Aurum Muriaticum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Auric chloride, AuCl3.

Preparation: Solution in distilled water for the lower potencies.


Excessive cheerfulness, carelessness.

Great sadness.

Sadness, frequent weeping.

Sad mood, as though a great misfortune impended (several days).

Disgust for life; inclination to suicide.

Unreasonable contrariety.

Indisposition for mental work.

Weakness of memory.


Confusion of the head.

Frequent dizziness.

Vertigo, and whirling before the eyes on every motion, with tearing pain over the eyes, aggravated by stooping, relieved in the open air; last all day, and only goes off on going to bed at night.

Frequent nodding of the head.

Headache, on rising, after a restless night.

Pressure on the brain, along the sagittal suture.

Throbbing headache, with heavy dreams.

Burning in the forehead.

Drawing headache in the forehead (after two hours).

Violent pain, like a toothache, in the left frontal eminence, extending towards the supraorbital foramen (the following day in the right side).

Beatings in the left side of the forehead.

Tickling itching of the forehead (after one hour).

Drawing pain in the left temple, extending to the vertex.

Tearing in the left temple, lasting several hours, and returning in bed.

Violent tearing from the left temple towards the ear, with vertigo and tearing over the eye.

Tearing pain in the left temporal region, extending to the right; last all days and only disappears in bed.

Throbbing pain in the left temple after rising; relieved by applying cold water; returning after midnight, and lasting four hours.

Violent tearing in the right temple.

Sensation of coolness on the top of the head.

Burning and stitching in the back of the head.


Dryness of the eyes.

Burning, pricking, and itching of the eyes.

Severe pressure in the eyes in open air, and tearing in them, with complete blindness, Tearing pain in the left eye.

Tearing pain in the left eye.

Tearing pain, beginning above the left eye and extending toward the right ear, where it at last come out; the pain was so severe that she had to lie down in bed, when the pain immediately ceased.

The eye symptoms appeared periodically for some time.

If the eyes are covered with the hand the symptoms disappear.

Redness and swelling of the eyelids.


Difficulty in keeping the eyes shut.

Biting and itching in the right external canthus, obliges him to scratch.

Burning, stitching, pricking, and smarting of the lids.

Burning in the conjunctiva.

Weakness of visual power.

The letters disappear, at evening by candlelight, for some minutes; instead of the letters the paper was white as if not printed.


Crusts behind the ears.

Burning and itching behind the ears, especially at night.

Sensation in the left ear, as if a plug were in it (lasted for several days during the proving).

Drawing pain in the right ear.

Sticking pain in the left ear.

Deafness in the ears (after six hours).

Deafness follows the ringing in the ears, as if the ears were wide internally and hollow, and so nothing could be heard distinctly.


Redness and swelling of the nose.

Red swelling in the right nostril and underneath, with a painless crust of ulcers internally, and a sense of obstruction, although air passes through.

Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the nasal cavity is ulcerated deep in, with dry, yellowish scurf, and sense of obstruction, although enough air passes through it.

Redness and itching inflammation of the nose, with subsequent desquamation.

Crusts in the nose, with constant inclination to pick at them with the fingers.

A bad smelling, watery discharge from the nose, very irritating to the lip.

Discharge of a yellow-greenish matter from the nose, without bad smell, for seven days (after ten days).

Much sneezing in succession, then tearing in the left nasal bone towards the eye, with much injection of the conjunctiva and profuse lachrymation, which suddenly appears, and is so violent that the tears spurt out.

Thick, yellow coryza.

Fluent coryza nights.

Coryza, with much tickling in the throat.

Fluent coryza with rough throat and irritation to cough.

Burning and itching of the nose.

Burning and itching, pain on the upper part of the nose externally.

Crawling in the nose, as if something were running about in it.


Red face.

Lightning-like twitches in the right upper jaw.


Jerking toothache in the anterior and upper row of teeth.

Jerking pain in the teeth, party on one side, partly in the upper incisors.

Redness and swelling of the gums, especially at night.

Aphthae all over the mouth.

Burning, itching, and smarting in the mouth.

Flat taste, lasts all day, with great nausea, passing off at night in bed.

