Asterias Rubens

Asterias Rubens homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common name: Star-fish.


Asterias (Uraster) rubens belongs to the Invertebratae, class Radiata.

Preparation: Tincture of the living animal cut in pieces.


Inclination to bite (fifth day).

Uncommon Cheerfulness in the evening (first day).

Moral sensitiveness prompting him to weep from the least emotion (eleventh day).

Weeping, with despair, followed by calmness almost immediately (third day).

Melancholy, alternating with almost intolerable cerebral excitement; she is inclined to give herself up to mental or bodily work, to walk, or engage in violent exercise; this condition is not at all like inebriety from strong liquors; it is rather a species of moral intoxication (second and third day).

Feeling of excessive anguish from noon till 3 P.M., it seems as if he should give way to tears (sixth day).

Depression, feeling of weariness; it seems as if some misfortune was about to happen to him, and that, should it actually come upon him, he would weep, rather than brace himself to meet it, or become angry (sixth day).

Irritation, anger, inclination to pick a quarrel with somebody (from noon to 2 P.M)., (Sixth day).

Slight disturbance of the understanding, with general debility (sixth day).

Is scarcely able to work in the evening (sixth day).


Disturbed feeling in the brain (first day).

Vertigo (tenth day).

Short-lasting vertigo.

Vertigo when walking (first day).

During the severe pains, the whole skull is painful.

Heat of the head, as if surrounded by hot air (first day).

Heaviness of the head, in one hour (first day).

Heaviness of the head, heat, throbbing in the head, flushed face (first day).

Fullness of the head, seeming to disturb it laterally (first and second day).

Sensation of fullness in the head like congestion; and even sometimes like a rush of blood to the head (second day).

The blood goes to the head; feeling of fullness, heat; the head seems about to burst (second day).

Violent rush of blood to the head (fourth day).

Pain as if the skull was being crushed (third day).

Slight twitches in the brain.

Twitchings in the brain when blowing his nose, during the first half of the night (fourth day).

Towards noon, the headache stopped, with a detonating sensation which made her thoughts clearer.

Throbbing in the head (second day).

Throbbing in the head when climbing a height, when walking (second day).

In the night he wakes up in great distress; it seemed as if the brain was receiving shocks from an electric battery; the head felt as if bursting, consciousness was almost extinct; he apprehended a fit of apoplexy; this condition lasted several minutes; when he came to himself his pulse was hard and very quick, the right carotid was throbbing violently (night of the sixth).

This fever lasted until the close of the following day.

Boring pain above the left eye, coming on and ceasing suddenly; it causes contraction of the eyebrows.

While this pain lasts the sight is dimmed as by a mist (second day).

Severe pressive pain at the sinciput in the morning, which hardly ceases in the daytime by walking in the open air.

Pressive pain at the forehead, feeling of fullness, contraction of the muscles and compression above the eyes.

Very severe pressive pain in the forehead, above the eyes (fourth day).

Severe pressive pain at the forehead, seeming to crush the eyes by a very heavy weight (fourth day).

Sharp and momentary twitchings in the forehead, at the temples, especially the occiput (first day).

Pressure at the temples (first day).

Lancinating pain in the right temple (second day).

Agitation, spasms, feeling of uneasiness in the upper part of the brain, especially when exercising the memory or the understanding; this sensation is similar to the weariness felt in a limb which has been subjected to great muscular exertion (tenth day).

Pain at the top of the head, as if the skull was bruised (third day).

Flying pain in the right half of the head (third day).

Pain in the right side of the head, felt suddenly (third day).

Pressive pain at the right side of the occiput, making walking difficult (fifth day).

At the close of the day, the pain of the head increased, obliging him to lie down; pains are more severe at the back of the head than at the forehead; the head continues painful all night (ninth day).


Fatigued look of the eyes.

Bloodshot eyes (fourth day).

Pain in the eyes from within outward (seventh day).

Heat in the eyes (first day).

Winking of the lids, their free border is red (seventh day).

The eyeballs are drawn backward (third day).

