Bartya Carbonica homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Barium Carbonate, BaCo3.

Preparation: Triturations.



Slight delirium and stupefaction at night, as in fever.

He imagines he walks on his knees (Rust).

Children do not desire to play.

Lachrymose at night.

Sad and fearful; he has all kinds of sad thoughts about his future state, and thinks that he is lost entirely; in the evening (after thirty-five days).

Dejected; he does not wish to speak.

Suddenly becomes dejected in the evening.

Dejection and dread of men.

(In scrofulous children treated by Baryta.) Extremely despondent and depressed; she believes that she must die; cries (seventh to tenth day).

Despondent and anxious.

Anxious; evenings in bed; she feels obliged to open her clothes.

Great fear and cowardice.

Great ennui and ill-humor.

Peevish and quarrelsome.

Good humor becomes mischievousness.

Great irresolution about small things; he wants to drink the cup of coffee, then again not; does not know what he shall do.


In the morning, on waking he feels stupid.

Children are inattentive when studying.

Want of memory (after sixteen hours).

Great forgetfulness, so that he does not know what he has just spoken (after twenty-seven days).


Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion in the head when sitting; passes off in the open air (after twenty days).

Confusion and heaviness in the head in the evening, with sleepiness; the head constantly falls forward; at the same time he is fretful and tired (after forty six days).

Dulness in the head; confusion in the head, in the morning on waking, and in the whole forenoon (after twenty-seven days).


Vertigo on rising up from stooping.

Vertigo, so that he does not know where he is when walking along a little path.

Vertigo, with headache on stooping (after twenty five days).

Vertigo, with nausea on stooping.

Vertigo, so that everything seems to turn around suddenly on raising the arm (after twelve days).

Vertigo in the morning after rising, everything turns around, with a faint, nauseous sensation in the stomach (eighth to eleventh day).

Dizziness in the head, so that he must sit and hold it still, with nausea.

General Sensations.

Humming in the head, as of boiling water (after twenty seven days).

When she raises herself, if seems as if her head would tumble about.

Feeling as if the brain were loose; it seems to fall here and there when moving the head (after forty-five days).

In the morning on waking, first heaviness, then after rising, heat in the head, with coldness in the hands and feet.

Headache from walking.

Headache in the evening, with which every noise, especially the human voice, hurts the brain very much (after five days).

Distending pain in the head and nose.

Headache, as if the head were pinched together.

Severe sticking in the whole head, increasing and decreasing (after three days).

Sticking in the head comes on immediately from the warmth of a stove.

Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and crawling in the head (after fifteen days).

On stamping with the feet, a shaking in the brain; great rush of blood to the head; it feels as if the blood stagnated there, and could not circulate (after twenty seven days).

Itching, creeping here and there in the head, which disappears on scratching.

Forehead and Temples.

On stooping, a sensation as if everything would fall forward in the forehead (after sixteen days).

Pressive pain in the forehead from within outward (twelfth day).

Pressure, with heaviness in the right side of the forehead.

Violent, dull stitches in the left frontal eminence, on stooping when washing.

Severe throbbing in the forehead, deep in the brain on stooping (after thirty days).

Tensive sensation in the whole skin of the forehead, it seems too tight; after a meal.

A burning stitch in the right temple.

Dull stitches above the right temple, in the morning when yawning.

Pulsating in temples.

Vertex and Parietals.

Pressure in the brain beneath the vertex, extending towards the occiput, on waking from sleep, with stiffness of the neck. Tearing on the vertex.

Pressive sticking on the vertex, which extends through the whole head, whenever he stands in the sun.

Tension, with burning in a small spot on the left parietal bone (after one hour).

Painful squeezing together of the head from both sides, then tearing in a small spot on the left parietal bone, and afterwards in the left side of the occiput.

Fine tearing in a small spot on the right parietal bone, deep in the bone.

Tearing, with twitching at short intervals, deep in the brain, beneath the right ear, immediately renewed by touching.

Sticking in the sides of the head, also after dinner and in the evening, when it is most severe in the left side.

