Antimonium Crudum

(* Not mentioned by James in his treatise on the fever powders. *) The mouth smells as in ptyalism from mercury.

Fine pinching on the palate the whole night, especially painful during deglutition; early in the morning the symptom disappeared only after hawking up the phlegm, which had collected on the sides of the palate during the night, except a feeling of roughness which remained.


Much viscid phlegm collects in the throat the whole day.

He is obliged the whole day to draw a quantity of thick yellowish mucus from the posterior nares into the throat, and expectorate it (ninth day).

Clearing the throat and hawking when walking in the open air.

A foreign body seems to hang in the throat; he tries in vain to swallow or expel it.

Early in the morning, roughness and dryness in the throat (sixth day).

Sore throat on the left side, as from a swelling or a plug.

Sensation as of scraping on the velum palati, as if much phlegm were upon it, which could only be expelled after clearing the throat for a long time; often it was not expelled at all, for several days (seventh day).

Impeded deglutition.


Strong sense of hunger in the region of the stomach, early on waking, without appetite; eating does not remove the symptom; at the same time disagreeable sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and want of animal heat, for two days (after fourth week).

Want of appetite.

Complete loss of appetite.

Appetite extremely little.

Immense thirst.

Thirst in the evening, and desire to drink.

Much thirst at night (after sixth day).

Drinks much only at night.

Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips.

Goat’s milk refreshes him agreeably.

Loud eructations (after one-quarter of an hour and one hour and a half).

Eructations having a raw taste.

Bitter eructations like bile (after three hours).

Gulping up of fluid, tasting of the ingesta, in the afternoon (second and third days).

Hiccough (after one hour).

Frequent hiccough when smoking tobacco (after ten hours and a half).

Violent nausea.

Nausea after drinking a glass of wine.

Nausea, with vertigo.

Nausea and vomiting.

Terrible vomiting, which nothing can stop.

Vomiting of mucus and bile.

Violent vomiting, with attacks of anxiety.

Fearful vomiting, with convulsions.

Violent vomiting and diarrhoea.

Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, with excessive anguish.

Fullness and inflation after dinner; often alternates with lightness, cheerfulness, and activity of both mind and body.

Pain at the stomach, as from excessive fullness, without, however, any fullness, and accompanied by appetite.

Pain at the stomach, as after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen (after three days).

Cramp of the stomach.

Cramplike pains at the stomach.

Cramp of the stomach, in several persons, during the whole of their lives.

Transient pinching in the region of the stomach.

Feeling of tightness below the stomach, with empty eructations.

Pressure at the stomach, which is more like a dull cutting, especially when drawing in the abdomen.

Pressure at the stomach early in the morning, with thirst (twentieth day).

Several attacks of cutting pain in the region of the stomach.

Painful feeling in the stomach, when pressing upon it.

Burning at the pit of the of the stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite.

Burning, spasmodic pain, at the pit of the stomach, in attacks of half an hour, which drove him to despair and to the resolution of drowning himself.

Pinching pains on the right side, over and by the side of the pit of the stomach.


Slight tension in the hypochondria.

Pinching pain on the left side of the navel.

Distended, big abdomen.

Abdomen very much distended; this causes a pain as from internal pressure.

Great inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal.

(Hernia). (* “Hernia ventriculi, after violent vomiting.”* ) Loud rumblings in the abdomen (after one hour and a half).

Slight rumbling in the abdomen, as when bubbles of air arise in the water.

Loud rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness, in the forenoon (after three hours).

Much rumbling flatus, bursting forth immediately after a meal; some smells badly; some before it passes moves downwards and meets other flatus, especially in the right side (ninth day).

Inconsiderable flatus passed off, with a sensation as of pressing asunder, as if a copious expulsion of faeces would take place (after five hours and a half).

Much flatus immediately after dinner; it moves about audibly, especially in the right side of the abdomen, some being expelled (after six hours).

Sensation of emptiness in the intestines, going off after a meal.

