
Asarum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

    Common name: Haselwurz.


A. Europaeum, Linn.

Natural order: Aristolochiacae.

Preparation: Tincture of the root and whole plant.


He imagines he is hovering in the air, when walking, like a spirit.

Great cheerfulness (after six and twelve hours), sometimes interrupted for a few moments by a melancholy and gloomy mood.

Weeping, sadness, and anxious feeling.

Melancholy, fretful.

Angry and cross, before cough.

Feels quite stupid in the head; is not disposed to do anything.

As often as he attempts to reflect a little the pains in the head and the nausea increase; he has to abandon his ideas, which cannot be of much use, since he is quite stupid.

Condition of mind as if just falling asleep; gradual vanishing of ideas.

His thoughts are so overstrained that they vanish entirely.

When attempting to perform some intellectual labor, and reflect, his thoughts immediately vanish; there is a drawing pressure in the forehead, and he must at once cease thinking.

Inability to do any kind of work whatever; does not succeed in anything; the mental faculties fail (previous to every vomiting, after which feels somewhat relieved); in general, the mental faculties are deficient during the whole proving.


Confusion; stupid condition of the whole head, with tension in the region of the ears.

Painful tensive confusion of the head.

Confusion of the head, less perceptible when walking than when sitting, with pressure in the eyes, as with a dull point from within outwards, especially below the right eyelid (after a quarter of an hour).

Sensation of vertigo, as though not standing securely (evening, after four days).

Vertigo, as from being slightly intoxicated, when rising from a seat, and walking about (in ten minutes).

Early in the morning, when rising, dizziness in the head, with headache in the left forehead (after twenty-two hours).

Weight and confusion of the head, with pressure on the sagittal suture, as if he were intoxicated (after three hours).

Weight in the head, as if some wabbling body were in it, which presses in the direction the head is turned, forwards or backwards.

Drawing headache, as if it would extend into the temples (at noon); the pain seems to decrease in the open air, and when lying down. (Stupefying) drawing, here and there, in the brain, in the ear, and nape of the neck.

Pressure in the brain, mostly forwards (after three-quarters of an hour).

Pressure over the greater portion of the brain, from without inwards (after two and three-quarter hours).

Pressure in different places in the brain, mingled with various sensations.

Dull headache (after half an hour).

Sensation of a more or less violent pressure in the forehead, from above downwards.

Pressure in the brain, at a place in the forepart of the head, from above downwards, as if from a stone (after a quarter of an hour).

Violent pressure in the forehead, pressing downward upon the eyes, which then water (after two and a half hours).

Violent drawing pressure in the brain below the forehead (increased when retching).

Pressive, dull pain in the forehead, causing a dreary feeling, as after being awaked too early.

Sharp, pressive headache above the root of the nose.

Tearing headache in the forehead for some seconds, after stooping and raising the head again.

Tearing, pulsative pain in the forehead.

Throbbing pain in the forehead, early in the morning when rising (after twenty-four hours).

Stooping excites a throbbing pain in the forehead.

Headache and confusion in the left temple, afterwards below the parietal bones, and lastly in the occiput.

Pressive pain in the temples, especially the left.

Very sensitive compressive headache in the left temple and behind the ears, more violent when walking or shaking the head, less when sitting (after twelve hours).

Tearing, pressive pain in the left temple.

Itching below the left temple, commencing with fine stinging.

Cold feeling on a small place at the left side of the head, a couple of inches above the ear.

When bending the head to the left, pain as if a bundle of muscular fibers had been displaced in consequence of some violent exertion; the pain extends over the left temple, and behind the ear towards the left shoulder, increasing and decreasing synchronously with the pulse.

Pressure in both sides of the head, from within outwards.

Pressure in the left side of the occiput, which moves to the side of the head (after three minutes).

He feels the pulsations of the arteries in the occiput, afterwards in the whole of the body.

Tension of the whole scalp, making the hair feel painful.


Warm feeling and slight pressure in the eyes; they have lost a good deal of their lustre, and look weaker.

