Bondonneau homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Bondonneau Mineral Water (Saintes-Fontaines). Chemical Analysis. In one litre, there was contained Free Sulphuric Acid, a trace, but is very perceptible at the spring. Free Carbonic-Acid 2/3 the volume of water. Bicarbonate of Lime….. 0.390 grammes. do. Magnesia….. 0.390 grammes. do. Soda….. 0.006 ” Potash, salts….. a trace. { Soda, } Sulphates (probably anhydrous) of { Lime, } 0.043 { Magnesia, } Chloride of Sodium….. 0.030. Alkaline, Iodides and Bromides….. 0.008. Arsenals. A trace. Sesquioxide of Iron with Manganese….. 0.002. Silica and Alumina….. 0.128. Earthy Phosphates….. a trace. Nitrogenized organic matters. An uncertain amount.


Gloomy thoughts; painful anxiety. Irritability, bad humor (from the first).


Slight vertigo, sometimes followed by obnubilation (during the first days). Dulness, heaviness and uneasiness in the head, with bad humor. Compressive headache (continuing after leaving off the water). the head seems too full, with internal pulsation at the brain, nearly all the time in the evening. Throbbing in the head, with pricking in the throat. On moving the head, bruised pain internally, with vertigo (at the beginning). Feeling of constriction at the forehead, with irascibility. Swelling of the temporal veins and of the hands, with throbbing, but without redness (after fifteen days). Slight lancinating pain, with heat, at the temples. Drawing and itching in the hairy scalp.


Lancinations in the orbits and in the head, with evening chilliness. Red, painless swelling of the puncta lachrymalis (in an old man). A succession of styes for a month after leaving off the water. The lids feel swollen and tense, especially in the morning. Drawing in the eyelids from time to time; they are opened with difficulty during the first fortnight. Itching of the lids and sensitiveness of the eyes to light (after one month). Yellow tinge of the albuginea, with paleness of the conjunctiva and of the mucous membrane of the palate and lips (after five weeks. Redness of the conjunctiva, without pain (after three weeks). The eyeballs feels as if compressed, during the first week. Sparks before the eyes (during the first fortnight, in a patient laboring under hepatic obstruction).


Increased discharge of a clearer mucus (after three weeks). Dryness with heat in the ears (in the beginning). Heat and throbbing in the ears (at the beginning). Sensation of fullness in the ears, with deafness.


In the morning, several times, a slight discharge of black blood from the nose (after fifteen days). Chronic stoppage of the nose, in a gouty subject. Repeated, short-lasting stoppage of the nose. Dryness of the nose, with pricking. Throbbing at the root of the nose, with redness of the nose (after two weeks).


Paleness and varying color of the face, towards evening. Chapping of the lips, a from winter weather (just before leaving off the water).


Discolored and denuded teeth, with small ulcers on the gums. Grinding of the teeth at night (at the close of the season). Several molar teeth feel too long, and are painful every night. Tongue pointed, yellow, with bright-red tip. Tongue coated white, with red papillae. Clammy mouth, with sour taste (at the last). Dry mouth without thirst (unusual). Sensation of head and swelling in the mouth (after a repetition of the water). Abundant saliva (after one mouth).


The bottom of the throat is bright-red. Dryness of the throat. Heat with pricking and lancinations in the tonsils (after three weeks).


Great and continual hunger (while taking the waters, and afterwards). Thirst during the first days; afterwards, entire absence of thirst. Insipid, mucous eructations, after taking the water. Epigastric swelling, with habitual heat. Liquid gurgling in the stomach when lying down in the evening (at the last). Burning heat, with uneasiness at the stomach after a meal (after two weeks). Painful heat at the epigastrium, as from flatulence. It shifts about, often becoming seated at the hypochondria, towards the last. Sensation of fullness, which takes away the appetite (at first). The epigastrium and hypochondria are sensitive to touch, after the first week.


Inflation of the abdomen. Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen. Tension and heat of the abdomen (towards the last). Colic, followed by a diarrhoeic stool, with tenesmus, after the first days. Lancinating pains here and there in the abdomen.

