Argentum Metallicum

His speech is impeded on account of much viscid saliva accumulating in his mouth.


The region of the submaxillary gland is swollen; this makes the neck stiff, and produces a tension in the parts when moved; deglutition at the same time is difficult, as if there were internal swelling of the throat he is obliged to force every mouthful of food down his throat (after forty-eight hours).

Violent pulsation of the carotids, especially on the left side (4th dil).

Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat, which can be easily hawked up; early in the morning.

Slight drawing, hardly sensitive, pains in the left parotid gland (4th dil).

Drawing pain in the right submaxillary and parotid glands (1st trit).

When masticating, sense of cutting towards the parotid gland, as after taking something very acid; it seems to be felt in the Eustachian tube.

Boring and grinding pain in the throat.

Roughness and rawness of the throat, continuing the whole day.

His throat feels raw and sore.

Soreness and rawness in the throat, during expiration and deglutition.

When coughing, raw and sore in the throat, not in the windpipe; nor when swallowing.

Sense as of scraping in the velum pendulum palati, as if a rough body were glued to it; it was not a painful, but a disagreeable sensation, and was more felt during empty deglutition than when swallowing a morsel, but it was felt constantly, and forced him to swallow the saliva; in a few hours this feeling descends deeper into the throat.

When yawning, painful tension in the fauces, as from swelling.

Itching crawling in the pharyngeal orifice of the right Eustachian tube, which extends to the tympanum, followed by the same in the left ear (2WD trit). Feeling of nausea in the throat, followed immediately by heat all over, mostly about the head, with redness of the face, without thirst (after half an hour).


Very great appetite (after forty hours).

Excessive appetite, continues even when the stomach feels full.

Sensation of hunger (4th dil).

Excessive, almost painful sensation of hunger in the stomach, recurring in paroxysms (5th dil)..

Excessive, gnawing hunger the whole day, which cannot be satisfied by eating; afterwards, for several days, this hunger could only be allayed for a short time by eating.

Sensation of hunger, as from great emptiness in the stomach, mornings (4th dil)..

Hunger, morning after waking (1st trit)..

During the afternoon nap, a sensation of hunger, with attacks of nausea (3D trit)..

Sensation of hunger in the stomach (an hour after taking it), with slight nausea (6th dil)..

Sense of hunger, with drawing-in if the stomach, through the day (3D trit)..

Sensation of hunger with nausea, (painless) contraction of the pharynx, and inclination to swallow the saliva (lasts several minutes), (3D trit).

Sensation of hunger, forenoons, with nausea as from emptiness in the stomach, and scraping irritation in the bronchial tubes, causing a dry cough (2D trit)..

Appetite entirely gone; he loathes food when merely thinking of it. Woke at 7.30 A.M., with hunger and great weakness in the shoulders (6th dil).

Indifference to food; he is satiated immediately.

No appetite, early in the morning.

(Great desire for wine).

Sensation like heartburn (after one and a half hours).

Hiccough, when smoking tobacco as usual (after one and a quarter hours).

Almost continual qualmishness and nausea.

Retching, by which a bitter, acrid, badly smelling liquid is brought up from the stomach into the mouth, leaving behind a continual sense of rawness, roughness, and burning in the throat (heartburn), (after eight hours).

Two vomitings in the afternoon, during stool.

Pinching, transversely, across the stomach, and in the left hypochondrium.

When standing or reading, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, a sense as a dull compression of the brain from all sides, and an approaching vertigo, with nausea, and inclination to vomit, in the region of the sternum, as after turning quickly round in a circle; at the same time, a sudden heat in the whole body, but more in the face, and momentary sweat on the chest and in the face.

Pressure at the pit of the stomach.


A transient stitch within the abdomen, between the right hypochondrium and the epigastrium, followed by hunger and loud rumbling in the bowels (3D trit).

Sharp stitches, from within outwards, in the abdominal muscles, near the last true rib; they terminate in a fine pinching, and abate little by rubbing (after sixty hours).

Bruised pain in the flank, over the left hip, and on the whole left side of the pelvis (2WD trit)..