Light fatigues the eyes (first day).

The eyes can hardly bear the light (fourth day).

He can hardly use his eyes in the evening (sixth day).


Lancinating pain, which is felt during some seconds in the auditory meatus, is concentrated at the occiput, and there ceases; these pains return in the course of the day, but more feebly (third day).

Sudden, very loud noise, but lasting only a second, in both ears (third day).

Hard hearing, especially in the right ear (second day).

Hard hearing, with sounds as of a river, of waves (seventh day).


Sneezing and coryza on waking in the morning (ninth day).

Epistaxis (ninth day).

Epistaxis, which returns three times in five days.


Expression of dulness; a sort of stupidity in the posture and look (seventh day).

Redness of the face (fourth day).

Flushed, swollen face (third day).


Swelling of the tongue (third day).

Drawing pain in the tongue (third day).

Her tongue troubles her; repugnance to talking (fifth day).

Increase of saliva (fifth day).


Dryness of the throat (sixth day).

In the morning on awaking, sore throat with constriction (eighth day).

Irritation of the throat; short-lasting sensation of heat, which is renewed several times during the day (first day).

Irritation of the throat, slightly felt at first, afterwards becoming worse (fifth day).

Dull pain, which seems to extend all along the oesophagus (first day).


Want of appetite; loss of taste (fourth day).

Aversion to meat (seventh day).

Capricious appetite; she desires highly seasoned dishes, strong cheese, liqueurs, coffee, tea (eighth, ninth, and tenth days).

In the morning, after many loud eructations, lassitude of the stomach, with great heat of this organ (seventh day).


In the course of the twenty-four hours the abdomen is alternately swollen and lessened ion size (third day).

Flatulence, which is very troublesome after each meal, because it does not pass of either above or below (third day).

Severe colic, with shivering, alternating with flushes of hat in the face (fifth day).

Colic, followed by diarrhoea (third day).

Dull pain, in shocks, in the right side of the abdomen, and near the navel (seventh day).

Drawing in the abdominal walls (third day).

Stool and Anus.

Heat in the rectum.

Slight haemorrhoidal swelling (third day).

Haemorrhoidal flux, lasting two days (fifth and sixth days).

Liquid stool, of a brown color, gushing out violently (fourth day).

Several soft stools in one day.

Difficult, thick stool (third day).

Constipation; ineffectual urging, a symptom she had never had before first day).

Urinary Organs.

Frequent urging to urinate; urine more abundant (seventh day).

Frequent emission of watery urine (second day).

Thick, viscid urine (eighth day).

Sexual Organs.

Frequent erections during sleep.

Erections in the morning (third day).

Unusual moisture of the vagina, which affords relief (third day).

She is harassed by sexual desires, so that she fears she may not be able to endure these painful sensations and nervous disturbances (third day).

Every morning in bed, excitement of the sexual appetite (third day).

Sensation of pressure in the lower organs of the abdomen (womb?); walking is troublesome (third day).

Severe general pain over the womb, as if something protruded behind it (second day).

Jerking in the uterus (second day).

The menses are delayed eight days, during which the colic and other sufferings, which usually accompany them, are present, but are no longer felt after the appearance of the flow, which is more abundant than usual.


Very slight eruption between the breasts.

Slight redness, with bran-like efflorescence, on the chest (fourth day).

Blotch on the chest as large as a child’s palm, causing a great deal of itching; this redness disappeared in five or six days.

Swelling, distension of the breasts, as before the menses (third day).

Sensation of fullness of the chest, which makes him fearful of syncope (seventh day).

Drawing pain in the breasts (second day).

Drawing pain towards the inner portion of the chest from before backward; under the left breast, this pain extends over the whole inner portion of the arm to the end of the little finger (fifth day).

Lancinating pain in the anterior inferior portion of the chest, to the right and left of the sternum; this pain, which lasts only a little while, diminishes by throwing back the upper chest and shoulders (fourth day).

During the night anxiety, caused by undulating pulsations in the chest (sixth day).

The whole left side of the chest is painful, with aggravation from movement (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.