Amyl Nitrit

Amyl Nitrit homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Formula, C5H11NO2.

Preparation for use, Dilution with alcohol.


Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air.

The throbbing in the head, and bursting-out feeling in the ears, and constriction of throat and heart, made me think I had taken too much, and from actual fright I ran to the window to breathe the fresh air.

Complete obliviousness of recent conversation (in a few minutes).


Confusion of head.

After the throbbing and fullness of the head had passed away, it was followed by a confused, weak feeling and a weight in top of head, as though it would be crushed in.

Vertigo (rarely).

Vertigo (in three minutes).

Slight vertigo (in a few seconds).

Giddiness (now and then).

Slight dizziness in the head (in two minutes).

Head seemed to swim around (in a second or two).

Feeling of intoxication.

Girls who have inhaled it have often complained that it gave them a headache.

Heat and throbbing in head.

Feeling of intense fullness in the head (immediately).

Full, confused feeling in head, mostly frontal; then a beating, throbbing, and bursting sensation.

Heavy aching all through the head (in two minutes).

After all experiments, a dull aching remained in the head for more than thirty or forty minutes.

Frontal humming.

Slight perspiration over the forehead (immediately).

Perspiration broke out on forehead.

Bursting in the forehead (in three minutes).

Throbbing in temples; visible pulsating.

Could feel the temporal arteries throb distinctly.

Sense of tension in temples.

Vertical humming (in twenty-five second).

Sensation of something rushing upwards and throbbing in vertex.

Constriction, as if each parietal region was pressed in.

Dull throbbing in sides and back of head.

Throbbing in the occiput.

After the weak feeling passed off, the arteries seemed to be numb along their course.


Under ophthalmoscope, the arteries of the optic disk were found small, while the veins were dilated and varicose.

Under ophthalmoscope, the veins of the disk were seen to become enlarged, varicose, and tortuous; the arteries small, but not abnormally so (from 5 minims).

Dull heaviness over eyebrows.

Conjunctive bloodshot (in two minutes).

Dilated pupils.

Sight very hazy (in fifty seconds).

In full doses of 8 or 10 drops, the sight becomes impaired slightly, and the outline of objects hazy and indistinct.

Primrose halo, even with the eyes closed and shaded.

Objects begin to look yellow.

Protruding, staring eyes.


Burning of the ears.

Much throbbing in ears (in two minutes).

Ears begin to throb (in a second or two).

Beating behind ears.

Sensation of a piston working up and down in the ears (in thirty seconds).

Bursting sensation in ears, as though the membrana tympani of each ear would be forced out with each beat of the heart.


Pressure over root of nose.


Face scarlet (immediately).

Deep facial flush (in twenty-five seconds).

Flushing of the face (in thirty to forty seconds).

Face much flushed.

A bright florid flush spread over his face (in a few seconds).

Flushing of the face, followed by turgidity of the facial veins.

The flushing of the face did not commonly appear till from fifteen to thirty seconds after the commencement of the inhalation.

Intense surging of blood to face and head.

Face, at first intensely red, after the effects began to pass off became very pale.

Face at first very red; a few minutes after, pale,.

Face became intensely red and hot; this came up and subsided like a wave; on passing off, the face, became paler than usual.

Heat and redness of face.

Great heat and redness of face, with sensation as though the blood would start through the skin, with lachrymation.

Warmth of face.


Choking feeling in throat, on each side of the trachea, along the carotids; feeling of constriction.

The collar seemed too tight, with desire to loosen it.

Tickling in throat.



Slight nausea.

Slight uncomfortable feeling in stomach.

Constriction and pressure over praecordial region, as though he wants to rub it.

Respiratory Apparatus.

The feeling of constriction in throat extended to chest, and produced dyspnoea and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea, with desire to eructate.

Peculiar sensation of choking.

The respirations were not altered in frequency, but in all cases great inclination to cough was experienced, with an indescribable feeling of fullness about the chest.

Cough and bronchial irritation.

Much cough (in fifty seconds).

Involuntary coughing (in two minutes).

Breathing 24, from 20 (in two minutes).

Normal respiration, 18; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 20.

Normal respiration, 16; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 20.

