Asclepias Tuberosa

Dysentery; pulse 67, and threadlike (fourteenth day).

Stool without fecal matter; entirely albuminous, and containing the amount of at least four or five whites of eggs (fourteenth day).

Yellow stool, like tincture of turmeric, with yellow and green flocks (5.15 P.M., fourteenth day).

Stool like moss, and suspended in water (4.30 A.M., fifteenth day).

Sticky green stool, of an intolerable smell, like rotten eggs (eighth day).

Insufficient evacuation (thirty-second day).

The evacuations are always accompanied with colic (fifteenth day).

Urinary Organs.

Pain in the urethra (eighth day).

Lancinations in the urethra since yesterday, and excoriation of the glans penis in several places, with commencement of a sanious and purulent secretion; the excoriation disappeared at the end of a few days, after bathing the glans with urine (twelfth day).

Very red urine (sixteenth day).

Red urine, mingled, as it were, with blood; after standing a short time, there rises to the surface small spots of a deep-red color on a black ground, and of the size of a small pin’s head; the sediment is very deep-colored and very thick; it is in the form of clouds and of masses of moss, while the surface of the urine (beneath the small spots) is clear and as if decomposed (seventeenth day).

Sexual Organs.

Flabbiness and insipid smell of the genitals (twelfth day).

Perspiration and insipid smell of the genital parts (thirteenth day).

(Chancre on the right side of the fraenum; it was merely washed with the urine, passed to the left side, and disappeared in two days), (third day).

Weakness of the genital organs (tenth day).

Prolonged erection in the morning (tenth day).

Erection without desire (eighth day).

Respiratory Apparatus.

Slight pain in the bronchi (thirtieth day).

Dry cough (third day).

Dry, spasmodic cough.

Dry cough, with constriction of the throat (after fifteen minutes).

Cough dry and hard, causing pain in the forehead and abdomen.

Cough dry and hacking, though a little mucus is raised with great effort (after seventeen and a half hours).

More forcible inspirations for half an hour (4 P.M., second day).

Burning and forcible inspiration, the lungs seem to be more fully dilated (three and a half hours).

Asthmatic paroxysm (nineteenth day).

Respiration painful, especially at the base of the left lung.


The chest feels weak and sore, without cough, though no pain is felt on drawing a long breath (second day).

Feeling of warmth in chest, with dull pain at the base of both lungs, with feeling of tightness (after fifteen minutes).

Oppression of the chest; great difficulty in breathing (twelfth day).

Slight oppression after the forcible inspirations (three and a half hours).

Oppressed feeling after smoking the quarter of a cigar (eighteenth day).

Singing or loud speaking aggravated the thoracic pain (after six hours).

The pain in the lungs is relieved by bending forward.

Left lung dull on percussion.

Paralysis of the right lung, with violent pains for half an hour, in the forenoon (thirty-sixth day).

Pain in the left lung abated and left a feeling of weariness.

The pain returned on coughing or drawing a deep breath (after seventeen and a half hours).

Return of the pain beneath left nipple, with palpitation of the heart (after half an hour).

Pain very acute on right side of chest, and seems seated in the pleura (after seventeen and a half hours).

Sharp pains shooting from the left nipple downward, with stiffness of the left side of neck (after forty-five minutes).

Pain moves up to behind the sternum, and becomes more sharp and cutting; aggravated by drawing a long breath and by motion of the hands, as in triturating (after five and half hours).

The spaces between the ribs close to the sternum are tender on pressure, and the pain, which quick, darting, and more acute than at first, shoots over to the right side.

Heart and Pulse.

Carditis (nineteenth day).

Constrictive pain of the heart.

Pericarditis (thirtieth day).

Lancinating pain near the heart (twenty-ninth day). Repeated lancinations in the heart and intercostal muscles (right side, 6 P.M., second day).

Pain in the heart, as from the prick of a pin (twenty-fifth day).

Pulse a little disturbed dinner (thirty-eighth day).

Pulse rose from 64 to 88; small (after forty-five minutes).

Neck and Back.

Torticollis on waking (twelfth day).

Pain between the shoulder (thirty-eighth day).

Sharp lancinating pain between the shoulders (thirty-seventh day).

Pain in the back and between the shoulders (twelfth day).

Sharp pain in the loins near the sacrum.

Lumbago (thirtieth day).

Extremities in General.

