
Ambra homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Ambra grisea.

Found in some marine animals, and frequently obtained floating on the Southern seas.

Preparation, Triturations.


Distorted images, grimaces, diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy; he cannot get rid of them.

Lewd fancies, even when dreaming; the mind and the sexual organs, however, do not feel excited by them (first twenty-four hours).

She is excited, loquacious; talking fatigues her; she was unable to sleep at night; got a headache, as if she carried a large load upon her head; she felt oppressed at the chest; had to sit up in bed, and was attacked with anguish and sweat all over.

Uncommonly long excitement.

Great equanimity (reaction of the organism).

Great sadness (after seventy-two hours).

Despair (after forty-eight hours).

Great depression of spirits (after six days).

He is overwhelmed with sad thoughts, and feels a sort of qualmishness about the heart; he feels sad for a long time.

Indifferent to joy or grief; more depressed, however, than composed.

Anxiety after dinner.

Anxious thoughts arise in his mind.

The mind feels uneasy and agitated.

Uneasiness the whole day, the chest feeling of oppressed.

Anguish and tremor (after eight days).

In the evening one feels a sort of anguish.

Irritated mood, as if one had weak nerves and were impatient. Talking irritates her; she is attacked with trembling through the whole body, especially in the lower extremities, and has to be alone for some time in order to rest herself.

Immediately, whining mood, followed by peevishness and quarrelsomeness, for two hours; he feels easily roused to indignation.

Constant alternation of depression of spirits and vehemence of temper; this prevents him form having a calm mood.

He is always as if he were in a dream He was not able to reflect upon anything properly; he feels stupid (first twenty-four hours).

Bad memory; his thoughts are weak; he has to read everything three or four times, and, after all, he does not seize the meaning of what he reads.


Oppressive confusion of the head, immediately after eating, especially during motion.

Compressing confusion of the head.

Headache every morning; the head feels muddled, as if she had been revelling the whole night.

Violent vertigo.

Uncommon, even dangerous, vertigo.

Vertigo, when walking in the open air in the fore and afternoon.

She had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in stomach (in afternoon, after seventy-two hours).

Great weakness in his head, with vertigo (after forty- eight hours).

Weakness in the head, with a sort of chilliness of the head.

Congestion of blood to the head for two days.

Music causes the blood to rush to the head.

Tension in the head, which makes one feel stupid.

Compressing headache, starting from both temples.

Pressive drawing ascending from the nape of the neck, and extending thorough the head towards the forehead, considerable pressure remaining behind in the lower part of the occiput.

Drawings and tearings in the head, to and fro.

Pressure and stitches in the head.

Oppressive and tearing headache, especially over and on the top of the head.

Shootings through the head.

When making an exertion, he experiences a lancinating and cutting headache; he feels it at every step; easier when lying down.

(Twitchings in the head).

Headache as if a cold would come on, at times increasing, at times decreasing, and continual.

Headache when blowing the nose.

External headache; also in the nape of the neck and in the neck; pain as from straining the parts in lifting, painful to the touch, the whole day (after twelve days).

Painful pimple on the forehead.

Red pimple on the middle of the forehead, close to the hair; it feels sore when touched, but does not suppurate.

Sensation in the forehead and eyes as when a cold is about breaking out.

Oppressive headache in the forehead.

Pressure in the forehead, with apprehension of becoming crazy (after forty-eight hours).

Downward pressing pain in the forehead and the top of the head, every other day, accompanied by heat in the head and burning in the eyes, paleness of the face, beginning early in the morning, increasing only in the afternoon.

Short violent pressure, just over the nose, in the forehead, in frequent paroxysms; it becomes tearing, and leaves behind a confusion of the occiput.

Tearing headache in the forehead, as far as the upper part of the face.

Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence.

Tearing in left temple, as high up as the vertex; also in the right frontal eminence, and behind the left ear.

Humming around the temples.

Stitch in the head, over the left temple (after three hours).

Painless feeling of pressure on top of head, and heaviness of the head, in the evening (after thirty-six hours).