Respiration much easier and deeper, apparently dependent on dilatation of the bronchi (inhalation of 1 drop).

Accelerated respiration.

Desire to sigh convulsively (in thirty seconds).

Slight dyspnoea, with inclination to cough (immediately).

It sometimes causes a little breathlessness and coughing.


Vital capacity (spirometric) of the lungs not increased no diminished (average of large number of experiments).

Sensation as if the anterior wall of the thorax were swelled out to a convex shape, and the lower end of the sternum made a deep depression, bent in towards the spine (without objective signs of contraction of diaphragm or abdominal muscles).

Praecordial anxiety (in thirty seconds).

Heart and Pulse.

The beating of the heart and of the carotids is, in some persons, very marked.

Accelerated heart-action (in thirty seconds).

Increased frequency of cardiac pulsation.

Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart-action (in a few minutes).

Tumultuous heart-action.

Pain and constriction around heart; an aching pain.

The aching pain and constriction of the heart continued more or less for at least three weeks, when it was relieved after taking Cactus grand.

Dull pain in heart. (Pulse not markedly affected).

In all cases, the pulse was invariably the first function to show any indication of the action of the drug.

Generally, in from three to ten seconds, the beats were much increased in frequency.

The pulse-beats often rose from 70 to rate of 160 per minute in a few seconds, quickly subsiding again as the drug was left off, but nearly always remaining somewhat irregular.

When sphygmographic tracings were made, it was found that in the very first stage of its action. The up stroke produced by the contracting ventricle was almost imperceptible, giving unpleasant visions of approaching syncope.

This feature was apparently due to the excessive rapidity of the heart’s action, and was succeeded, in a very few bets, by a sudden and jerking impulse, which gave no positive indication of anything more than an exaggeration of normal conditions.

The sphygmographic pulse-curve ends abruptly in a very sudden downfall.

Frequency of pulse rapidly increases (in eight to twelve seconds).

Accelerated pulse; 96 to 136; in one minute, small; in two minutes, full three minutes, very full.

A pulse of 20, in a quarter of a minute, will often rise, in ten or fifteen seconds, to 40.

Pulse rose from 66 (normal) to 114 (inhalation of 3 drops).

Pulse rose from 72 (normal) to 128; returned, in two minutes, to normal. (The face became very red).

Pulse 136, regular (normal, 54), (in two minutes).

Pulse 80, very irregular (in four minutes).

Pulse 72, more regular (in seven minutes).

Pulse 80, regular (in thirty-one minutes).

Pulse 65 (in half a minute).

Pulse 72, irregular (in four minutes).

Pulse 64 (in twenty-three minutes).

Pulse decrease 64 beats (from 168 to 104), (in two minutes).

Pulse 80 (in seven minutes).

Pulse 160, from 120 (in thirty seconds).

Pulse 104, from 84 (in ten seconds).

Pulse 96, from 84 (in two minutes).

Pulse 84, very irregular (in eight minutes).

Pulse at rate of 108 per minute, from 84 (in five seconds).

Pulse at rate of 120, from 84 (in ten seconds).

Pulse 144 (in fifteen seconds), from 84.

Pulse 84, very irregular (in two minutes).

Pulse 84, regular (in three minutes and fifty seconds).

Normal pulse, 60; after ninety seconds, 130; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 80.

Normal pulse, 64; after ninety seconds, 106; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 68.

Pulse at first slow and very strong; afterwards, quicker and jerking.

Neck and Back.

Warmth of neck.

Extremities in General.

Tired feeling of limbs.

Muscular tremor of arms (in two minutes).

Tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers.

While writing, hand so tired that he can hardly hold the pen, with crampy feeling in wrist and thumb, which is sometimes difficult to overcome; the thumb seems to grasp the pen so tight that it is difficult to guide it (it is now over fifteen minutes, and the effect is still very strong).


The muscles generally seemed relaxed and heavy; this caused a sensation of unsteadiness while walking (inhalation of 1 drop).

The blood-pressure is diminished.

Slight feeling of lassitude (in seven minutes).

After all experiments, a feeling of lassitude remained behind for thirty or forty minutes.

General relaxed, weak feeling over the whole body.

Weak feeling all over the body.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.