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Badiaga homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common name: Fresh water sponge.


Spongilla fluviatilis (Spongia palustris, Linn).

Section Protozoa of the animal kingdom.

Russian name, Badiaga.

Preparation: Trituration of the dried sponge gathered in autumn.


A moan or shriek, caused by the pain in the side.

In spite of the headache, he is still clear in his mind, and more inclined to mental activity than before.


Dull, dizzy feeling of head.

Headache, does not affect the mind.

Headache commencing between 1 and 2 p. m., lasting till between 6 and 7 in the evening (seventh and ninth days).

Headache with inflamed eyes.

During the day, more or less headache, with pain in eyeballs, worse in the left; more from 1 o’clock in the afternoon till 7 in the evening (sixth day).

Headache from 2 p. m. till 7 a. m. with slight aching pains in the posterior portion of both eyeballs, and in the temples (fifth day).

Headache, coryza, and some other symptoms, better on the fifteenth day, less during the afternoon (twelfth day).

Dull during the afternoon, beginning at 1 o’clock (thirteenth day).

Headache and soreness of the body, aggravated from 7 to 10 in the evening, on a rainy day (fourteenth day); slight on the fifteenth day, from 1 to 3 in the afternoon (sixteenth day).

Frontal headache, during the forenoon, worse in the temples, and extending into the posterior portion of the left eyeball, aggravated by moving the eyes (tenth day); the same on the eleventh day, but worse in the afternoon until late in the evening; the same the thirteenth day, extending to both eyeballs, aggravated by moving them in either direction; worse in the afternoon, with heat in the forehead and dull aching in the temples.

During the afternoon, heat, pain, and congestion in forehead, worse at 7 in the evening (tenth day).

Congestion in forehead.

In forehead, drawing, In temples and eyeballs, pain; to the temples from eyeballs.

A very severe headache on the top of the head, remains the same in all positions, better at night after sleeping, and better in the morning, returning violently after breakfast, lasting several days.

Scalp sore to the touch, with tetter-like eruption on the forehead, and dull, dizzy feeling of the head during the forenoon (twelfth day); soreness less on the fifteenth day.

Itching of the scalp, with much dandruff, like tetter, and dryness of the hair, thirteenth day; tetter less on the fifteenth day; all disappeared on the seventeenth day; hair again soft and oily; this whole change taking place last night mostly.

An excess of dandruff or dry tetter-like appearance of the scalp, with slight itching (eleventh day).


Under the eyes, blue.

Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, with hardening of the Meibomian glands.

The right eye is irritated and somewhat inflamed, with headache during the afternoon, same as the seventh and eighth days.

Bluish-purple margin of the eyelids, and blueness under the eye (twelfth day).

Twitching of the left eyelid.

Headache extending in the eyeballs.

Pain in left eyeball from temples; from forehead.

Pain in the left eyeball and temple, quite severe, extending to the left side of the head and forehead (eleventh day).

Pains in the eyeballs extending into the temples, aggravated by turning them in either direction (ninth day).

At 3 p. m. in the posterior portion of the right eyeball, a severe intermitting pain, more or less severe during the afternoon (third day); same, and in temple (fourth day); in left eye (sixth day).

Slight aching pains in the posterior portion of both eyeballs and in the temples (with headache from 2 p. m. till 7 in the morning), (fifth day).

The left eyeball quite sore, even upon closing it tightly (twelfth day).


During the afternoon, very slight shocks heard in the ear as of very distant artillery (nineteenth day); the same three or four times during afternoon and evening (twentieth day); occasional and momentarily up to the twenty-seventh day.


Occasional sneezing, with more profuse coryza, most on the left side, with occasional stoppage of the nose; worse in the afternoon and evening (eighth day).

Sneezing with coryza at times during the day, with a cough as from cold, more during the afternoon (fifth day); cough causing sneezing and profuse coryza (seventh day).

Sneezing, fluent coryza, with stoppage at the nose at times (tenth day).

Profuse discharge from the left nostril (twelfth day); thick yellowish mucus, more during the afternoon; it is also hawked up (thirteenth day).

His catarrh lessened perceptibly.

Coryza and cough (ninth day).

Itching of the left wing of the nose.


Pale, ashy or lead color of the face (twelfth day).

