stitches between the sixth and seventh ribs of the right side, at 6 P.M. (form the fumes). Tickling in the right side of the chest in the region of the sixth rib (in the afternoon of second day). A tickling spot in the region of the right eighth rib (from 8th). Transient pain in the left chest. Very transient pain in the left lung (from 8th). Wandering pains in the left side of the chest uninfluenced by breathing; afterwards these pains extend to the right side of the chest, where they become pressive; they then leave the left side and continue in the right side for three days; they appear immediately on walking, are neither increased by breathing nor by motion, only aggravated by bending both shoulders forward, with slight flexion of the upper part of the chest, or by turning the thorax on its axis, whence the pain seems to be in the muscles of this region. Severe pain on the left side under the ribs, several times; it quickly disappears; on the night of sixth day the same pain extends higher up, and is somewhat more violent; worse when lying bent; not increased by breathing. Pain in the left side of the chest by the fourth rib, and tickling in the right side of the head (from 7th). Paralytic drawing pain through the left side of the chest towards the shoulder-blade and into the left arm (from 7th). Pressure in the left pectoral muscles. Pressure below the left clavicle. Tearing in the left clavicle. Sticking pain in the left side of the chest. Sticking pain on the left side of the chest, extending towards the arm. Transient stitches in the left below the ribs. Pressure in the sternum.

Heart and Pulse

Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation perceptible in the region of the heart, which is noticed even without laying the hand upon it, together with forcible breathing (after three hours). Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening, so that she cannot lie upon the left side. Palpitation when walking, without cause (second day). Slight oppression around the heart and palpitation, at the same time the inspired air seems very cold, with tendency to yawn (from 3d). Pulse rather slow and hard during the two provings with large daily doses. Pulse very full, not accelerated. Pulse more frequent. Full, hard, at first slow, afterwards accelerated pulse. Pulse 64 to 70 fifteen minutes after five drops; after thirty minutes again normal. Pulse 70 after eight drops; in fifteen minutes only 62.

Neck and Back

A gland as large as a pea on each side of neck (second day). Twitching in the left latissimus dorsi (from 8th). 10 A.M., aching pain at inner border of left scapula up to neck, on moving left arm or sitting leaning to left (fifth day); it extending half way down upper arm; worse on moving arm (seventh day); nearly gone, but worse in evening (ninth day). Boring in the spinous processes of different vertebrae at various times (fifth day). Pressure in the left dorsal muscles. Wandering pressive pain in the dorsal muscles below the shoulder-blade. Tension in the right lumbar and dorsal muscles, increased by moving these parts. Sticking-tickling in the spine, more towards the right side (from 7th). Sore pain in the small of the back, unchanged on rising or on motion.

Extremities in General

Great stiffness in all the limbs at 11 A.M., better in the afternoon. Pain in the limbs, afterwards alternating with chilliness and heat. Compression in the upper arm, in the forepart of both knee-joints. Crawling in the fingers and short twitches in the muscles of the foot and the region of the knee (after a quarter of an hour); repeated from time to time; slightly perceptible the next morning; it appeared a quarter of an hour before colic and rumbling in the bowels.

Upper Extremities

Great restlessness and jactitation of the arms (in three hours). Great loss of power and weakness of the arms. Weakness in the left arm. The whole left arm feels paralyzed. Constriction in the upper extremities. Drawing in the right arm from above towards the hand, together with a paralytic sensation in the left arm. (*In a person who had disease of the heart, he often experienced the last sensation, with palpitation and sounds in the heart which denoted changes in the valves of the left side of the heart. C. Hg.*) Pain in the right shoulder (first day).

Pain below the shoulder (from 5th). Painful paralytic pain in the right shoulder-joint (from 8th). Sensation of heat in the forepart of the right shoulder-joint. When walking in the street a severe rheumatic, dull, constricting pain; it extends into the right shoulder and thence into the arm, where it disappears (second day), (from 1st). Pressure in the right shoulder-joint. Pressure and weariness in the left shoulder-joint. Sharp stitches in the right axilla. Burning stitches on the top of the right shoulder-joint. Bruised pain in left shoulder, afterwards in the right elbow- joint. Cracking in the left elbow-joint. Sticking in the inner condyle of the right elbow. In the afternoon a paralyzed feeling in the left arm, as after a blow, on holding the left arm bent, when walking, together with ill-humor. Sensation in the forearms, from the wrists to a little below the elbows, as if they were in a vice; afterwards a sticking pain in the fingers, which extends toward the head (seventy-five minutes after ten drops).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.