Dull stitches in the left side of the head, extending from the occiput to the frontal eminence, or alternately here or there.

Throbbing, with sticking in the left side of the head (after seven days).

Pain, as if the hairs were pulled up on a small spot on the right parietal bone.

Occiput and Exterior.

Rheumatic pain in the occiput, with swelling in the glands of the neck.

Tearing in the left side of the occiput, relieved by bending the head backwards.

Throbbing in the occiput, extending to the frontal eminence; in the evening (after five days).

An old tumor hitherto painless on the scalp becomes larger, and begins to pain as if ulcerating, when touched.

The hairs fall out when combing (after four days).

Crawling as from ants over the whole scalp; in the evening.


In General.

The eyes are swollen in the morning. Redness of the white of the eye and lachrymation.

Redness of the white of the eye, and a white pimple upon the eye near the cornea.

Weakness of the eyes, especially in the evening by candlelight; during the day, a cloud is before the left eye; by candlelight, a glimmer. Violent pains in the left eye, and extending thence over the temple into the ear (after twenty hours).

Burning in the eyes on exerting vision.

Dry heat, and pressure in the eyes. Pressure in both eyes, with itching as from dust. Itching of the eyes.

Tearing in the eyes. Itching, burning pressure, soreness, and dryness in the eyes. Orbit, Brow, and Lids.

Sensation, as if a burning spark passed from the upper margin of the right orbit to the root of the nose.

Sharp drawing over the left eye, extending from the nose towards the temple; in the evening.

Swelling of the lids in the morning.

Inflamed redness of the eyelids internally. Matter externally on the lids, especially in the morning.

Agglutination of the eyes.

The eyes are difficult to open in the morning. The eyes close in the evening in the twilight.

Twitching tearing in the right upper lid. A stitch through the left upper lid.

Itching on the border of the upper lid.

Styes in the left internal angle of the eye.

Agglutination of the eyes in the external canthi at night.

Burning in the eyes in the inner canthi, with profuse lachrymation.

Pressure in the external canthus, as if a grain of sand were in


Twitching-sticking in the external canthus. Balls and Vision.

The eyeballs are painful.

Frequent obscuration of vision.

After a meal a gauze comes before the eyes.

Sensation as of gauze before the eyes in the, in the morning and after a meal. Sparks before the eyes in the dark.

Sparks of fire before the eyes, and tearing in them.

The candlelight is encircled by a halo with rainbow colors. Black spot before the eyes (after twenty-four hours).

Double vision.


External and Subjective.

The gland below the right ear is swollen and painful to touch.

Tearing behind the right ear.

Crawling pain in the bones in front of the right ear.

Boring in the right ear so violent that she must cry out.

Drawing pain in the ears, a kind of twinging earache.

At night, frequent drawings in the ears.

Tearing in the left ear, extending outward.

Tearing, with boring and drawing in the bones in front of the right ear.

Sticking deep in the left ear.

Severe stitches in the ear constantly for two days (after twenty eight days).

Throbbing and hard pressure after midnight, deep in the right ear, upon which he lay, and, upon turning to the left side, in the left ear.

Crawling and twitching in the left ear.

Itching in the ears (after twenty four days).

Severe itching in the left ear.


Sensation as if hard of hearing.

Hardness of hearing first days.

Severe buzzing in the ears, in the evening, like a ringing of bells and a violent wind.

Cracking in both ears when swallowing.

Crackling in the ear, when walking fast, when swallowing, sneezing etc.

Crashing in the ears at night.

He cannot lie upon the left ear, because there is a crackling in it which extends to the right ear, which prevents his sleeping (after eleven days).

A reverberation in the ear in blowing the nose violently.

Ringing in the ears.

Ringing in the ears.

Violent, long continued ringing in the ears.

Roaring and buzzing before the ears (after twenty eight days).

Increased roaring of the ears; difficulty of hearing (in several).

Sounding in the ears, even when breathing, like a sounding-board (after two days).

Stunning noise in the ears (after two days).

Throbbing in front of the left ear if he lay upon it.

Throbbing like a pulse in the (left) ear, upon which he lay at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.