
Inflamed hot swelling of both ears, with a discharge of pus from them (twenty-seventh day). Purulent discharge from both ears preceded by itching in the occiput (nineteenth day). A purulent discharge from the ears, with sticking headache (after thirty-two days). A previous discharge from the ears ceases (curative action). Suddenly a sensation as if the ear were enveloped or stopped. Pain in the ear; a sensitive pressure behind the right ear (after six days). Stitches in the ears (after six weeks). Stitches in the ears in the morning when washing in cold water (after three days). Stitches in the left ear, on waking unusually early (fourth day). Stitches in the left ear, in two provers (after fourteen days). Stitching in left ear (in a man), fourteenth day). Stitching in left ear, with headache in the forehead, and stitching in left, lower, hollow, molar tooth (in a female), evening (fourteenth day). Sore pain in the ear on boring in with the finger (thirty- second day). Itching in the left ear, and sore pain after removing the ear-wax, in the evening, when walking; at the same time a kind of sticking in the left side of the neck (nineteenth day). Difficult hearing in the left ear, in a child five years old (ninth day). Crackling in the left ear, as if thick wax were in it which stopped the ear, which then opened again, in the evening (tenth day). Dull drumming in the left ear, as if over a subterranean vault (fourteenth day). Ringing and piping in the right ear, which afterwards changed to a roaring (twentieth day). Roaring and ringing in right ear (eighth day). Roaring in the ears, and much difficult hearing (eighteenth and nineteenth days). Rushing in the left ear as from a storm (third and fourth days).


The infant rubs his nose vigorously with the hands, and then the eyes (fifteenth day). (Red and shining swelling of the nose, with throbbing and tensive sensation). In the upper and forepart of the left nostril, towards the tip of the nose, a small boil, with sore pain and swelling of the tip of the nose (tenth day). Ulceration in the left nostril, in the forepart, in the tip, with sore pain and swelling of the tip of the nose (tenth day). Many dry crusts in the nose, which constantly form again being removed (after sixteen days). Sneezing, with great painfulness; he tries to stop it, since in causes severe sticking in the right side of the chest; for three weeks (after six days). Sneezing and fluent coryza (first days). Fluent coryza with much crawling in the nose (after sixteen days). Discharge of much greenish thick mucus from the nose. Bleeding from the nose (after twenty-five days). Bleeding of the nose in the morning, and in the evening pulsating headache (after six days). Some blood is usually discharge on blowing the nose, preceded by itching in the nose (eighteenth day). Itching and crawling in the nose; he is obliged to put his finger into it (after twelve days).


Erysipelas in the face (after thirty-four days). The face of the infant looks pale, suffering, earthy (first day). Swelling of the face with pimply eruptions on the nose and lips (first day). Swelling, heat and redness of the face, with tearing pain in the malar bone, and severe pain in the swelling when laughing (thirty-first and thirty-second days). A feeling in the right side of the face, by the mouth, as if cobwebs had formed there. Dull tearing in the left cheek, starting from a hollow tooth, with pressure in the forehead and in both eyeballs (after four days). Red inflamed a swelling as large as a pea on the lower lip, with burning soreness when touched (forty-first day). Twitching of the muscles near the right corner of the mouth several times. Burning in the upper lip below the left nostril, in the morning in bed (seventh day). Burning pain in the lower lip, soon passing away, in the evening (third day). 4 A.M., sensation in the lower lip like the crawling of insects (fourth day). Crawling on the tips as from beetles (second day).


Teeth and Gums. A piece broke out of a hollow tooth of itself (after six days). The teeth seem too long (first day). Toothache in an upper hollow tooth, with burning of the cheek, which pains as if tense when touched (after seven days). Constrictive griping in a hollow tooth (after four days). Toothache in a hollow tooth, dull griping, in wet rainy weather, in five provers. Aching in the hollow teeth in bed weather (after forty days). Dull, pressive boring in the hollow teeth in the evening, in cool air (first day). Pressive-digging toothache, after every supper and breakfast; is relieved by tobacco smoking; for several days (after forty days). Drawing pain in the teeth. Fine intermitting sticking in all the teeth, mostly in a hollow back tooth in the left lower jaw (second day). Sticking toothache in a left lower hollow back tooth, with sticking in the left ear and headache in the forehead, in the evening (after fourteen days). Tearing from the hollow teeth into half of the head, if they are touched with the tongue, or if cold water is taken into the mouth. Tearing and griping in an upper hollow tooth, which seems to be larger than natural, so that she cannot bite or clench the teeth; with inflammation and swelling of the gum as if a gum-boil would form; in the evening the pain extends into the lower teeth, and then disappears on going to sleep (fourth day)(150). Crawling and tickling in the lower incisors, followed by accumulations of saliva in the mouth (after seven days). Swelling of the gum for three days, with pressure in the hollow teeth in bad weather (after forty days). Inflamed large swelling on the outer side of the gum, which pains severely (gum-boil), with dull pain in a hollow tooth; swelling of the cheek and whole left side of the face, as far as below the eye, where there is an elevated edematous swelling (smelling of Chamomilla relieves the pain), (after thirty-six days). The gums of the upper teeth bleed without pain (after six days). Tongue. An aphtha on the tongue (after thirty-three days). Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were eroded; they pain on every motion of the tongue, or if anything salt or sour touches them (after five weeks). Dryness of the tongue in the afternoon (third day). Falling asleep of the tongue, so that respiration impeded. Cramp in the tongue, as if stiff an gone to sleep, so that breathing is impeded thereby. Mouth. Aphthae in the mouth (after four weeks). An aphtha in the inner side of the cheek, which bleeds when eating (after thirty days). The infant’s palate was wrinkled and it cried frequently when nursing (after four weeks). The mucous membrane of the forepart of the palate is shrivelled as if burnt, and pains, especially when chewing, for several days (after six days). Slimy mouth (first day). The mouth of the infant was very hot. Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate (after twenty days). Copious cold saliva. Taste. The taste is flat and insipid (after five days). She had no taste when she ate anything, for several weeks (after eight days). The soup has no taste at dinner; it causes sweat (eighth day). Bitter taste; if she eats anything or swallows saliva everything tastes bitter (second day).


