Argentum Metallicum

Argentum Metallicum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Metallic silver.

Preparation: the pure precipitated metal for trituration (Hahnemann used the leaf silver).


He is all the time in a kind of intoxication; he knows not how to define it.

Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk the whole day (after three hours), (reaction).

When pleased, excessively merry, but cries a long time about a trifle.



Confusion of the head at 10 A.M. (3D trit)..

Head cloudy, as if benumbed (1st trit)..

Sense of obscuration in the head, as if there were smoke in the brain.

Dulness in the head.

The head feels dull and hollow; his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness.

Dizzy stupefaction of the head (1st trit)..

He began to feel a tingling and turning in his head, as if he were tipsy.

He felt suddenly giddy, and as if a mist before his eyes.

Attacks of vertigo; he cannot well control his senses; also, when sitting or reflecting (after half an hour).

Very dizzy on coming in from a walk, with slight shivering through the skin (1st trit)..

Stinging burning pain in the head.

Slight pressure on the head causes a feeling of soreness.

Violent shooting and tearing pain in the head. (Early in the morning, stitching headache, with redness of one eye).

Pressive headache in the forehead, over the eyebrows (after two hours).

Pressing pain in the forehead, with stupor, and drawing pressure in the occiput.

Intermittent boring pain in the left side of the forehead the whole day; the pain increases in the evening, after lying down (after seven hours) A transient pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending obliquely to the right temporal region (5th dil.), Drawing pains in right frontal eminence (1st trit)..

A transient tearing pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending toward the right temple (5th dil)..

Drawing pain in the left frontal eminence (3D trit)..

A short painful drawing in the left frontal eminence (6th dil)..

Pressive tearing in the left frontal eminence (after six hours).

Pressive tearing under the left frontal eminence; the globe of the eye feeling, at the same time, compressed.

Pressive pain in the temporal bones, externally.

Pressive tearing pain in the region of the right and left temporal bone, increased by contact.

Spasmodic twitching and subsultus of the right temporal muscle, the occipitofrontalis muscle of the right side, the muscles on the side of the neck near the cricoid cartilage, and towards the nape of the neck; this subsultus repelled the hand, and was accompanied by a quivering pain.

Pinching pressure in the right temple, with sharp rhythmical stitches from without inwards (after five days).

Painful drawing in the left temple (4th dil). A short drawing pain in the left temple (3D trit)..

Painful drawing in the left temple when sitting (3D trit).

Excessive pain in the left temple, both pressive and drawing (after five hours).

Tearing in the left temple.

Tearing, apparently in the left temporal bone and over the left mastoid process.

Pressive pain in the parietal bones, externally.

Drawing throbbing headache deep in the right half of the brain, during rest (2s trit)..

Drawing deep in the right half of the brain, which gradually increased to violent tearings, and extends toward the forehead and occiput; evenings, in bed (4th dil)..

Sensation in the head both of pressure and trembling, over the right ear, extends backward (after four hours).

Drawing pain from the occipital bone as far as the middle of the frontal bone, obliquely across the right temporal bone, externally.

A left-side headache, as if in the brain-substance, at first only slight drawing, but gradually becoming more violent and tearing, and at its culmination was raging as though a nerve were being torn into; this lasted twenty-five to thirty seconds, and ended suddenly at its greatest severity, at 8 P.M., when going across the room (5th dil).

Pressive pain in the left parietal bone, externally.

Cutting stitches, apparently in the skull or on the surface of the brain, close in front of the left ear; forwards.

Painful drawing in the left occipital region, between the protuberance and the mastoid process (2d trit). Slight thrill of shivering over the right side of the scalp.


(The upper and lower eyelids are very red and thick; the eyes, however, do not suppurate).

A single violent vertical stitch through the skin and cartilage of the left upper lid (afternoon), (5th dil)..

Frequent fine stitches, with itching, which provokes scratching, in the left canthi, and the itching also often in the skin of the left ear (6th dil)..