Sensation in the intestines as after a violent diarrhoea; the symptom is transitory but exhausting.

The most intolerable pain in every part of the abdomen.

Pinching at a small place on the left side of the abdomen, low down, like the beat of the pulse, in the afternoon (third day).

Pinching in the abdomen, especially on the right side, towards the back, beginning suddenly in the evening, and increased by motion (after three weeks).

Violent cutting in the abdomen (twenty-second day).

Cutting in the abdomen, with a feeling of nausea there, and accumulation on the tongue.

Cutting in the abdomen the whole day, with a feeling of oppression coming from the stomach, indisposition to work, dry humor, and pain at the stomach on eructations.

Sudden, compressive colic, with gulping up of water.

The symptoms in the abdomen recommence again, all of them (after two weeks and a half).

Hard gland in the left groin painful to pressure; the gland appears to lie over Poupart’s ligament, and to run parallel to


Pain as from swelling in the cartilage, or the periosteum, of the upper portion of the crest of the ilium.

Pain in the groins, as from swelling, felt on pressure; the place felt hard, as from swollen glands.

Anus and Stool.

The varices of the rectum protruded more than usual (eleventh day).

Protrusion of the rectum during stool, for some time.

Discharge of mucus from the rectum, with emission of flatulence.

Expulsion of black blood by the rectum.

Continual discharge of blood and solid portions of the intestines by the rectum. (* Not found. *) Pain in the rectum during stool: feeling of soreness; as if an ulcer had been torn open.

Frequent tenesmus, although little urine is passed (after five days).

Sharp itching in the rectum (seventh day).

Burning, itching, and smarting in the anus at night (after three days).

Drawing pain in the anus.

Crawling and burning of the haemorrhoids, in the evening when in bed till falling asleep (after eleven days and after five weeks).

Itching of the anus.

Severe, urgent desire for stool after dinner, and quick expulsion of ordinary faeces, with straining (four days).

Disposition to diarrhoea, which, however, does not take place.

Diarrhoea at night and early in the morning; every time, however, only one evacuation.

Pappy, frequent stool (after one hour and a half).

Very difficult, hard stool.

Difficult expulsion of hard stool, without previous straining (after eleven hours).

Difficult evacuation of hard stools, with previous pressing in the rectum, two minutes (after twelve hours).

The stools, which had previously been very consistent, now become very thin.

Very thin stools after taking vinegar, with pain in the rectum during stool.

Very liquid stools.

Hard stool early in the morning.

Hard stool in the evening, with violent pressing in the rectum, and cutting in the abdomen.

Stool, first natural, then several small, loose evacuations, then as small but hard evacuations, with violent straining in the rectum and anus until all are passed.

Constipation for three days.

Urinary Organs.

Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night.

Sensation of painful contraction at the bottom of the canal (neck of the bladder).

Burning in the urethra.

Constant urging to urinate, with extreme dysuria.

Desire to urinate, frequent and violent; expelling much urine every time (after one, two hours and a half).

Expels the urine but rarely.

Frequent micturition.

Long continuing, frequent micturition, little urine being expelled in great haste (eighteenth day).

Frequent urination, with intense burning in urethra during emission.

Frequent micturition, with discharge of a small quantity of watery urine (fourth day).

Copious micturition at night, three times.

Copious and frequent micturition (in a dog).

At night he passes a small quantity of urine, in an intermitting stream, with painful erections.

Gold-yellow, thin urine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud.

Brown-red urine.

Dark-colored, frequent urine (after seven hours).

Small, red corpuscles in the urine after having stood twenty four hours.

Sexual Organs.

Erections (after six hours).

Burning at the glans penis.

Fine itchings of the penis (after fourteen hours).

Violent itching of the extremity of the glans.

Biting-itching, as from salt, of the left side of the scrotum, frequent, lasting fourteen days (after fourteen days).

Continual drawing in the spermatic cord, while there was a boil at the perineum; the pain was most violent when standing, and became less when stooping.

Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness in the whole body, which prevents him from sitting long (after six hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.