Much mucus accumulates in the throat, which he must expectorate. Tough mucus in the throat, which is difficult to loosen (after eighteen days). Much tough mucus in the throat, which he must hawk up with much exertion, so that he vomits (after six days). Tough whitish mucus in the fauces, which is loosened only after great exertion (for several days), (after five days). A piece of mucus streaked with blood is hawked up (after nine days). Hawking of mucus in the morning; the mucus is easily raised in lumps. Green loose mucus is hawked from the throat (after twelve days). Dryness in the throat (after five days). Roughness in throat, as if a grater were in it. Throat rough in the morning. Burning in the throat; this causes him to swallow saliva, which is painful (ninth day). Rawness in the pit of the throat, with drawing stitches in it when coughing and sneezing, and with relief after hawking up mucus (eleventh day). Scraping in the throat, causing a dry cough (after first day). Tickling in the throat, provoking a dry cough (after four weeks).


Appetite. Great appetite in the evening. Increased appetite for breakfast (fourth day). Appetite much less than usual (after five days. Less hunger and appetite than usual (first five weeks). Diminished hunger and appetite, frequently however hunger without real appetite (after five days). He eats very little. He has less appetite, especially for supper (after eight days). She has very little appetite in the evening for several weeks (after eight days). Loss of appetite, nausea, drawings in the head from the vertex to the temples, and drawing from the abdomen toward the groin, every evening for several days (fifth week). No appetite for dinner (after twelve days). No more desire for tobacco (second day). Thirst in the morning; he must drink a great deal (fourteenth day). Longing for sour drinks (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Hiccough and Nausea. The infant hiccoughs very often. Severe hiccough, which makes the throat raw. Hiccough after eating (eight day). Nausea. Nausea during eating (after nineteen days). Nausea with periodic inclination to vomit (fifth day). Nausea in the morning, with inclination to vomit; disappears after dinner (sixth day). Nausea immediately after waking, with great inclination to vomit, which however does not follow until he drinks water, when he vomits a large quantity of mucus and some bitter substance with great exertion (seventeenth day). Nausea followed by vomiting of mucus, with heat and rapid feverish pulse (after twenty-three days). Nausea even to vomiting when riding (first day). Nausea and little appetite (fourth day). Nausea in the stomach, with pain in the sternum, from 3 o’clock in the afternoon till evening, several days in succession (after five days). Nausea and sick feeling even to fainting, in the morning (sixth day). Frequent nausea and faintness in the afternoon (after twelve days). Nausea at the thought of eating, at noon, with coldness, drawing headache and pain in the abdomen, followed by three attacks of diarrhoea (after twenty days). Vomiting. Vomiting tough fluid substance. Vomiting if sour mucus, after breakfast (of cocoa), (second day). Heaviness in stomach, diminished by walking in open air. Epigastrium. Pain in the stomach, as from had digestion, on external pressure on the pit of the stomach (second day). Pain in the region of the stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into the small of the back, where it becomes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; in the morning better (two days before the menses), (thirteenth day). After eating, which he relishes, great distension, discomfort, sick feeling and ill humor; in the evening, on going into the open air, somewhat relieved (after forty-one days). After eating apples, with mutton, fullness in the stomach, with peevishness and ill-humor; fullness in the head, as if the blood forcibly pressed into it (nineteenth day). Constrictive pain in the region of the stomach (after six days). Constrictive pain in the region of the stomach every day from four in the morning till twelve at noon, a kind of winding- up sensation, which extends to the spine, where it causes sticking, for several days in succession. Pressure in the stomach (first day). Pressure in the stomach after every meal (first days). After eating pears, especially in the morning or forenoon, pressure in the pit of the stomach, with discomfort. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with disappears on walking. Pressive-sticking in the stomach, with oppression of the chest. which compels him to take a deep breath, which, however, he cannot do on account of sharp pinching pain in the right side of the chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.