Frequent sticking in the canthi (3D trit). A short but severe sticking in the left internal canthus, as if with a coarse needle, at 3 P.M. (5th dil). Violent itching in the corners of the eyes.


Increased warmth in the concha of the left ear, and itching which provokes scratching (6th dil)..

In the folds of the external ear, a sensation as if a many- footed insect were crawling, without itching (4th dil)..

Violent itching of the external ear; he scratches until the parts bled.

A passive tearing over the left ear, in a small place (after twelve hours).

Repeated violent stitches in the fossa behind the right lobule, penetrating into the head (3D trit)..

A drawing pain from the fossa behind the right lobule as far as the skin of the cheek, extending down to the lower jaw, as if the pain were in the periosteum.

Two successive unusually severe stitches in the fossa behind the lobule or the left ear, from without inward (4th dil)..

Frequent itching in the folds of the concha; it causes scratching, which was always followed by a burning sore pain, afternoons till evenings (6th dil). A corroding itching in the fossa of the right auricle, causes scratching (3D trit)..

A painful drawing in the fossa behind the right lobule, close to the cartilage, extending downward in a crescent form, during rest (2D trit)..

A sensitive drawing in the fossa, just behind the lobule of the left ear, recurring at short intervals (6th dil). (repeated the next day).

Corrosive itching of the lobules of both ears, early in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours).

Itching on the inner surface of the lobule of the left ear, causes scratching (1st trit)..

Sensation in the right ear as if it were stopped up.

Painful drawing within the left ear (3D trit)..

Cutting stitches from the left internal ear as far as the brain.


The nose is obstructed, in the forepart of both nostrils; sensation as of biting in the left nostril.

Fluent coryza; the nose is constantly full of mucus.

Violent fluent coryza, without sneezing (after ten hours).

Excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, for two days.

When blowing the nose, violent bleeding (immediately after dinner, and again in three hours).

Irritation in the nose, as if a cold would come on (after one hour).

A throbbing in the left nostril (fore part), tension in the external skin of the nose as though the nasal were compressed, with tickling pricking in the left nostril, that occasioned several violent sneezings (4th dil). Tingling and itching in the nose, followed by bleeding.


Sensation of heat, without redness in the face (1st trit)..

Fine drawing pain in the muscles of the face, especially in the region of the cheek-bones.

Perceptible throbbing over the whole of the left cheek, as though the muscles would be raised from the mucous membrane, with a feeling as though the left cheek were larger, with a slight chilly burning in the skin, and redness of both cheeks; lasts six to eight minutes (4th dil)..

Painful, gnawing pressure on the bones of the right side of the face; most severe on the zygoma (after one hour).

Fine, painful stitches in the right malar bone.

Drawing tearing in the right zygoma, Tearing in the left zygoma.

Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose.

Cutting stitches under the right half of the lower jaw, apparently in the gland, from without inwards.


The lower row of teeth sticks to the upper, as though the enamel were covered with a sticky cement (3D trit). A sensitive aching in the last hollow lower left molars (3d trit). A feeling as though the enamel of the teeth was covered with a sticky cement (2WD trit)..

An incisor tooth being pressed forward was painful (after five hours).

The gums are painful, especially when touched.

A little blister on the tongue, sore and burning.

Feeling of dryness of the tongue, which however, is moist.

Dryness of the tongue, and hard palate (6th dil). Dryness of the middle of the tongue and hard palate (5th dil). A burning on the tip of the tongue, as though he had chewed some aromatic substance, afternoon (3D trit)..

Dryness of the mouth and tongue (quarter of an hour), (4th dil).

Great dryness of the mouth (quarter of an hour), (4th dil).

Dryness in the mouth (1st trit. and 4th dil)..

Dry sensation in the mouth (quarter of an hour), (5th dil).

Sticky, tough saliva on the palate (causes scratching).

The saliva accumulates in his mouth, with a shaking chill.

Much flow of saliva during the afternoon nap, causing spitting; with so much dryness of the mouth that the tongue stuck to the palate (for ten minutes), (4th dil)..

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.