
With constriction of the throat, pressure in the chest (sixty-three hours).

Drawing along down the left side of the throat, on motion (first day).

Spasms in the oesophagus.

Spasms of the oesophagus, like that of hysteria.

Hysteric rising in the oesophagus.

Sensations as if the peristaltic motion were reversed, and, in the oesophagus, were being driven from the stomach up towards the throat.

Aching and burning in the oesophagus and throat, resembling heartburn, like that after eating too much fatty food.


Appetite increased.

Hunger with nausea.

Hunger, with desire for strong cooling food.

Loss of appetite.

Appetite poor.

Aversion to beer, it tastes slimy (first day).

Constant eructations of air having the taste of garlic.

Frequent eructations tasting of the drug.


Frequent offensive eructations.

Eructations followed by nausea and disgust for food.

Frequent garlic-like eructations.

Frequent eructations with the garlicky smell of the remedy.


Frequent eructations.

Eructations with profuse accumulations of saliva.

Disgust and nausea.


Distension of the stomach and bowels, with a feeling as if the peristaltic motions were reversed, with much spasmodic working in the oesophagus.

Pain in left side of the stomach.

Increased warmth and aching in the stomach, toward the left side, not at all to the right, but more up into the oesophagus, like the globus hystericus.

Continuous and acute pain in the stomach.

Stomachache in alternating exacerbations and remissions.

Stomachache in intermittent paroxysms.

Aching and distending pain as if from flatulence in the stomach and oesophagus, extending more toward the spleen than the liver.

Feeling as if the stomach had been disordered by indigestible fatty food.

Intermittent pains in the stomach and abdomen.

Burning in the stomach and diaphragm.

Burning in the stomach.

Aching in the stomach.

Sickly sensation in the pit of the stomach, like pressure, not exactly painful.

Aching and drawing pain in the stomach, extending first toward the spleen, and afterward in the direction of the liver, increased on full inspiration.

Perceptible pulsation in the pit of the stomach (first day).

Pulsation in the pit of the stomach, even perceptible to the finger (second day).

Violent pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, extending towards the liver-region, when sitting (first day).

Pressure in the epigastric region shortly after eating (first day).

Pressure in the epigastric region, with great dejection after eating (second day).


Griping (into a ball) pain below the navel when standing (first day).

Pressive pain at the navel, extending outward (twenty-one hours).

Burning sticking in the umbilicus (twenty-nine hours).

Crawling sticking in the umbilical region (four hours).

Fine pointed stitches in the navel (two and a half hours).

In the flanks a pressive pain on drawing in the abdominal muscles (first day).

Abdomen distended.

Great distension of the abdomen.

All the symptoms disappeared in the evening except the distension of the abdomen.

Great distension of the abdomen, notwithstanding frequent discharges of flatus.

Remarkable distension of the abdomen, somewhat after a hard, dark, very pungent and offensive stool, causing pain in rectum.

Rumbling in the bowels.

Violent rumbling in the bowels.

Rumbling in the intestines (eleven hours).

Painless rumbling in the intestines (one and a half hours).

Bellyache, with violent movements and rumbling in the bowels.

Discharge of flatulence.

Increased passage of flatus.

Easy, sometimes almost or quite involuntary passage or flatus, which is scarcely noticed.

Many expulsions of offensive flatulence.

Much very offensive flatulence, with retained stool.

Much retained flatulence, which only passed off the following morning, with a half-diarrhoeic evacuation.

Relief from time to time, by discharge of offensive flatus.

Sensation of the greatest illness in the whole abdomen, with great heaviness and pressure in the sides (second day).

Pain in the upper abdomen, as from taking cold, and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with a kind of ravenous hunger (second day).

Drinking disagrees, causes immediate heaviness, and chilling sensation in the intestines (first day).

Burning in abdomen.

Flatulent pain in abdomen when walking after dinner (first day).

Tension in the abdomen, after eating, as if he had overfeed (second day).

Pinching in the intestines (six hours).

Gripings with flatulence (one hour).

Intermitting griping in the upper abdomen.

Violent cutting pains in the bowels.

Cutting pinching in the intestines (twenty-three hours).