(With uterine weakness).

Distension and fullness in the upper abdomen, with a hungry feeling (5th dil)..

At night, a pressive, painful distension of the abdomen; it passed off without emission of flatulence.

Tympanic distension of the whole right side of the bowels, with bruised pain on hard pressure; slowly disappears after passage of wind (4th dil)..

Rumbling and fermenting in the bowels, as though fluid were poured from one intestine into another (4th dil)..

Rumbling in the abdomen during the night, and emission of flatulence.

Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen, like the croaking of frogs (after three-quarters of an hour).

In the morning, sense of burning, like heartburn, in the abdomen, stomach, and as far as the chest.

Contractive pain in the belly, after the morning stool; it seems owing to a cold, when sitting.

Contraction and tension of the abdominal muscles, when walking, so that he has to walk stooping.

Bellyache, as in diarrhoea.

Cutting, internally, transversely across the abdomen A painful drawing, frequently through the day, on the posterior portion of the pelvis, left side, externally during rest (4th dil).

Pain, as if sprained, on the posterior surface of the outer rim, left side of the pelvis (at the gluteus maximus), renewed at every step, afternoons, after a long walk (second day), (4th dil)..

Drawing stinging pain in the right side of the pelvis, toward the back part, during rest (2D trit). Boring pain on the right side of the hypogastrium, just over the groin (after thirty-four hour).

After beginning to eat, an excessive pressure extending from the hypogastrium downwards, towards the pubis region; worse during an inspiration, and alleviated by rising from one’s seat.

Painful urging in the hypogastrium, during a soft evacuation.

A momentary, violent stitch from before backward, in the hypogastrium (4th dil)..

Cutting stitches on both sides, in the region of the abdominal ring (after three and a half hours).

A painful, though transient in the left iliac region, along the course of the psoas muscle, noticed when walking, and at rest (6th dil)..

A drawing tensive pain, in the right inguinal region, along the psoas muscle, disappeared in rest (5th dil)..

Sensation in the bend of the left groin as if the tendon of the psoas muscle were strained; on pressure, it feels painful, as if bruised.

Tension and drawing in the groin, below the abdominal ring, extending to the left thigh.

Stool and Anus.

A sensation in the rectum as though a living worm were boring through the anus, and by its windings rubbed around the rectum; lasted ten minutes; returned while sitting and standing after a meal (4th dil).

Frequent and always successful desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of a small quantity of soft stool, continuing for several days (after two and a half hours).

Sensation as though a small worm forced its way through the sphincter ani (3D trit).. A feeling as if many small, living thread worms hung out of the anus, which on stooping caused an itching, but no need to scratch (4th dil)..

Feeling in the anus as though small, longish bubbles if air were escaping.

A severe itching in the anus and along the fossa between the nates, causing scratching, at 8 P. m., walking; lasts five minutes (4th dil)..

Stool after dinner very dry, and like sand, but passed without trouble (after eight hours).

A brownish-yellow, pasty, almost diarrhoeic evacuation, with ineffectual pressure at the end of the stool (2D trit).

Pasty stool (one-quarter of an hour), (4th dil)..

Three pasty stools during the day, the last one almost diarrhoeic, preceded by pinching and urging (4th dil)..

Straining in the hypogastrium during a rather soft evacuation, and even afterwards (after seventy-two hours).

More force than usual required to evacuate the bowels (6th dil)..

It occasioned effort to finish a stool or passage of urine, so that the back part of the pelvis, especially the left side, sometimes pained as if sprained (5th dil)..

Stool hard, insufficient, with straining (3D trit).

Urinary Organs.

Slight burning when urinating, as though the urine were acrid (though it was normal), (3D trit)..

A transient stitch in the urethra from behind forwards (4th dil)..

Frequent desire to urinate, and copious emission of urine, for several hours (after two hours).

Frequent micturition (after six hours).

Sexual Organs.

A painful, transient drawing through the right inguinal ring down to the testicles, at 4 P.M. during rest, with a pasty stool (4th dil)..

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.