Cutting pain, heat, and scraping sensation in the groins.

Twisting pain in the abdomen, before and during stool.


Colic in the abdomen.

Flatulent colic, shortly after the lightest and most moderate meals.

Flatulent colic, after midnight; much flatus rapidly accumulates which does not pass, and therefore causes painful pressure, squeezing and anxiety; both when at rest and in motion.

The abdomen is tender to the touch. Protrusion of an inguinal hernia, with great cramp like pain; flatus seems to get into the hernia.

Rumbling in the lower abdomen.

Heat and sensitiveness of the hypogastrium.

Pinching pain on the inner side of the ischiatic bones.

Weight on the pubis.

Jerking twinges in the left side of the pelvis, causing him to jump or start.

Weakness in the groin.

Want of flexibility and painful stiffness in the bends of the groin and the tendons of the lumbar muscles, when walking or spreading the legs, as after a long journey on foot (after three and a half hours).

Pain in the groin, as from a swollen gland.

Burning pain in the abdominal ring, which is otherwise healthy.

Drawing from the groin into the thighs.

Pressing in the right abdominal ring, as if a hernia would protrude, when sitting and stretching the body; goes off when rising.

Cutting thrusts in both groins, forcing him to draw the abdomen in and the feet up.

Bruised pain in the right iliac region, when sitting, goes off when rising and drawing up the thigh (after twenty four hours).

Stool and Anus

Sharp stitches in the rectum and anus.

External hemorrhoids, bleeding during stool.

The border of the anus is painfully swollen.

Burning heat and tearing pains at the anus.

Heat and dull pain at the perineum.


Diarrhoea day and night; green stools.

Frequent diarrhoea, with much burning in the rectum.

(White-yellowish stool).

Copious, but normal stool (after sixteen hours).

Unusually copious stool, in the evening (after ten hours).

Soft stool every morning, with a little pinching.

Stool very large; passed with difficulty.

Very hard, knotty stool every day.

Constipation for three days.

Urinary Organs

Sharp stitches, when breathing, apparently in the side of the bladder.

Burning, stitching and smarting in the urethra.

Dull tearing in the urethra.

Tearing stitches at the glans, when obliged to urinate (after three hours).


Constant desire for micturition, with scanty but natural urine.

He passes more urine than corresponds to the quantity he drinks.

Urine greatly diminished.

Infrequent discharge of scanty, yellowish urine.

Turbid urine, like buttermilk, with much sediment of mucus.

Thick urine, having a strong ammoniacal odor, and decomposing rapidly.

Hot, red urine, containing sand.

Sexual Organs


Moisture around the glans.

Painful twitches in the penis, from before backwards.

Painful erections.

Nightly erections, without emissions (first night).

Erections many nights in succession.

Prickings, as from pins, at the extremity of the glans: every single pricking is followed by a similar one above the navel, towards the pit of the stomach (after three hours).

Itching of the scrotum.

Swelling of the right testicle, with pressive pain when touching or rubbing it; this symptom came on for several evenings at 6 o’clock, and ceased towards 11 o’clock (after five days).

Pressive and tensive pain in the right testicle, as from contusion (after three and a half hours).

The sexual desire, which had been dormant in him for a long time, is roused.

Much desire for coition, early, after rising, with violent erections.

He was unable to sleep the whole night, on account of his sexual desire being roused; he finally had to satisfy it by coition (first night).

For two nights he is full of lewd fancies, the penis being small and relaxed (second and third night).

Pollutions at night (the first night).

Nightly pollutions, with voluptuous dreams (after seven days).

Nightly erections and pollutions.

Prostatic juice comes out of the penis, which is relaxed.

Pollutions three nights in succession, without subsequent weakness.

(Female) Drawing pain in the mons veneris.

Heat, pricking, and smarting of the vulva.

Redness and swelling of labia majora.

Burning and pricking in the vagina.

Thick white leucorrhoea.

Retarded menstruation.

Respiratory Apparatus

Husky voice (12th).


Infrequent short dry cough.

Frequent severe and racking cough.

Cough at night, on account of want of breath.

Splitting cough at night.