Strong, metallic taste, with increased saliva, with frequent desire to swallow, and a feeling as if a plug were in the throat (after the undiluted solution).


Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands.

Pain in the throat, and redness of the mucous membrane of the fauces.

Scratching and pricking in the throat.

Difficult deglutition.


Want of appetite.

Loss of appetite.


Rising having a putrid taste.

Inclination to vomit after eating.

Nausea and inclination to vomit, mornings fasting, disappears after breakfast.

Great nausea and vomiting of the water taken after the gold, with a trace of clear blood (from a grain of Aur-mur. in substance).

Vomiting (for a quarter of an hour), with violent retching and foul eructations, soon afterward cutting colic, and four watery stools.

Violent gastritis.

Slow digestion.

Emptiness in the stomach.

Distress at the stomach after eating.

Burning, stitching, and gnawing and cutting pains in the stomach.

Painful drawing in the pit of the stomach extends to the middle of the sternum; as if a hard body were pressed into the cavity; aggravated by stooping, eating, drinking; it appears only in paroxysms.


Burning in the right, hypochondrium.

Constant disagreeable feeling in the right hypochondrium.

Stitch in the left hypochondrium, as from running too fast.

Redness, heat, itching, and smarting at the umbilicus.

Distention of the abdomen.

Swelling and inflation of the abdomen.

Much flatus passes in the afternoon.

Much flatulence, with colic and a fluid stool.

Drawings in the entire abdomen.

Drawing pain in the small intestines, returning the next day, relieved by fluid evacuations, eating, drinking, motion, but not by pressure with both hands on the abdomen.

Dull colic.

Violent constrictive colic obliges her to double up; lasts three and a half hours, and only goes off in bed.

The abdomen is tender to touch.

Heat and pricking in the hypogastrium.

Stool and Anus

Hemorrhoids, with discharge of blood during stool.

Diarrhoea very violent for several days.

Diarrhoea, especially at night; gray-whitish stools.

Continued call to stool, with much rumbling in the bowels; in spite of the desire, no satisfactory stool.

Thin watery stools (immediately after taking it).

Thin frequent stools, with burning at the anus.

Frequent thin stools, with tenesmus.

Urinary Organs

Heat and itching in the urethra.

Burning on urinating; feeling as if the urine was too hot and acrid.

Burning and smarting in the urethra while urinating.

Feeling of heat in the urethra, with tenesmus vesicae; the urine felt too hot.

Sticking pain through the whole length of the urethra on standing.

Constant desire to urinate.

Urine increased.

Profuse urine for two and a half days.

Scanty urine; red thick urine, containing sand.

The urine rapidly decomposes.

Increase of urea and urates.

Sexual Organs

(Male) Exhausting erections.

Violent itching of the glans penis wakes at night.

Drawing along the spermatic cords.

Swelling and tension in the testicles.

Painful drawing in the left testicle extends toward the inguinal ring, recurring by paroxysms.

(Female) Redness and swelling of the labia.

A few days before the menses, eruption of large red pimples on the labia majora.

Constant running from the vulva.

Burning and itching of the vulva.

Heat and itching in the vagina.

Severe itching of the pudenda, transient.

Menstruation too early, more profuse; the blood was acrid, and made her sore; before the menses she had leucorrhoea (formerly she had it a short time only after menses).

Menses, seven days too early, lasted only two days (usually four days); blood bright (not so acrid as the last time).

Leucorrhoea returned (it had ceased for some time) very profusely, and lasted four days; very acrid, making the thighs sore, with itching of the genitals.

Light-yellow leucorrhoea, especially in the morning.

Respiratory Apparatus

Tickling in the air-passages, with dry cough, as from inspired dust.

Difficult speech; deep, hoarse voice.

Frequent loud cough.

Frequent cough, especially at night.

Short dry cough in paroxysms, especially at night, followed by heat in the throat.

Frequent hard cough, with white expectoration, mingled with threads of blood.

Constant thick cough, with thick yellow expectoration.

Difficult respiration.

Short breathing and apparent obstruction of the larynx for a few days.

On standing, heavy deep respiration, as if a stone lay on the chest.

Sense of suffocation.

Suffocative attacks at night.


Great oppression of the chest, scarcely permitting breathing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.