Rectum and Anus

Protrusion of the anus, after every stool, in a child troubled with worms. In a week, this symptom disappeared permanently. Heat and pricking at the anus (after one month). Itching at the anus (after fifteen days). Profuse sweat of the perinaeum (after the season).

Stool and Anus

Towards the last, the evacuation become easier and more regular. Watery and mucous stools (in the beginning). Stools yellow, afterwards green (in a patient who had jaundice). Hard, curled, dark-green evacuations (after one month). In the beginning, difficult stools at long intervals (in a cachectic patient, previously dyspeptic).

Urinary Organs

A former discharge from the urethra reappears at the end of the season. Pricking in the urethra. Frequent and abundant discharge of urine, which becomes turbid after passing. The urine is very abundant and clear (in a beginning). In the beginning, reddish urine, having a strong odor.

Sexual Organs

Mucous discharge from the prepuce, with itching. More frequent erections in the morning. Dry heat of the vagina (in the first fortnight). Mucous or serous discharge (after three weeks). Regular return of the menses after a five months’ suppression. Menses too early (in a very lymphatic (young woman). The menses, usually regular, are retarded for one week (after fifteen days).

Respiratory Apparatus

Constant snorting, as if there was a foreign body in the body in the larynx. In the beginning, irritation and dry cough, with headache. From time to time, short-lasting hoarseness (toward the end). Slight dry cough (in a patient with gastritis). Blood- streaked expectoration (in chronic bronchitis).


Paroxysm of spasmodic oppression, with hiccough. Habitual oppression, with sensation of head under the sternum, after the first days. Sensation of heat, fullness and oppression of the chest (towards the last). Stitch like pain in the right lower portion of the chest.


Palpitation, the first days. Tumultuous action of the heart after a meal (after three weeks). Sense of tension and fullness at the region of the heart (after one month).

Neck and Back

Drawing and stiffness in the cervical muscles. Slight pain in the back, shifting about rapidly. Pains in the kidneys, extending towards the bladder, after every meal. Slight lancinations, with heat, in the region of the kidneys (after one month). Compressive pain in the loins (at the last).

Extremities in General

The veins on the limbs are more prominent (after the season). Heaviness of the limbs, with difficulty in moving them (after the season). Nervous tension greater agility in the limbs (after one week).

Upper Extremities

Extreme sensitiveness, with scarcely any swelling, of the axillary glands. A previous induration of a mammary gland continues. Constant heat in the palms of the hands. Stiffness and sensitiveness of the finger-joints.

Lower Extremities

Dull an deep seated pain in the inside of the thighs (at the last). Pain, when in bed, in the long of the lower extremities.


Increased sensitiveness of the whole cutaneous surface (in the first fortnight). Cachexia, the results of antisyphilitic and febrifuge treatment. Convalescences which left the patients in a confirmed cachectic condition. Various symptoms of former syphilis.


Mottled skin, as in cold weather. Sensitive, colorless pimples, like tubercles, appear in succession, on the scalp, for several days (after six weeks). Eruption, here and there, of large, red and very sensitive pimples (after the first week). Small, red, acuminated pimples on the face (after six weeks). A very itching kind of eruption, like nettle-rash, appears, on the same patient, every time after leaving off the water. General eruption of furfuraceous blotches (after the fifth day and fifth bath, and lasting until a week after leaving off the water). A furfuraceous tetter on the nose extends to the external ear, and causes a discharge from the fold of the latter, which disappears with the eruption, in fifteen days, and after taking the water for six weeks. Ulcers cease suppurating while taking the water and for a long while after, with general improvement of the health. A profusely suppurating fistulous ulcers on the tibia leaves off suppurating. General itching, especially troublesome over the more muscular portions of the limbs. Itching of the winds of the nose and of the eyes, followed by redness and very small pimples (after one month).

Sleep and Dreams

Frequent yawning with shivering (after fifteen days). Drowsiness in daytime (after four weeks). Light sleep, frequently interrupted (unusual). Habitual sleeplessness, with starting when on the point of falling asleep. Dreams which interrupt sleep (in the beginning).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.