Painful feeling of dryness in the interior of the eye.

Feeling of dryness and a drawing in the eyes.

Pressure in the left eye.

As soon as he reads, sensation in each eye as if pressed asunder.

Pulse-like, tearing pain in the interior of the left eye (after one and a half hours).

Slight swelling of the upper left eyelid, cannot endure much reading.

Dry burning in the eyelids and the inner canthi, especially in the left eye.

Twitching of the lower right eyelid.

Cold feeling in the outer canthus of the right eye, as if caused by a cold breath.

Sensation of twitching in the left upper eyelid, from within outwards, in paroxysms; it occurs only when holding the eyelid still; as soon as he raises the lid to look at something, the twitching disappears (after nine hours).

Crawling under the upper lid, especially of the left eye.

Obscuration of vision (after quarter of an hour).

He does not perceive the objects which surround him.


The whole external right ear is hot to the touch; this symptom frequently returns during the whole proving.

Warm feeling in region of the right external meatus auditorius, with sensation as if a thin membrane were stretched across it (after half an hour).

Sensation in the left ear, both on the outer and inner side, as if the cartilages of the ear drew towards each other.

Both ears feel stopped in front.

Sensation in the outer meatus auditorius as if narrower.

The sensation of tension and pressure on the right meatus auditorius almost always remains the same, and afterwards extends to the left lower jaw, accompanied, when violent, with an increased secretion of apparently cold saliva from the right side (after half an hour).

Continued pain owing to pressive tension in the region of the meatus auditorius.

Sensation as if a membrane were stretched across the right meatus auditorius externus; tensive pressure in it, uninterruptedly, for seven days; worse during cold weather.

He imagines a membrane is stretched across the meatus auditorius, with a sensation as if it were compressed (after quarter of an hour).

He imagines a membrane is stretched across the right meatus auditorius (immediately).

Pressure behind and below the left ear.

Twinging sensation in both the external and internal ear.

He hears worse with the right ear than with the left (after one hour).

Dull roaring in the left ear, resembling the distant roaring of the wind; shrill singing in the right ear.

Diminished hearing of the left ear, as if closed with the hand; it feels as if the walls of the meatus were nearer one another, or as if the ears were stopped with cotton.


Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose.

Dry coryza; the left nostril stopped up.

Tingling in the nose, as if caused by the copper pole of the galvanic battery, causing a sneezing after many unsuccessful attempts, and a discharge of a clear fluid.


Warm feeling in the cheeks (after ten hours).

Warm feeling in the left cheek (after four hours).

Contractive pain of the left cheek, accompanied by gentle thrusts, as with a pointed instrument, and drawing pains in the third molar tooth.

Fine stinging of the right cheek.

Burning stinging pain in the left cheek.

Dryness of the inner side of lower lip.

Cutting cramp pain in the articulation of the lower jaw.


Cold feeling in the upper incisors, as from a cool breath.

Sensation in left row of teeth, as if hollow.

Tongue coated white (after twenty-six hours).

Burning sensation across the middle of the tongue; afterwards, burning and dryness in the whole mouth (after twenty minutes).

Smarting sensation on the tongue and gums.

Frequent contractive sensation in the mouth, producing an accumulation of watery saliva.

Accumulation of much cool saliva in the mouth.

The saliva in the mouth appears to be quite tenacious (after twenty-four hours).

The saliva in the mouth was burning hot when discharging it (after half an hour).

Sensation as if the breath and saliva were hot, without, however, the mouth feeling dry.

Mucus in the mouth, with a sweetish, insipid taste.

Taste in the mouth as of a foul stomach.

Bread tastes bitter.

Bread, eaten without butter, tastes bitter (in the evening).

When smoking, tobacco tastes bitter.

Smoking tobacco gives him no pleasure.


Tough mucus in the throat, which he is unable to hawk up, for eight days.

Dryness of the throat, with stinging.

Inspiration irritates the throat and excites a cough.

Scraping in the throat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.