Left cheek and malar bone quite sore to the touch (thirteenth day).

Stiffness in the maxillary joints.


In a decayed back-tooth, drawing.

During the afternoon, the mouth and breath hot and feverish, with thirst for large quantities of water at a time (tenth day).

Mouth and tongue as if scalded.

Bad taste in mouth, evening.


Hawked up a viscid solid lump of bloody mucus in the morning (twelfth day).

Next day, when first getting out of bed, a mass of hard, gluey, bloody mucus, tough and dry (thirteenth day).

Throat inflamed and sore, especially on swallowing, 2 p. m.

(eleventh day); increasing same day; quite inflamed and sore, especially on swallowing, while most other symptoms are better or better or disappearing (twelfth day).

Throat quite sore; tonsils red and inflamed, aggravated much on swallowing; 2 p. m. (thirteenth day); especially upon swallowing solids (fourteenth day); disappeared (fifteenth day).


Good appetite, with less thirst, and with a feeling as if the mouth and tongue had been slightly scalded with hot tea (twelfth day).

But little appetite; took toast for dinner; at 7 in the evening, for tea, a small piece of toast and cup of tea, with a bad appetite and bad taste in the mouth (eleventh day); better on twelfth day.

Diminished appetite; bowels costive; urine high-colored (tenth day).

Thirst for large quantities of water.

Less thirst, with a good appetite.

At 8 a. m., a severe lancinating pain in the pit of the stomach, extending to the vertebra opposite, and to the right scapula, and at times to the right side, resulting there in a pleuritic pain; also, a pleuritic pain on the left side, which, as well as o n the right side, is aggravated by contortions of the body, and on full inspiration (tenth day).


A lancinating pain, with a bounding movement in the region of the liver, lasting but a few minutes (eighth day).

(Indurated inguinal glands. Popular remedy).

(Syphilitic bubo in the left groin; a longish swelling as hard as a stone, uneven, ragged, like a scirrhus; at night, violent lancinations, as if with red-hot needles). Rosenstein.

(Buboes originating by consensus or cellular irritation, with shooting pains, if suppuration has not commenced, will disappear in three days completely, if, with rest, low diet, and cold local applications, the tincture of Badiaga is given, one drop in a tablespoonful of water, every three or four hours). Rosenstein.

(Buboes, with decided fluctuation, are scattered and absorbed from six drops of the tincture every day in water). Rosenstein.

(Hemorrhoids. Popular remedy).

Urinary Organs

Severe, sharp lancinating pain in and near the orifice of the urethra, lasting but a few minutes, at noon (third day).

Urine high-colored (tenth day),; and reddish (twelfth day).

Respiratory Apparatus

Breath hot and feverish.

Occasional severe paroxysms of spasmodic cough, ejecting viscid mucus from the bronchial tubes, which at times comes flying forcibly out of the mouth, more during the afternoon, caused by a tickling in the larynx as if a particle of sugar was being dissolved, in the throat (sixth day).

Similar paroxysms during the seventh day, at times causing sneezing, with profuse coryza, most from left nostril; worse after 1 p. m. (seventh day). During the eighth day quite severe, more in the afternoon (eighth and ninth days).

Cough with yellowish mucous expectoration (tenth day); not as severe the eleventh day, while other symptoms are about the same, and better in the warm room (eleventh day); less severe and less frequent (twelfth day); much better (fourteenth day).

Cough causes a sneezing.

While lying on the right side in the bed, and at the moment of becoming unconscious by sleep, severe oppressive suffocation, by changing position. This is an old symptom, aggravated during the past week; he often avoided going to sleep in such a position on this account (eighteenth day.


Pleuritic pain on full inspiration.

Pain in the upper part of the right chest.

Pleuritic pain, also on the left (tenth day); increased, with stitches in both sides, aggravated on motion or full inspiration, afternoon (tenth day); increased, with soreness of the whole body, especially the chest; aggravated during the afternoon and evening (tenth day).

A severe, sharp, lancinating pain in the right supraclavicular region, in or near the subclavian artery, lasting several minutes during the evening (thirteenth); lasting but a few minutes and less severe (fourteenth day); severe lancinating drawing from three to five minutes, 9 o’clock, evening (fifteenth day); slight, for a minute at a time, till the twenty-seventh day.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.