Cutting in the abdomen when walking or sitting.

Sticking gripings in the left side of abdomen (twelve hours).

Violent colic pains, with rumbling in the bowels.

Pinching drawing across the abdomen, when sitting, with dull stitches in the left side of the abdomen, extending outwards (second day).

In the morning, sensation in the epigastric region, and in the whole abdomen, as if it were all beaten, with sense of fullness in the former, and eructations (second day).

Itching in the skin of the abdomen, below the navel (five hours).

Stitches extending from within outward, in both sides of the abdomen, while sitting, after eating; disappears on pressure (second day).

Sticking from within outward in left side of abdomen (seventy hours).

Sudden, jerklike, violent stitch from the right side, of the abdomen from within outward, toward the parietes (first day).

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when walking (first day).

Pointed stitches in the left side of the abdomen, externally, which go away completely on rubbing (three and a half hours).

Clucking stitch in the left side of the abdomen, extending outwards, with flatulence (sixty-two hours).

Attacks of slight griping in the lower abdomen (half an hour).

Labor-like cutting and forcing pains in the lower part of the bowels, in the region of the uterus.

On the left side of the lower abdomen, violent sticking and drawing, which extends along the inner side of the ilium, when sitting (second day).

Violent stitch in the lower abdomen (two and a half hours).

Itching sticking in the skin of the right side of the lower abdomen (five hours).

Stool and Anus.


Pain in the perineum, as though something dull pressed out there (first day).

Constant dysenteric feeling, as if a stool would take place.

Persistent but fruitless urging to stool.

Fruitless urging to stool.

Frequent urging to stool.

More frequent stools than usual in twenty-four hours.

Causes diarrhoea.

Watery stools.

Mushy stools, with much flatulence, without pain, but with feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen.

Small, partly hard, with partly mushy stools.

Profuse, thick, papescent, brown, and very offensive stool.

Very solid, dark-brown, nauseously offensive stool.

Hard, dark, offensive stool.

Fluid stools, with violent pressing down on the rectum.

Thick, papescent stools, light yellow.

Symptoms relieved after a blackish-brown, very thick, papescent, and exceedingly offensive stool.

Watery stools, without bellyache, but with profuse discharge of flatulence, which did not remove the great distension of the abdomen.

Diarrhoea, with pains in the bowels (two and a half hours).

Diarrhoea, two to three times daily, with bellyache, for three days.

Diarrhoea, three to four times daily, for four days in succession, with bellyache.

Flatulence with diarrhoea (five hours).

Two stools without pain, but some rumbling, and leaving heaviness and distension of the abdomen behind.


Constipation with almost constant tenesmus.

Constipation for two days, then a difficult hard stool.

Constipation and much tenesmus, with distension of the abdomen.

Urinary Organs.

Severe slight stitches in the urethra.

Stitching and burning in the urethra, but not when urinating.

The urine is smaller in quantity and darker.

The urine smells strongly of the drug.

Urine acrid and pungent, though lighter colored. Urine brownish yellow.

Urine brownish-yellow.

Urine brownish-yellow, ammoniacal, but without sediment.

Urine dark, and ammoniacal.

Easy discharge of dark-brown urine, which deposited no sediment, but which smelled very strong and pungent.

Sexual Organs.

Peculiar pressing toward the genital organs, with pains in, and tenderness of, the testicles.

Drawing in the glans penis while urinating.

The drawing pain in the glans penis alternately disappeared and returned.

Pointed stitches close to the penis in the mons veneris (second hour).

Needle-like stitches, externally, on the penis (sixtieth hour).

Swelling of the scrotum.

Increase of sexual inclination for several hours.

Swelling of the female genitals (so great, that antiphlogistic remedies had to be used).

Nymphomania in a plethoric woman (from large doses).

Violent laborlike pains in the region of the uterus, intermitting.

Menses ten days too soon, scanty for three days, then became natural.

Respiratory Apparatus.

So smothered in the air-passages that he must back repeatedly; the tone of the hacking cough is not clear, but hoarse (from smelling the strong tincture).

Dry irritative cough, excited by tickling in the larynx.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.