Phlegm deep in the lungs, which is easily thrown up in large quantity; this is succeeded by free and expansive breathing, whereas generally he was asthmatic.

Difficulty of raising phlegm (12th).

Adhesive phlegm in the larynx, difficult to hawk up.

Frequently, phlegm deep in the larynx, which he does not succeeded in coughing up, even with the greatest effort.

Frequent deep breathing.

Difficult breathing.

Difficulty of breathing.

Severe dyspnoea.

Dyspnoea, also when at rest, which cannot be relieved by any position; he constantly takes deep breath, and cannot inspire air enough.

Severe dyspnoea when walking in the open air.

Dyspnoea when laughing or walking fast, as if the chest were too tight for breathing and too flat in front (after forty four hours).

Dyspnoea, with dull stitches in the chest, when inspiring.

Excessive dyspnoea, with difficulty of breathing at night.

Sense of suffocation soon after eating.

Heart and Pulse

When walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose.

Sometimes, one single very violent beat of the heart.

Strong irregular beating of the heart.

Palpitation of the heart (after half an hour).

Violent palpitation of the heart (after four days).

Palpitation when lying on the back.

Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, and tremulous fearfulness.

Heat and itching at the heart.

Drawing and cutting pains at the heart.


During an expiration, rales in the upper part of the chest, descending into the abdomen and groin, succeeded by quick beatings of the heart, with weakness and apprehension; then slumber.

Persistent dry catarrh on the chest, early in the morning, on waking; it is with great trouble he succeeds in hawking up a little phlegm, and even this only after rising from bed (after sixteen hours).

Burning, stitching, and pricking in the chest.

Tightness of the thorax, with anxiety (after three days).

Drawing in left side of chest, below nipple.

Oppression of chest and abdomen when coughing.

A few very violent stitches in the chest over the heart (after seventy two hours).

Intensely painful stitches under the ribs when breathing deeply (and yawning); they prevent breathing and yawning.

Pressure in left wall of thorax.

Pressure on the right side of the chest, with extreme anguish.

Dull cutting pain on the left side, bear the sternum; more violent during on inspiration (after nine days).

Stitches in the left chest when breathing.

Stitches under the left ribs when coughing.

Fine tearing stitches on the right side, near the lumbar vertebrae, going off by pressure.

Dull painful stitches and lancinations on the right side, near the sternum, under the last true ribs.

Dull oppressive stitches under the cartilages of the first three ribs on the right side; they sometimes continue as a sensation of a plug inserted there; sometimes they are slowly intermittent and little felt walking; externally, the place is red (after sixteen hours).

Dull stitches on both sides of the chest, with heat in the chest and dyspnoea; increased by inspiration.

Pressure on the sternum, with busy demeanor, as if something very agreeable were about to happen.

Pressure on the sternum, as of something hard, with drawing tearings towards the shoulders.

Sharp stitches in the sternum (after two hours).

Swelling of the precordial region and the whole upper part of the abdomen, with a painful stitch when pressing upon it or lacing it tightly.

Neck and Back

Difficulty in turning the head, as in torticollis.

Tension in the neck, as if a muscles were too short, even when at rest, but more violent when stooping (after ten hours).

Drawing in nape of neck towards left clavicle.

Drawing in left side of nape of neck.

Tearing pressure in the lower part of the right side of the neck (after fourteen days).

Jerking, tearing stitches in the left external muscles of the neck (after seven days).

Tearing pain on the inner side of the scapula and below it, when bending the body backwards and to the left (after eleven hours).

Early in the morning, such a severe pain in the spine that he was unable to move a limb.

Heat, pricking, and itching in the back.

Pain in the small of the back, as from fatigue (after three hours).

Drawing in the muscles of the back.

Burning heat, which seems to start from the kidneys and extend to the bladder.

Cutting over the small of the back when sitting, as if from pressure with a sharp instrument.

Heat in the loins.

Sharp piercing pain in the right loin, only during inspiration.

Bruised pain in the loins.

Extremities in General

Going to sleep, numbness and insensibility of the arms and legs, early on waking, more when lying still than in motion.

Shooting and drawing pains in arms and legs occasionally.

Upper Extremities

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.