Pain in the right shoulder and left leg (seventeenth day).

Some slight pains in the right shoulder and left knee (fourth day).

Sharp bone-pain in the right arm and right leg (twenty-ninth day).

Pain in the right arm near the wrist, and in the left leg near the malleoli (twenty-eighth day).

Pain in the left wrist, right arm, and left knee (twenty- sixth day).

Pain in the right thigh, and a quarter of an hour after in the left arm (twenty-fifth day).

Pain in the left thigh and right shoulder (fortieth day).

Oft-repeated pains in the left knee and right forearm (sixth day).

Arthritic pain in the left knee and right thigh (twentieth day).

Pain in the left knee and right elbow (twenty-third day).

Pain below the left knee and in the arm of the same side (seventh day).

Rheumatic pain in the left arm.

The pains are always felt crosswise; when the right leg is affected, the left arm is equally so, and when it is the right arm, it is also the left thigh (sixteenth day).

Upper Extremities.

Pain in the right shoulder (after dinner ), (two and three- quarter hours).

Pain in the left shoulder some seconds after getting up (seventh day).

Sharp, shooting pains in the right shoulder (after twenty- three and a half hours).

Pain shooting up to the left shoulder, which was painful on motion (after two and a half hours).

Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder-blade and left wrist (fourteenth day).

Pain in the left shoulder and pain in the right nipple, felt also in the shoulder on the same side (forty-first day).

Pain in the left shoulder and right forearm near the wrist (eighteenth day). Arthritic pains in the right elbow (three and a half hours).

Sharp pain in the bone of the left arm (eleventh day).

Pain in the right forearm near the wrist (3 P.M)., (fifth day).

Pain in the left arm near the wrist (thirtieth day).

Numbness of the left hand (one and a half hours).

Pain in the left hand (9.30 P.M)., (third day).

Rheumatic pain in the right hand (eighth day).

Neuralgic pain in the palm of the right hand (nine and three-quarter hours).

Lower Extremities.

Coxalgia in the right hip (eighth day).

Coxalgic pain in the left thigh (ninth day).

Rheumatic pain in the right thigh (sixteenth day).

Pain in the thigh near the left knee (6.30 P.M)., (fifth day).

Slight pain in the left knee (seven and a half hours).

Pain in the right knee when walking, and in the left knee when sitting, half an hour after (fortieth day).

Rheumatic pain in the left knee (twelfth day).

Sharp rheumatic pain in the right knee, felt also even in the thigh (1.30 P.M)., (fifth day).

Rheumatic pain in the left knee when getting up in the morning (eighth day).

Pain in the left knee when walking (nineteenth day).

Aching pains in knees, and driving pains in the thighs (second day).

Sharp and lancinating pain in the left knee, felt as far as the thigh (nine and a half hours).

Lancinating pain in the left knee, and when walking pain in the hip-joint (of the same side, 2 P.M., third day).

Rheumatic pains in the legs (thirty-third day).

Sharp pain in the right tibia near the knee; for a quarter of an hour the slightest pressure is unbearable, the pain is as bad as if there were a sore there (6.30P.M)., (second day).

Feeling as if the left ankle were sprained (twenty-fourth day).

Sharp bone-pain near the malleoli of the left foot (sixth day).

Rheumatic pain in the tarsus of the right foot (thirteenth day).

Pain in the tarsus of the left foot (twelfth day).

Transient pain in the left foot (eighth day).

Lancinating pain in the metatarsus of the left foot (fourteenth day).

Rheumatic pains in the fourth and little toes of the left foot (nineteenth day).

His corns are very painful, he cannot bear them to touch the bedclothes (when lying in bed), (forty-first day).

Painful sensation as of a corn on the foot, and appearance of callosity on each foot, on the fourth toe (thirty-eighth day).


Great emaciation since the beginning of the proving (forty- second day).

It seems when walking as if he leaned forward and to the left side (twenty-fifth day).

Pandiculation (thirtieth day).

Felt precisely as if recovering from a long and severe sickness (first day).

Languor and disinclination for work.

Languid and dull all day, both in body and mind (first day).

Painful weariness (fifteenth day).

General debility (fifteenth day).

General debility in the morning (nineteenth day).

Great weakness (ceasing temporarily in the evening), (fourteenth day).

The great debility, which was relieved for a time, returns; the legs can scarcely support the body.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.