Extremely painful tear in on the top of the head, and apparently in the whole upper half of the brain, with paleness of the face and coldness of the left hand.

On the right side of the head there is a place where the hairs pain when touched, as if sore.

Confusion of the occiput.

Pressing pain in the occiput and nape of neck.

Pressive pain in a small place of the occiput.

Tearing pressure in the whole occiput, extending as far as the top and the forehead. Tearing on the left side of the occiput towards the nape of the neck and behind the ear.

In the evening, several very severe stitches ascending towards the occiput.

Falling off of the hair (after twenty-four hours).


Distended veins of the white of the eye.

Pressure and biting of the eye, as from dust which had got in.

Pressure upon the eyes, which can only be opened with difficulty; pain in the eyes, as if they had been closed too firmly, especially early in the morning.

Pressure upon the eyes, as if they were deep in the orbits, with tearing headache, extending downward from the forehead, or form the ear through the occiput (after three hours).

Burning pain in the right eye (after ten hours).

Tearing, in short jerks, in and around the right eye.

Burning in the eyelids.

Itching of the eyelid, as if a stye would form there.

Pressure on left eyebrow.

Biting and lachrymation of the eyes.

Intolerably itching titillation around the eyes.

Turbid sight, as through a mist (after some hours).

Very dim vision (after three days).

After a meal, shootings, first around the left, then around the right eye.


Violent tearing pain in the lobule and behind it.

Tearing in right ear early in morning, and frequently at other times.

Crawling in ears (after forty-eight hours).

Itching and tickling in the ears.

Hearing decreases every day, five days in succession (after six days).

Deafness of one ear.

Roaring and whistling in the ear, in the afternoon (after four days).

(Snapping, as of a spark from the electric machine, and noise, as when winding up a watch).


Dried blood gathers in the nose (after sixteen hours).

Bleeding at the nose, early in the morning.

(Great dryness of the inside of the nose, although air passes through easily).

Cramp of the right wing of the nose, toward the malar bone.

Obstruction of the nose, which feels sore internally.

Great dryness of the nose, which continues a long time, accompanied by a good deal of irritation in the nose, as if one would sneeze.

Occasional sneezing, the nose being dry.

Tingling in the nose, as if one would sneeze.

Frequent attempts to sneeze. She sneezed almost every day; this never happened before.

Dry coryza.


Flushes of head in the face.

Jaundice-colored face.

Spasmodic trembling of the muscles of the face.

Spasmodic twitchings of the face in the evening, when in bed.

Gnawing and tingling-itching in the face.

Tearing in the upper part of the face, especially near the right wing of the nose.

Red spot on the cheek, without any sensation.

Pimples and itching in the whiskers.

Tension of the cheek, as from swelling.

Painless swelling of the cheek on the upper jaw, with throbbing in the gums (after a few hours).

Stitching, pressive pain in the jaws.

Pain in the jaws, as if they were being screwed together or asunder.

Hot lips.

Spasm of the lower lip, and sensation as if it were being pressed against the gums and torn away.


Bleeding of the teeth.

Unusually copious bleeding from the lower teeth of the right side.

Drawing pain, at times in one, at times in another tooth; the pain, increased by warmth, was suppressed by cold, for a few moments; did not become worse by chewing, and went off after a meal; the gums on the inner side were swollen.

Pain in the hollow tooth, in the evening.

Pain in the hollow tooth, especially in the open air, as if the nerve were being touched.

After dinner, pain in a hollow tooth, more lancinating than tearing; for half an hour (after five hours).

Prickling, drawing in the upper right molar teeth.

Pressive, burrowing pain, apparently under the left lower molar teeth; in the evening when in bed.

Drawing pain, sometimes in the teeth of the right sometimes in those of the left side, by day, and for several nights.

Drawing in the incisor tooth, as if a current of air rushed into the tooth, causing a stitch there.

Considerably swollen and painful gums.

The tongue is coated gray-yellow.

Tuberculous growths under the tongue, which feel sore.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.